substance use, dysregulation, personality struggles and mania. Waiting for residential. Struggles with Substance dependance. ED. emotional disreg. Level 5 resid. being recommended. Accepted to VOA CRTC, 2-4 week wait. Discharging to home to wait for funding.
Risk Factor: Substance use/abuse
Substance use/abuse is the misuse or problematic use of drugs or alcohol, which can lead to negative consequences in a person’s life.
SI, SIB, high risk behaviors (running away, substance use), foster family found burn marks on her sheets. Has been in 7 foster homes over last 2 years. CPS/foster family found notes referencing suicide in her room, SIB. ETOH use, THC use, deceitful, dishonesty. School staff and therapist was shocked, presents as a well-adjusted child. As in school. Struggles to connect with people. Makes poor choices with her sister. Likes to burn candles and leaves them, does she forget or is it intentional. Burn marks on sheets, lighter in room. Admitted because of SIB/SI notes. Struggling to find a foster family – from small area so other foster families hesitant to take her in. Question as to if residential treatment is appropriate? At this point, foster care or shelter care is rec. Was formerly at a partial program at Prairie Care.
Chemical Dependency (fentanyl and meth) suicidal statements when intoxicated. ED boarded 9/20/22-10/5/22 when brought from CRU for making suicidal statements. Placed at PORT group home in Bemidji, eloped in less than 24 hrs. presented to ED 10/12 after being hit in the head with machete. Surgically cleared, mayo filed for MI/CD commitment. Olmsted currently deciding between CHIPs commitment or family court to obtain court ordered CD tx. Needs locked CD or dual dx residential. Discharged to CD group home and eloped within 24 hours. dropped off at Mayo after OD. proceeding with commitment.
Aggression, Child looks difficult on paper.
SUD, running away from treatment. trauma. Discharging to VOA-CRTC, connection made thanks to this meeting!!!
Patient arrived via EMS due to her mother calling 911 after the patient made suicidal comments at home and conflict with her mother. Patient was engaging in sexual behavior with a strange, in exchange for drugs. Patient went home and told her mother what she did, passively stating she wanted to kill herself.
The patient has a history of risky sexual behavior, self-harm, and suicidal ideation. Patient also has a history of physical and verbal altercations with others including family and EMS / hospital / treatment staff, and has a history of 3 suicide attempts, most recent attempt was 1 year ago by ingesting bleach.
Patient has a past psychiatric history of ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, and Cannabis Use disorder.
UPDATE : Transferred to BAr None shelter 9/13/23
UPDATE 9.7.23 – working with Nexus FACTS for Placement Coordination Services. New Diagnostic Assessment 9/7.
Patient presents to the Emergency Department from a residential treatment facility, following attempted self-harm and suicidal ideation, with a plan to slit his throat with a screw. Staff monitored and stopped the patient from harming himself. The patient experienced intense emotions as he thought about the trauma he experienced at the hands of his father.
Patient was seen in the ED on 8/14/2023 with a similar presentation. Medical records indicate a hx of physical and sexual abuse, conflicts with his father, patient had pulled a knife on this father, and hx of substance abuse. Patient denies current substance use, and has 60 days of sobriety.
8/24- Patient was discharged from residential facility
Pt is presented to the ED via EMS due to possible ingestion of cold medications. Pt’s father had called 911, reporting patient’s presentation as being confused and “high” on drugs. Pt admitted to taking pills (unclear about the number of pills) in order to get high. He denies that this was a suicide attempt, and currently denies any suicidal ideation. Pt denies recent self-harm, but has a hx of self-harm over one year ago. Pt lives with his father during the week, and mother on the weekends. Medical records indicate the following history: He has a history of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and substance use disorder. He had been evaluated in the ED for close monitoring in the setting of altered mental status secondary to presumed toxic ingestion of unknown substances, and has a history of multiple inpatient psychiatric admissions. Most recently admitted in March 2023 due to “ingestion/inhalation of multiple substances, including dextromethorphan and benadryl”. Pt has a history of residential treatment, and has a hx of substance abuse for several years and participating in both inpatient and outpatient treatment.
14-year-old adolescent female with a history of ADHD, witnessed verbal and physical abuse, multi-substance use with significant behavioral issues at school. Pt was admitted to Gillette Children’s on 4-30-2023 with an acute hypoxic ischemic brain injury secondary to hanging herself in a suicide attempt. Pt has made significant improvements in her cognitive and motor functioning since her initial presentation. Pt does not have a previous history of suicide attempts but does have a history of non-lethal cutting behaviors. She has been involved with various mental health providers on an outpatient basis over the past several years. She has never been hospitalized for mental health issues. Pt is currently not suicidal. Pt currently presents with a flat affect and difficulty comprehending the gravity of her suicide attempt. Pt will be ready for discharge from a medical standpoint mid-next week and is expected to be independent in mobility and self-cares, although she will require supervision in the home setting. Pt has the endurance to complete a full day of activity. Please consider Pt for intensive mental health services and parental support as she transitions back to her home setting.
Update 5/18/23 from Mallory at PrairieCare: Amy and I messaged, this pt will DC from RU 5/24/23 and has not had any SI or SIB plans, means, or intent. Likely initially declined for Inpatient due to medical condition. Once medically cleared, discussed referral for PHP due to needing intensive therapeutic intervention, but not imminent danger to self. Amy plans to refer for PHP.
Suicidal- Increased depression