
Pt came to ED from North Homes, after increase in physical/verbal aggression and 30 day notice was given and lapsed without another placement found. Was boarding in our ED in Nov 2023 prior to admit to North Homes. Planning to connect with parent/County about re-involving Nexus YCT. Some sexual inappropriate behavior making him difficult to place.


Came to Grand Itasca ED 7/8 after altercation at home where he damaged his room. Has also made threats to family members and gotten in altercations with siblings. Was also in ED 7/5 and 7/3 for altercations taking place at home/in the community. Has history of being abused. Just had a CMH CM assigned a few weeks ago. Hospital has made referral for MNchoices. CMH is looking at placements, options are limited due to age.


Pt arrived in our ED on 5/23. She had previously been at Children’s Hospital (inpatient) for 40 days, went to a crisis placement for around 24 hours when she started to aggress physically and was brought to our ED. Crisis respite refuses to accept pt back. Has diagnosis of autism and lower IQ, unsure of the number. Was a recent DA completed by Nystrom that team is waiting on to submit referrals for residential. Mom refuses out of state options at this time. Has name in crisis bed pool via MCCP, on DD waiver.


Pt came into our ED on 6/13 after a verbal altercation at home with mom, where she left the house and walked to the police station who called crisis and brought pt to ED. Mom is refusing to pick up. Its reported pt was in residential treatment until April 2024, and prior to that was in PHP through Fairview. Mom reports that Case Manager is looking into residential treatment again however we have been unable to reach the CM and their offices are closed the rest of this week. Unsure if there is a recommendation for residential or county approval for that LOC.


Update: Discharging today 6/20 to hotel crisis respite

Came to the ED this time on 6/9, after refusing to do chores and punching a wall and tree. Dad is refusing to pick up. Was previously in our ED 5/4-5/18 and 5/25-5/28, returned home with Dad both of those times. Case Manager is looking for waiver paid placement, and has been for over a month. Had interview with potential provider 6/12- they are potentially going to do a variance for him to live in adult home if accepted (he’s 3 months from 18). At baseline has some auditory hallucinations, ongoing aggression- primarily verbal, occasionally property, along with some suicidal ideation.


Came to ED on 6/2 after a fight with her guardian, Grandma. Grandma reported she has run away in the past and had made comments related to SI. Grandma refused to pick up and then flew to another state, notifying us she did not know when she would return. We tried to refer to shelter programs, but struggled due to Grandma’s unwillingness to work on reunification post shelter placement. CPS has now opened and will be pursuing temp custody, once they have that they will pursue placement options.


Update 6/7- Pt moved to IP unit to board there
Update 6/4/24- Pt was initially in Fairview ED for 2 months, transferred to inpatient to board there for 1 month, was discharged to a foster placement for less than a week, and returned again to Fairview ED 6/4 due to behaviors, is again boarding in ED. Struggling with appropriate placement due to autism, limited verbal skills, and ongoing aggressive behaviors.
Update 5/6/24- Patient was moved to inpatient unit to manage behaviors, but still remains boarding there. No longer followed by ED team.
Update: 3/21/24 Dad is not going to take the child back. Did get MA switched to MN.
Update: Meeting today 3/14/24, potentially back to dad? Working on switching MA from WI to MN
Patient brought in from home due to aggressive behaviors. History of autism, recently returned to living with father after being in foster care in WI. Since returning to MN, has had limited services set up. Father does not feel safe taking patient home due to aggressive behaviors and other children in the home. Case managers in Wisconsin & MN working together on determining placement.


This pt arrived in Ridges ED on 5/31 after behaviors at her Grandma’s house. St Louis County has temporary guardianship. Grandma is refusing to let her return to her home. Made suicidal statements at home and was verbally escalated. County is exploring Heartland Girls Ranch and 35 day assessment programs. Referral is being completed to Nexus YCT.


Pt is a 15 year old female with a history of unstable placements after having been removed from family care due to physical abuse. She has a history of irritability, impulsivity and mood instability which have led to outbursts, self-harm, aggression and property destruction. She was admitted to the hospital after being discharged from her residential treatment facility due to these behaviors. Patient is requesting medication management for the above listed symptoms while we work with her Hennepin County case manager on placement. She has not had any significant behavioral issues over the past 2 weeks while in the hospital.


Update 5/23/24: Needs psycho-sexual eval, but there is no place to send him to have it done as it can’t be done in the hospital.
Pt was brought into ED on 5/11 by mother due to allegations of abuse. Mother resides in DV shelter and shelter is not allowing pt to return there due to pt behaviors (bangs his head, kicks walls, makes threats, aggression toward mother.) Mother is trying to find new housing so that pt can return to her. County referrals made to Northwoods, North Homes, Village Ranch and Mille Lacs Academy- programs thus far are months out. Barrier to many programs is pt age. County JST is meeting today at 10:30am to discuss further options. Planning to refer for Nexus YCT once discussed with all team members and ROI is received.