Patient presents via law enforcement for increased aggression and outbursts, threatened to hurt self and staff with a knife, recently broke a staff members nose. Facility next door to group home is a day care and Pt threatened to slit the kids throats (has a history of aggression towards small children). She was seen by psychiatry who felt behaviors were chronic in nature and would not improve with inpatient hospitalization and return to group home was recommended. Each attempt and returning to her group home resulting in her assaulting staff and need for restraints and IM. Group home has since suspended services.
Recommended Service: Group Home
Group Homes are residential facilities where individuals, often children or adults with special needs, live in a group setting with support and supervision provided by trained staff.
On 11/14/24 the patient’s foster parents brought him to HCMC APS after he was discharged from Children’s Hospital St Paul because of his aggressive behavior. When in APS the patient began hitting his foster mom and becoming increasingly agitated. Security had to assist in transporting the patient to an emergency department bed, where he was then put into restraints for his and others safety. He was given sedative medications, IM.
The patient has been in foster care since he was 7 years old. He was physically and emotionally abused by his biological mother. He has been hospitalized at Fariview inpatient pediatric psych for a year, where he was then transferred to a residential treatment center. He has been with his current foster parents since August 7th, 2024.
Patient is needing an out-of-home, secure, placement, due to ongoing, chronic, safety concerns, that are unable to be managed at home. Patient is recommended to attend Residential Treatment or enter into a supportive living environment.
Patient has a significant psychiatric history including:
Psychiatric hospitalizations
-Mayo Clinic Generose 08/2019
-PrairieCare 10/29-11/11/2022
-PrairieCare 08/30-9/7/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 09/2023
-PrairieCare 11/8-11/20/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 12/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 04/2024
-PrairieCare 06/25-7/11/2024
-PrairieCare 07/25-8/14/2024
Residential Treatment:
-North Homes for a 35-day evaluation
-Gerard 08/2020-06/2021
-Gerard 12/2022-06/2023
Day Treatment:
-Fernbrook Family Center
Partial Hospitalization:
-Mayo Clinic November 2021, June 2022; Prairie St. John’s February 2022 and July 2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 11/16-12/21/2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/11-9/15/2023
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/19-10/11/2023
History of self-harm by cutting (recently daily), with one prior reported suicide attempt (by overdose, 6/2024), who re-presents to PrairieCare inpatient due to safety concerns related to self-harm by cutting, with increasing suicidal ideation and intention, with an inability to contract for safety, in the context of stressors related to school re-starting.
Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.
Patient with autism and agitation sent from his new group home awaiting placement options. pt’s DD CM Deqa (612-472-2572) to gather more information regarding the Exception Bed Referral. Deqa shared that she was told that she can either refer for the Exception Bed or MFOC but not both. She is moving forward with the MFOC referral, as it would be a long term placement which would be better for the pt in the long run. She has made it known that the referral to MFOC is urgent. If the MFOC referral is denied, Deqa plans to either push on DHS as they have had an opening for 1 year and have not filled it, and/or pursue the Exception Bed. Deqa said she submitted for the Minnesota State- Operated Community Services (MSOCS) referral on 10/15. DHS Complex Transitions Team referral made on 10/15/24.
17 y/o male with MDD with psychotic features, neurodevelopmental disorder, intellectual disability. He recently discharged from CABHS. Waiting for MSCOCS placement hopefully will be admitted on 10/2. There concern of excessive irritability, agitation, disorganized thoughts, delusions, history of auditory or visual hallucinations, history of self injury and impulsive behaviors leaving to being in dangerous situations.
Came to us 7/22 via EMT after aggression and property destruction at hotel crisis respite, provider wont take pt back. Previously boarding in our ED 4/5 to 4/25, with somewhat frequent ED visits between. Has previously been to VOA Bar None. Hennepin County has custody and our team was struggling with reaching the CPS worker yesterday/this morning- going to continue reaching out for further plan/details.
Recommendation is for level 5 RTC – patient is currently inpatient.
14-year-old Male from ED. Patient got in a fight with their father and ran away from home. Patient has had several other inpatient hospitalizations and has completed a partial hospitalization program with PrairieCare. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. Referrals have been sent to Gerard Academy and Nexus Mille Lacs.
Patient insured by UCARE MA PMAP.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual Therapy
Patient admitted to inpatient hospital following attempted overdose. Prior to hospitalization pt had resided at home with parents since February 2024. Prior to this pt had 18 month stay at Gerard RTC. Pt also had previous stay at North Homes RTC.
Discharge Plan:
-PCR (referral sent)
-Gerard (referral sent)
-North Homes (referral sent)
-Village Ranch (declined in February due to behaviors, flight risk, animal cruelty)
-Mille Lacs (referral sent)
-Bar None Shelter Plus (need county referral/funding, CMHCM not supporting)
-Leo Hoffman (referral in progress)
Group Home
-CMCHCM assisting with referrals although pt would need to pursue CADI funding prior to county funding
-MnChoices Assessment through Hennepin County for CADI Waiver (request made, scheduling 6 months out, can expedite if placement is found)
Continue with established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist: Scott Nielson with Melissa Anderson and Associates
Primary Care Provider: Riverwood in MacGregor
Prescriber/Medication Management: Janet Larson with Riverwood Clinic
CMHCM: Alissa Boser with Aitken County (218-838-2405)
Probation Officer: Jacob Leondhardt with Aitkin County (218-927-7231)
Patient presented via law enforcement to the St. Cloud ETC after eloping from mother’s home and found wandering on Highway 10. Initially aggressive/combative with law enforcement. Patient was cleared for discharge but refused to go with mom, because combative and required PRN to calm down. Was kept overnight. Patient’s mom refused to pick patient up once cleared for discharge due to his ongoing aggressive behaviors. CPS is involved and a new report was filed.
Police hold initiated 7/9/24 and CHIPs petition is being pursued. County CPS worker is seeking foster care placement.
Update (7/18)- Court hearing for CHIPs petition. County CPS case worker is continuing to look for foster care placement. Patient will have twice weekly phone calls with his mother.