Kiddo came to our ED 12/23, came from North Memorial ED after incident with Grandma at home, brought to us from County Case Manager. Grandma has custody. Has history of physical aggression, primarily directed at family. Has been calm and cooperative in our ED. CM is currently exploring parent referred shelter programs but all thus far have denied due to age/behavior. OP therapist is recommending RTC for long term plan but needing interim plan as well, Grandma reports it’s not safe to return to her.
Recommended Service: Shelter
Shelters provide temporary housing and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness or in crisis situations, ensuring a safe and stable environment.
Came to us 12/9 after altercation at home with sister. Was recently inpatient for 9 days until 12/5. Parents are refusing to pick pt up. County has offered to set up CTSS services for family immediately and family refuses to work with the current Case Manager. No one is currently recommending out of home placement. Parents are wanting RTC. Has CADI waiver and contracted CM. We are continuing to work with the family and team to get her home.
Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.
Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.
A 17-year-old female presented to the emergency department with altered mental status due to drug intoxication. Hennepin County currently holds temporary custody of her. She had been reported missing since July. Given her condition and the circumstances surrounding her case, there is a strong suspicion of human trafficking.
Presented to the ED in the evening, 9/18/24, with her parents after she ran away from school on Tuesday and made suicidal statements to a friend on Monday stating “I’m going to kill myself” which was relayed back to her parents. She also told another peer on Monday that she plans to run away. When she did run away the following day, Mom reports that she was missing for two hours before they found her and there were no known precipitating factors leading to this. Patient tells writer that she “doesn’t know” where she went on Tuesday and “I was walking towards home apparently.” Writer asked about why she is expressing confusion/poor memory of the event and if she was using any drugs/alcohol. She looked at writer, shrugged, then did not answer further. Throughout evaluation, patient is vague, intermittently evasive, and at times mute with writer. She presents with an incongruent and at times inappropriate affect and vacillates from a younger child-like presentation to a more adolescent presentation. She lacks insight into her parents’ concerns and demonstrates poor insight and poor judgement related to her personal safety. She is not willing or able to participate in reflection about why her parents/other adults are having significant concerns for her overall wellbeing, mental health and safety. When asked if she thinks she can maintain safety in the community/at home and also agree to not run away, she will not answer writer.
Area(s) of Risk: suicidal ideation, elopement, inability to care for self
Level of Risk: High for elopement and safety chronically for past few months which has been demonstrated repeatedly by running away and making unsafe choices such as getting in a stranger’s car and making pornographic videos of herself. Level of risk for SI statements is fluctuating and it is noted that pt does not have hx of suicide attempts.
Intent to Act: No
Referrals made to adolescent child psychiatric hospitals however no openings. Patient calm, cooperative and not having sx or bx thus appropriate to dc back home as of 9/20 however parents declining to have her discharge to home.
Child Protection involved as well as patient’s mental health case manager.
12 yo male brought to Ridgeview Medical Center (RMC) via EMS after a verbal and physical outburst at home. Youth felt that his mother was “lying” about him to a visiting social worker and youth became aggressive, throwing dishes on the floor in the kitchen. Youth “pushed” his brother, who then pushed youth. No h/o violence or aggression at school or with individuals outside of his home. Most aggression is shown verbally towards his mother. Mother is not allowing youth back into her home right now. Carver Co. Crisis and COPE have assessed youth and are recommending psychotherapy and/or psychiatry/medication management.
Came to ED 9/13 after Dad reported pt was threatening. Family came from out of state recently, have been homeless in MN, living in their car. CPS involved and took temp custody of pt effective 9/17. CPS looking for foster care/shelter placement for kiddo and sibling. Referral made for Nexus YCT.
Came to ED 9/13 after Dad reported pt was threatening. Family came from out of state recently, have been homeless in MN, living in their car. CPS involved and took temp custody of pt effective 9/17. CPS looking for foster care/shelter placement for kiddo and sibling.
Pt came to our ED on 9/6 following a verbal altercation with foster parent. Foster parent is refusing to let kiddo return. County has custody, limited parental involvement. Was supposed to begin Fairview’s PHP program 9/10 however is unable to being in the ED, should be able to begin that program once placement is found. County is currently searching for shelter/other foster care options and screening for MH group home placements.