
This child is a ward of Steele County with Significant aggression and significant trauma. Mom died in 2019, Dad in group home for TBI. Suicidal/homicidal statements, thoughts. Tried to place with 19 yo sibling which lasted for a month, but brother doesn’t think he can keep him safe any longer. Came from SERCC to Mayo ED when he escalated to a point that they couldn’t care for him. He has been doing OK since he got there but has had a few instances of escalating to the point of needing to be restrained with holds and sedation. Struggles with conspiracy theories, as his mom died of a septic kidney infection, but he believes that her boyfriend poisoned her. He is fearful of being poisoned; he won’t sleep without someone watching over him. Not safe for a group home at this point.


a history of diagnoses of PTSD, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol and Cannabis Use disorders, and unspecified mood disorder. Her social and developmental history is notable for recurrent physical abuse by mother and mother’s romatic partners leading to termination of parental rights 6/21/22, alleged sexual assault, first JDC placement at age 12, and recurrent residential placements through juvenile justice over the last few years. Comes after a violent episode at a foster home; she is unable to return.


Patient arrived via EMS due to her mother calling 911 after the patient made suicidal comments at home and conflict with her mother. Patient was engaging in sexual behavior with a strange, in exchange for drugs. Patient went home and told her mother what she did, passively stating she wanted to kill herself.
The patient has a history of risky sexual behavior, self-harm, and suicidal ideation. Patient also has a history of physical and verbal altercations with others including family and EMS / hospital / treatment staff, and has a history of 3 suicide attempts, most recent attempt was 1 year ago by ingesting bleach.
Patient has a past psychiatric history of ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, and Cannabis Use disorder.


14yr old male who presents to Emergency Dept with homicidal ideations with dad from school. He denies making statements of a homicidal nature but per report he threatened to kill his school paraprofessional and “shoot up the school.” Patient has access to means and at the time reported intent. He also make threats to hospital staff when angry and has made several comments about owning a gun. He has a history of acting violently and notes when he is angry he could do something to harm others. He missed several days of his psychiatric medications which may be contributing to this escalating behavior. Medication was restarted two days ago but he needs a safe secure environment to restart medication and to further evaluated his risk of threat to others. Patient is perseverative in this thinking, restless, and with disorganized thinking which may be in part due to not receiving his ADHD prior to this assessment but also deserves further assessment.


Update 7/27 Genesis Group Homes is pursuing an intake to potentially utilize crisis services.

16 year old adopted from Ecuador at age 8 (with twin brother with similar difficulties, as well as 2 other siblings without similar struggles), with ASD and intellectual disability, associated with a microduplication at chromosome 8p23.1, likely in-utero substance exposure, as well as early life neglect (living in an orphanage for much of his young life). Significant aggression difficulties that are becoming more unmanageable by family as he grows larger; unsuccessfully discharged from Chileda in November 2022. Family have financial resources and have purchased a second home for the boys and hired private caregivers in the evenings, but their income limits eligibility for MA and state-funded services. New behavior analyst started working with the family in March. May be on the MSOCS wait list. Currently on the wait list for inpatient care at Kennedy Krieger near Baltimore (brother previously had a good experience there).