
Presented from Newport Academy on 1/7/25. Patient engaged in property destruction and made suicidal comments. Patient admitted to Newport in November. Patient was administratively discharged at the end of December. Patient has a history of running/eloping and is believed to have been trafficked to Ohio in October. Patient was tracked down by his cell phone and detained by law enforcement at a juvenile detention center in Cleveland. Patient returned to MN and was admitted to Newport. Not meeting criteria for acute inpatient psychiatric placement. Long-term placement in a secure/locked facility is recommended.


Pt has has multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, is aggressive often, and very unpredictable in her behaviors. She was in an ED for about a month, and was placed at Northwoods residential treatment. She was engaging in self harm. and making threats to jump out of a window. Pt assaulted police who came to remove her from the facility for psychiatric care. Northwoods does not feel that they can keep her or the other patients safe there, so they are not willing to accept her back.


Patient is a 16-year-old girl with history of mental illness who was brought to the emergency department from port group home where she has been residing for about 5 days. Patient states that she was in juvenile detention immediately prior to going to the group home. Patient has been prescribed psychotropic medicines in the past, but is not currently using any medications. Recommendation from probation officer and county social worker is juvenile detention center or psychiatric inpatient hospitalization pending long term psych placement. However, LE states they can’t bring her to JDC as she has no charges that would make that appropriate at this time without order from probation. Pt has been aggressive, verbally and physically while in the ED. She has eloped on multiple occasions and has attempted to harm herself.


Patient presented to the ER following an intentional overdose to end her life and had just started PHP the week of admission. She had an additional overdose of the same medications in March 2023 and has had reported several other suicide attempts. Patient is on probation for assaulting her mother and has a history of running away, physical & verbal aggression, sexual misconduct (sending nude photos of herself to adult males for money), alcohol/chemical use, school difficulties, and parent/child conflict.


Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.


Kiddo came to our ED 9/25, brought in after being discharged from NW Passages, where she was for 3 months, due to elopement and being found by police. Aunt brought her to our ED. Has CMH through Anoka County who are working toward placement, concerns about SEY history and elopement.


A 17-year-old female presented to the emergency department with altered mental status due to drug intoxication. Hennepin County currently holds temporary custody of her. She had been reported missing since July. Given her condition and the circumstances surrounding her case, there is a strong suspicion of human trafficking.


Presented to the ED in the evening, 9/18/24, with her parents after she ran away from school on Tuesday and made suicidal statements to a friend on Monday stating “I’m going to kill myself” which was relayed back to her parents. She also told another peer on Monday that she plans to run away. When she did run away the following day, Mom reports that she was missing for two hours before they found her and there were no known precipitating factors leading to this. Patient tells writer that she “doesn’t know” where she went on Tuesday and “I was walking towards home apparently.” Writer asked about why she is expressing confusion/poor memory of the event and if she was using any drugs/alcohol. She looked at writer, shrugged, then did not answer further. Throughout evaluation, patient is vague, intermittently evasive, and at times mute with writer. She presents with an incongruent and at times inappropriate affect and vacillates from a younger child-like presentation to a more adolescent presentation. She lacks insight into her parents’ concerns and demonstrates poor insight and poor judgement related to her personal safety. She is not willing or able to participate in reflection about why her parents/other adults are having significant concerns for her overall wellbeing, mental health and safety. When asked if she thinks she can maintain safety in the community/at home and also agree to not run away, she will not answer writer.
Area(s) of Risk: suicidal ideation, elopement, inability to care for self
Level of Risk: High for elopement and safety chronically for past few months which has been demonstrated repeatedly by running away and making unsafe choices such as getting in a stranger’s car and making pornographic videos of herself. Level of risk for SI statements is fluctuating and it is noted that pt does not have hx of suicide attempts.
Intent to Act: No
Referrals made to adolescent child psychiatric hospitals however no openings. Patient calm, cooperative and not having sx or bx thus appropriate to dc back home as of 9/20 however parents declining to have her discharge to home.
Child Protection involved as well as patient’s mental health case manager.


A 16-year-old female presented to the ED after being away from her group home placement for about 2 weeks. She is a ward of the state and is currently boarding in the ED due to her complex social and mental health history, increased risk of elopement, and the care team’s challenges in developing a safe discharge plan. Referrals are pending.


Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for homicidal ideation towards his foster family (maternal aunt) and biological brother and had threatened them with a knife. Was removed from his biological home in June due to neglect, abuse, domestic abuse, substance use in the home. Patient with dissociative episodes and resorting back to small child like behaviors.