Patient presented after being found on the run, recently discharged from Oshki Manidoo CD treatment unsuccessfully due to aggression and sneaking in a vape. Ongoing substance use concerns, need CD treatment.
Recommended Service: CD Residential
Chemical dependency (CD) residential treatment provides therapeutic living and provide treatment services to assist and support a person’s efforts to recover from a substance use disorder. Programs assess a client’s needs, develop planned interventions and provide services to address a client’s needs, coordinate services with other providers, and reassess the client on a regular basis.
Patient presented to the ED after threatening father and becoming agitated. Father refusing to pick up or allow to discharge to another family member. Patient with SUD concerns and after completing CD assessment, recommended for residential SUD treatment. Referrals being made for this, parents will not pick up until treatment is secured.
Update: DC’d to Anthony Lewis 11/20.
16 y/o F with a significant opioid use disorder and passive SI. Self-presented to APS wanting CD tx. Hx of 3 serious overdoses.While in APS, She has been calm, cooperative, and engaged. Suboxone was started and is tolerating it well.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: substance use, intoxication, anxiety. Patient was at WINGS treatment center for substance abuse/mental health from 10/17/23-10/28/23, before eloping. Patient was living on the streets, and staying with friends, before going to her aunt’s house. Patient was then picked up by her guardian/grandmother and brought to the ED.
Patient has a history of elopement and substance abuse.
Patient attended Prairie Care’s PHP program in June 2022, but was discharged due to behavioral problems.
Patient was in FV inpatient unit from 3/10/23-3/16/23 when she eloped while being transported to FV residential treatment program.
Patient was readmitted to the inpatient unit on 3/17/23 where she remained until admission to FV residential treatment could be arranged.
Patient was discharged from treatment due to behaviors and ran away from home, when she was found and brought back to FV ED on 4/24. where she remained until eloping on 5/28.
Patient has been accepted to Oshki Manidoo treatment center, and will admit once a bed opens up.
Substance use, running away, pregnant. Mother is involved but the child has been on the run for a year, so limited contact. Stuggles with substance use and impulsivity.
discharged from residential due to noncompliance with programming and elopement.
Chemical Dependency (fentanyl and meth) suicidal statements when intoxicated. ED boarded 9/20/22-10/5/22 when brought from CRU for making suicidal statements. Placed at PORT group home in Bemidji, eloped in less than 24 hrs. presented to ED 10/12 after being hit in the head with machete. Surgically cleared, mayo filed for MI/CD commitment. Olmsted currently deciding between CHIPs commitment or family court to obtain court ordered CD tx. Needs locked CD or dual dx residential. Discharged to CD group home and eloped within 24 hours. dropped off at Mayo after OD. proceeding with commitment.
Long history of impulsive behavior and emotional dysregulation in the context of in utero substance exposure, prematurity, and repeated disruption of parental caregiver relationships. The current history suggests that he functioned fairly well over the last couple of years with relatively low level mental health services – highly experienced foster parent, individual therapy every 1-2 weeks, and occasional pharmacology. However, he began using cannabis more regularly and was unable to stop use when limits were set, leading to disruption of his foster placement. He has had significant dysregulation in a shelter and then crisis center setting since losing his foster home placement, including threatening peers, brandishing makeshift weapons, destroying property, and then finally physically attacking a peer (we do not have information about what provoked this) leading to his being sent to the ED. He has been consistently calm and polite here, though withdrawn, without evidence of clear active mood, psychotic, or anxiety disorder that would indicate a need for psychiatric hospitalization.
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