
The patient is a 15 Y year-old male with a history of TBI, autism spectrum disorder, and is nonverbal who presented to the ER by EMS for agitation. Pt became upset after mom told him ‘no’ when he tried putting his hand in hot oil. He reportedly did put his fingers in the oil, however no injury observable. At home, he began to hit himself, slapping his wrist, pacing, kicking things. Mom tried to give him PRN hydroxyzine and haloperidol but he spit out some of them. Mom indicated the behavioral outbursts have started to occur more frequently and she is no longer to redirect or manage pt due to his size. Mom is attempting to find long term placement


On 11/14/24 the patient’s foster parents brought him to HCMC APS after he was discharged from Children’s Hospital St Paul because of his aggressive behavior. When in APS the patient began hitting his foster mom and becoming increasingly agitated. Security had to assist in transporting the patient to an emergency department bed, where he was then put into restraints for his and others safety. He was given sedative medications, IM.
The patient has been in foster care since he was 7 years old. He was physically and emotionally abused by his biological mother. He has been hospitalized at Fariview inpatient pediatric psych for a year, where he was then transferred to a residential treatment center. He has been with his current foster parents since August 7th, 2024.


The patient presented to HCMC emergency department on 11/13/24 with police after running away from home. He is still currently in HCMCs emergency department. He was found on a metro transit bus where he became agitated, fighting and fleeing from officers, making suicidal comments. When in the emergency department the patient significantly agitated, pacing room, yelling. He began destroying hospital property and was physically restrained by security and placed in pediatric violent restraints. He repeatedly shouted, “just kill me” and threatening harm to self and staff. He has been angry and agitated about his situation at home. When he doesn’t get his way with his mother, he acts out, runs away from home, and he places himself in danger as he is impulsive and does things that place himself at risk. The patient was given sedatives for the agitation and heightened state on two different occasions so far.

Presented to the emergency department at HCMC on 11/9/24 for suicidal ideation. The patient ran away from home two hours prior to arrival at the ED. He was encountered by police and was very upset, refusing to go home because he did not like it there. Made suicidal comments, prompting PD to bring patient to the ED. Patient currently is adamantly denying any suicidal attempts this evening. He endorses self-harming in the past by punching himself in the head, no self-harm tonight. He reports that he feels safe at home, but that he does not want to be there because it is boring.

He was at an inpatient psychiatric from 9/6/24-9/24/24, which was his first inpatient hospitalization. The patient was brought in by ambulance from school after an aggressive outburst. Patient was verbalizing suicidal thoughts. He was aggressive in school and required ketamine and restraints during transport. Patient presenting with episodic episodes of dysregulation of such magnitude that he requires multiple psychotropic medications as well as physical restraints to calm him down for his safety and that of others.


Patient is needing an out-of-home, secure, placement, due to ongoing, chronic, safety concerns, that are unable to be managed at home. Patient is recommended to attend Residential Treatment or enter into a supportive living environment.

Patient has a significant psychiatric history including:

Psychiatric hospitalizations
-Mayo Clinic Generose 08/2019
-PrairieCare 10/29-11/11/2022
-PrairieCare 08/30-9/7/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 09/2023
-PrairieCare 11/8-11/20/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 12/2023
-Mayo Clinic Generose 04/2024
-PrairieCare 06/25-7/11/2024
-PrairieCare 07/25-8/14/2024

Residential Treatment:
-North Homes for a 35-day evaluation
-Gerard 08/2020-06/2021
-Gerard 12/2022-06/2023

Day Treatment:
-Fernbrook Family Center

Partial Hospitalization:
-Mayo Clinic November 2021, June 2022; Prairie St. John’s February 2022 and July 2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 11/16-12/21/2022
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/11-9/15/2023
-PrairieCare Rochester 09/19-10/11/2023

History of self-harm by cutting (recently daily), with one prior reported suicide attempt (by overdose, 6/2024), who re-presents to PrairieCare inpatient due to safety concerns related to self-harm by cutting, with increasing suicidal ideation and intention, with an inability to contract for safety, in the context of stressors related to school re-starting.


Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.


Patient with autism and agitation sent from his new group home awaiting placement options. pt’s DD CM Deqa (612-472-2572) to gather more information regarding the Exception Bed Referral. Deqa shared that she was told that she can either refer for the Exception Bed or MFOC but not both. She is moving forward with the MFOC referral, as it would be a long term placement which would be better for the pt in the long run. She has made it known that the referral to MFOC is urgent. If the MFOC referral is denied, Deqa plans to either push on DHS as they have had an opening for 1 year and have not filled it, and/or pursue the Exception Bed. Deqa said she submitted for the Minnesota State- Operated Community Services (MSOCS) referral on 10/15. DHS Complex Transitions Team referral made on 10/15/24.


17 y/o male with MDD with psychotic features, neurodevelopmental disorder, intellectual disability. He recently discharged from CABHS. Waiting for MSCOCS placement hopefully will be admitted on 10/2. There concern of excessive irritability, agitation, disorganized thoughts, delusions, history of auditory or visual hallucinations, history of self injury and impulsive behaviors leaving to being in dangerous situations.


Pt per chart presented 9/15/2024 d/t sent from JAF facility after agitation episode during which pt expressed self-harm ideation via electric outlets. Of note this is a behavior for which he has been sent to ED multiple times and regulates in ED and has been sent back. However, currently facility is not agreeing to take pt back and apparently for the past 5 days since last visit, there has been a plan to discharge pt if there was 1 more ED visit, which is current visit.


Came to us 7/22 via EMT after aggression and property destruction at hotel crisis respite, provider wont take pt back. Previously boarding in our ED 4/5 to 4/25, with somewhat frequent ED visits between. Has previously been to VOA Bar None. Hennepin County has custody and our team was struggling with reaching the CPS worker yesterday/this morning- going to continue reaching out for further plan/details.


Recommendation is for level 5 RTC – patient is currently inpatient.
14-year-old Male from ED. Patient got in a fight with their father and ran away from home. Patient has had several other inpatient hospitalizations and has completed a partial hospitalization program with PrairieCare. In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. At this time parents do not feel they can have the child return home. Referrals have been sent to Gerard Academy and Nexus Mille Lacs.
Patient insured by UCARE MA PMAP.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual Therapy