Presents from home. Patient is known to our facility having previously boarded. Patient lives with aunt and uncle. There are issues with their relationship, and it has been increasingly difficult for aunt and uncle to manage, and they do not want patient to return home.
Recommended Service: Shelter
Shelters provide temporary housing and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness or in crisis situations, ensuring a safe and stable environment.
He completed day treatment on 1/23/25 but has been dysregulated off and on during that time, residing at foster home and eloping. Prior to presentation, eloped and was away from home for 12+ hours, sleeping outside in someone’s truck (not running) in zero degree temperatures. Nobody feels he can be maintained safely in the community.
Kiddo came to our ED from NW Passages in WI on 1/3. She can not return to NW Passages as she has told them she refuses to return there. She had made threats to peers and family while there and was showing increased aggression. She was only going to remain there until turning 18 this spring and then the team did not know where she was going to go next. Currently they are looking at shelters, PRTFs, and anywhere that may accept her. (We have not had a team meeting yet to get full details) There is an intake meeting with Nexus YCT today at 1pm to get their assistance with placement.
Patient sent to Cambridge medical center ED due to aggression and numerous ED visits from Bar None. Bar None discharging the patient.
Kiddo arrived in ED on 12/22 after altercation at Passageways Shelter. Has boarded with us many times previously, including 3 in the past month: 11/29-12/5, 12/14-12/18, and now 12/22. Also previously boarded with us 4/26 to 5/29. Was recently at Aspen and Passageways shelters, neither which she can return to. Long history of elopement. County has interim custody. Team was working toward RTC but has also historically been denied by these programs.
Kiddo came to our ED 12/23, came from North Memorial ED after incident with Grandma at home, brought to us from County Case Manager. Grandma has custody. Has history of physical aggression, primarily directed at family. Has been calm and cooperative in our ED. CM is currently exploring parent referred shelter programs but all thus far have denied due to age/behavior. OP therapist is recommending RTC for long term plan but needing interim plan as well, Grandma reports it’s not safe to return to her.
Came to us 12/9 after altercation at home with sister. Was recently inpatient for 9 days until 12/5. Parents are refusing to pick pt up. County has offered to set up CTSS services for family immediately and family refuses to work with the current Case Manager. No one is currently recommending out of home placement. Parents are wanting RTC. Has CADI waiver and contracted CM. We are continuing to work with the family and team to get her home.
Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.
Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.
A 17-year-old female presented to the emergency department with altered mental status due to drug intoxication. Hennepin County currently holds temporary custody of her. She had been reported missing since July. Given her condition and the circumstances surrounding her case, there is a strong suspicion of human trafficking.