
Under Hennepin County custody. Came to the hospital after assaulting a peer and staff at crisis respite. Has been in multiple placements (residential, group homes, foster care and shelters) and has been terminated from them due to aggression. There were concerns for psychosis prior to admission but symptoms have stabilized with medication.


Pt came to ED from North Homes, after increase in physical/verbal aggression and 30 day notice was given and lapsed without another placement found. Was boarding in our ED in Nov 2023 prior to admit to North Homes. Planning to connect with parent/County about re-involving Nexus YCT. Some sexual inappropriate behavior making him difficult to place.


Adopted at birth with in utero meth exposure. Several inpatient, residential and outpatient avenues explored both instate and out of state. Patient is declined or asked to leave to due aggression to peers. Juvenile system has discharged back to mental health. Engages in self harm, significant aggression, stealing and fraud, fire setting, etc.


6/4/24 admission note: Patient is a 14-year-old female admitted to PrairieCare for suicidal ideation and self-injurious behaviors. Patient was recently discharged from a 45-days residential program. 2 days post discharge patient began threatening to kill her mom and reported SI with plan to jump in front of a car. Pt has a history of recurrent major depression SI, and SIB.

Discharge Plan:
SMRT-Hennepin County (7/8)
PRTF/QRTP – Level 6:
-Grafton (declined due to current milieu at facility)
-Nexus East Bethel (unable to refer due to insurance)
-Leo A Hoffman (unable to refer due to males only)
-Bar None Haven (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-Northwood (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-The Youth Village in Tennessee (guardian pursuing)
-Acadia Healthcare (SW to send referral once consent obtained)

Current Providers-
Therapy- Paula Ocampo at Lake Country Associates
EMDR therapy-Tiffany Rundquist, Sanford Health Bemidji
Pediatric Neurology- Dr. Ilgarli, Essentia Health
Psychiatry- Daniel Janiczak, MD and Kayla Scheneit, MD- Sandford Bemidji
CMHCM- Erika Kjellberg, Hubbard County
CTSS- Megan Berg, Hubbard County
EMPATH at Bemidji Sanford 2 times/week


Update 6/26/24: Patient doing well and has made improvement with emotional dysregulation. No longer recommending PRTF level of care. Interview with Divine House occurred last week.

Update-5/30/24- Patient has had severe decompensation in part due to child protection concerns along with prolonged hospitalization and has been in the BICU for aggression, self harm, and seeking/securing items to self harm with. It is now recommended that she be placed in a PRTF.

11 year old presented to the ER after discharging from residential for concerns of running away, recent sexual perpetration to 6 year old brother, and homicidal ideation towards current guardian. Active CPS investigation over the last 1.5 years and is unable to return to her mother’s care or a home with younger children. This patient struggles with low insight, poor boundaries, antagonizing behavior, and justifies her behaviors. We attempted to obtain psychological testing though patient was not cooperative and refused. Medications are stable. She continues to display oppositional behaviors at times.


Discharging today 6/20 to group home

Came to our ED solely due to not having another placement. Has boarded in our ED in the past. Was previously at Bar None Shelter plus where she assaulted others and was taken to JDC. Was in JDC for a week when a judge ordered her to be removed, so CPS brought her to the ED as they had no other place to go. CPS is searching for group home placement as that is what the County’s juvenile screening team deemed the appropriate level of care.


Presented following disclosing suicidal ideation at school. Previous foster home is unwilling to take her back due to mental health needs. County/hospital is pursuing therapeutic foster care and group homes. She has previously been placed at JDC due to running away from home. She has not run away from previous placements


This pt arrived in Ridges ED on 5/31 after behaviors at her Grandma’s house. St Louis County has temporary guardianship. Grandma is refusing to let her return to her home. Made suicidal statements at home and was verbally escalated. County is exploring Heartland Girls Ranch and 35 day assessment programs. Referral is being completed to Nexus YCT.


Patient is under guardianship of Scott County; most recently residing at JAF who is not allowing her back. Foster family cannot take back.


Pt is a 15 year old female with a history of unstable placements after having been removed from family care due to physical abuse. She has a history of irritability, impulsivity and mood instability which have led to outbursts, self-harm, aggression and property destruction. She was admitted to the hospital after being discharged from her residential treatment facility due to these behaviors. Patient is requesting medication management for the above listed symptoms while we work with her Hennepin County case manager on placement. She has not had any significant behavioral issues over the past 2 weeks while in the hospital.