History of PTSD, RAD, ODD, mood issues, adopted at age 6, multiple foster placements prior. Struggling for many years, 4 suicide attempts fall 2021, placed in a shelter in St Paul and targeted by a sex trafficker and eloped for 2 weeks, repeatedly assaulted, given drugs. Admitted to SEY program at Heartland Girls Ranch March 2022, unsuccessfully discharged October 2022 after assaulting a peer. Receiving school-based CD services through ALC, but no mental health services. Case manager working on residential but no success. Admitted to hospital 1/23/23 after massive OD triggered by breakup. Medically cleared 1/27, declined by all inpatient psych because of assault history. Suicidality has resolved, no behavioral issues. She eloped from the peds floor on 3/16/23 and had to be brought back to the ED by law enforcement. Hospitalization not recommended; county looking at outside placement options.
Risk Factor: Aggression (isolated incident)
This term refers to instances of isolated, non-repetitive aggressive behavior, such as a single incident of physical aggression or verbal aggression.
Patient is presented to the ED by EMS from an RTC facility. Patient assaulted another resident and staff members, and attempted to elope from the facility. Patient is under guardianship of Martin County, and is considered a vulnerable adult. Patient has a significant history of abuse, and suicidal ideation. Patient is supposed to follow a low sugar and fat diet due to pancreatitis.