Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for aggressive behaviors at shelter care resulting in property destruction. Patient is not able to return to the shelter and does not have any safe disposition options.
Risk Factor: Substance use/abuse
Substance use/abuse is the misuse or problematic use of drugs or alcohol, which can lead to negative consequences in a person’s life.
Update 3/29- Pt discharge home while waiting potential tx
16-year-old male presenting to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital. Patient has a known past psychiatric history significant for Depression, Anxiety, Polysubstance abuse. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations.
Discharge Plan:
-Dual Diagnosis RTC:
– MHealth Fairview – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Rogers Behavioral Health – cannot accept pts insurance
– Hazelden – cannot accept pts insurance
– MN Adult & Teen Challenge Lakeside Academy – declined due to behaviors at previous placements
– Wings – referral sent, pt denied in past
– Anthony Louis Center – CD only – declined due to dimension 3 score
– VOA Omegon Pathways – referral sent, will make determination week of 3/25/24, earliest availability mid-late Apr
Continue with currently established providers:
-Probation Officer: Swift County
Update: 1/19/24 Pt. still looking for placement.
15-year-old male looking for a group home and residential program. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has tried everything, and doors are being shut. Client has a physical aggression, verbal aggression, history of PTSD and sexual abuse. Client has experienced abuse from biological father who is in still in the home, and sexual assault that happened possibility of more than one with an older cousin sister. Client mother is giving up on hope on trying to help her child. Client is struggling at home, school, and community. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has been trying everything to find a placement for him. He’s been going in and out of the ER like every two months now. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager still trying to offer support the way she can by being there every hospital stay, seeing client like twice a month, and having mom keep her on speed dial to talk to client.
Because of experiences, client is chemical dependent on marijuana, perks, and opioids.
Patient presented to the ER after 3 other ER visits from outside ER for physical concerns that were determined to be panic symptoms verses a physical abnormality. Patient has a chronic history of mood and behavioral dysregulation, self-harm, multiple suicide attempts, truancy, and parent child relationship difficulties. She has a history of trauma in the form of witnessing domestic abuse, physical abuse, possible sexual abuse, and the death of her dad due to an OD 4-5 years ago. She has had 2 inpatient hospitalizations along with 2 PHP admissions with little benefit and participation. Mom struggles with following through on recommendations and struggles with alcohol/substance use. A child protection report was filed last year and she moved in to her neighbors though this is no longer an option. She denies any passive or active suicide ideation, plan, or intent. Inpatient hospitalization is not recommended. Mom is not willing to bring her back home at this time due to disruption in the home.
Update: DC’d to Anthony Lewis 11/20.
16 y/o F with a significant opioid use disorder and passive SI. Self-presented to APS wanting CD tx. Hx of 3 serious overdoses.While in APS, She has been calm, cooperative, and engaged. Suboxone was started and is tolerating it well.
This child was previously on the HUB as MCR-M17-2128. Originally admitted 10/12/23, and discharged 11/17/22 to CD group home and eloped within 24hours. Brought back to ED after being found ODing on 12/4/22. Eloped on 12/30 and returned 1/6; attempted to elope again on 2/4 but successfully stopped.
Chemical dependency (fentanyl and meth), suicidal statements when intoxicated. On MI/CD Civil Commitment. Needs locked CD or dual diagnosis residential treatment. County Attorney pressing charges, which may help with JDC placement options.
Came after being found in the street by a passerby who administered Narcan. Was incoherent, EMS brought her in to HCMC ED. Long history of trauma. Sexually abused in preschool by her father, who is incarcerated currently. Has been vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Her engagement with anyone in the community is a pathway to a friendship. Dakota County financial responsibility. Working with DaK. case mgr. Had an incident at school (interaction with the principal and had some sort of physical contact with him, charged with assault), so now has a probation officer. No aggression noted at hospital. Wonderful family support. Had been living with aunt. Will just walk out and engage with strangers who do not have her best interest in mind. When DA is complete will be looking for placement for her. community placement. Has been at CRTC and VOA. Working on getting all the info to understand her full picture. DRug screen was negative. Unsure if chemical abuse is dependent? She will use substances if someone offers it to her, socially.
Brought to the emergency department by police due to concerns for sexual exploitation. She was admitted with opioid withdrawal and need for safe discharge plan. In need of substance use treatment and mental health. Has history of running. not aggressive. Very collaborative and asking for treatment. Substance use tied to sexual exploitation. Wonderful partnership with HCMC CPS. Will be placed at Provo Canon in Springville UT tomorrow. Had to go way up the chain to get approval for out of state. Very high-risk youth. Still very collaborative and wanting treatment. Mom and dad have come to see her and brought things to take with her.
History of trauma, sexual exploitation, concurring with MH and substance use. Co-managed by psychology and addiction medicine in the hospital. Community PCP has been established who can also monitor suboxone. Patient in need of short-term placement. Has been referred to Heartland Girl’s Ranch.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: substance use, intoxication, anxiety. Patient was at WINGS treatment center for substance abuse/mental health from 10/17/23-10/28/23, before eloping. Patient was living on the streets, and staying with friends, before going to her aunt’s house. Patient was then picked up by her guardian/grandmother and brought to the ED.
Patient has a history of elopement and substance abuse.
Patient attended Prairie Care’s PHP program in June 2022, but was discharged due to behavioral problems.
Patient was in FV inpatient unit from 3/10/23-3/16/23 when she eloped while being transported to FV residential treatment program.
Patient was readmitted to the inpatient unit on 3/17/23 where she remained until admission to FV residential treatment could be arranged.
Patient was discharged from treatment due to behaviors and ran away from home, when she was found and brought back to FV ED on 4/24. where she remained until eloping on 5/28.
Patient has been accepted to Oshki Manidoo treatment center, and will admit once a bed opens up.