
Patient presented to the ETC at SCH with aunt. Patient presented after being on run from NW Passages in Wisconsin. During times of elopement, patient is known to spend time at the home of a person known for drugs and trafficking. Patient has a county mental health case manager that is working to make referrals for appropriate levels of care. Patient has a history of aggression towards their aunt. Patient does not have any contact with biological father as he is incarcerated and limited contact with biological mother. Parental rights have not been terminated, but patient’s aunt has physical and legal custody. Patient is very vulnerable and has no insight into the unsafe nature of his behaviors.


Pt per chart presented 9/15/2024 d/t sent from JAF facility after agitation episode during which pt expressed self-harm ideation via electric outlets. Of note this is a behavior for which he has been sent to ED multiple times and regulates in ED and has been sent back. However, currently facility is not agreeing to take pt back and apparently for the past 5 days since last visit, there has been a plan to discharge pt if there was 1 more ED visit, which is current visit.


Pt presents from school after high level of aggression, homicidal threats, and property destruction resulting in multiple hours of restraints. Patient has longstanding history of aggression and impulsivity with recent increase and daily occurrence consistent with starting new school. Pt newly to a group home from home placement as of May 2024. Now discharged from level 4 school due to behavior leading to presentation. Looking for IP for medication adjustments, though making changes in the ER in the interim. Difficult placement given neurological functioning, level of aggression, and acuity.


Pt admitted to HC JDC on 08/16/2024 and since then has been ordered to be released from HC JDC, but all referrals have been denied to RTC, Group Home and Shelter placement. There is a significant history of mental health and trauma for this youth. The youths mom is not an option due to the mom not willing to take her home and the youth in out of home placement. No father (deceased). There is a significant history of aggression and currently charges pending in multiple counties with in MN.


Under Hennepin County custody. Came to the hospital after assaulting a peer and staff at crisis respite. Has been in multiple placements (residential, group homes, foster care and shelters) and has been terminated from them due to aggression. There were concerns for psychosis prior to admission but symptoms have stabilized with medication.


Adopted at birth with in utero meth exposure. Several inpatient, residential and outpatient avenues explored both instate and out of state. Patient is declined or asked to leave to due aggression to peers. Juvenile system has discharged back to mental health. Engages in self harm, significant aggression, stealing and fraud, fire setting, etc.


Update 4/15/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/15/24 to home with outpatient services while awaiting level 6 RTC/PRTF placement.

Update 4/3/24: Bar None Haven (Referral submitted, Denied 3.22.24), Northwood Children’s (Referral submitted, On waitlist), Grafton (Referral submitted), Nexus East Bethel (Referral submitted). County also working on referral for MITH program (MN Intensive Therapeutic Homes). MN Choice Assessment done.

12-year-old female with DMDD and RAD presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, 2 RTC placements and 2 JDC placements.

Discharge Plan:
Locked Level 6 RTC – Bar None Haven (Referral submitted)

Current Providers:
CMCHM at Beltrami County
Individual Therapy
Medication Management
Wavier Case Management Services through Beltrami County (In process)


Patient presented to hospital from group home with escalated bx, unable to return. County retains guardianship.


Significant behavioral issues, Parent takes him on a lease when taking him out of the home. Physically and verbally aggressive to parent(s) and others (peers and staff) throws items, pulls fire alarms. Attempts to elope.


Patient was adopted 2 years prior from Bulgaria. Initially, patient had very odd behaviors. For example, he would like his adoptive dad to be present in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom and showered. Parents state his behaviors have escalated. He has tried to masturbate the dog. He draws pictures of men with erections. He has exposed his genitals to his siblings. Purposefully incontinent of stool at tines. He has killed a Chinchilla and possibly several cats. He has tried to strangle the dog. They found sharp objects including a razor and sharp screwdriver under the bed. He did cut the top of his left hand but states this was an accident. Adoptive mom states they have a special needs child and patient has tried to harm this child. Parents are worried about safety within the home and are unable to bring him home at this time.