
Presented to the ED in the evening, 9/18/24, with her parents after she ran away from school on Tuesday and made suicidal statements to a friend on Monday stating “I’m going to kill myself” which was relayed back to her parents. She also told another peer on Monday that she plans to run away. When she did run away the following day, Mom reports that she was missing for two hours before they found her and there were no known precipitating factors leading to this. Patient tells writer that she “doesn’t know” where she went on Tuesday and “I was walking towards home apparently.” Writer asked about why she is expressing confusion/poor memory of the event and if she was using any drugs/alcohol. She looked at writer, shrugged, then did not answer further. Throughout evaluation, patient is vague, intermittently evasive, and at times mute with writer. She presents with an incongruent and at times inappropriate affect and vacillates from a younger child-like presentation to a more adolescent presentation. She lacks insight into her parents’ concerns and demonstrates poor insight and poor judgement related to her personal safety. She is not willing or able to participate in reflection about why her parents/other adults are having significant concerns for her overall wellbeing, mental health and safety. When asked if she thinks she can maintain safety in the community/at home and also agree to not run away, she will not answer writer.
Area(s) of Risk: suicidal ideation, elopement, inability to care for self
Level of Risk: High for elopement and safety chronically for past few months which has been demonstrated repeatedly by running away and making unsafe choices such as getting in a stranger’s car and making pornographic videos of herself. Level of risk for SI statements is fluctuating and it is noted that pt does not have hx of suicide attempts.
Intent to Act: No
Referrals made to adolescent child psychiatric hospitals however no openings. Patient calm, cooperative and not having sx or bx thus appropriate to dc back home as of 9/20 however parents declining to have her discharge to home.
Child Protection involved as well as patient’s mental health case manager.


Update 6/26/24: Patient doing well and has made improvement with emotional dysregulation. No longer recommending PRTF level of care. Interview with Divine House occurred last week.

Update-5/30/24- Patient has had severe decompensation in part due to child protection concerns along with prolonged hospitalization and has been in the BICU for aggression, self harm, and seeking/securing items to self harm with. It is now recommended that she be placed in a PRTF.

11 year old presented to the ER after discharging from residential for concerns of running away, recent sexual perpetration to 6 year old brother, and homicidal ideation towards current guardian. Active CPS investigation over the last 1.5 years and is unable to return to her mother’s care or a home with younger children. This patient struggles with low insight, poor boundaries, antagonizing behavior, and justifies her behaviors. We attempted to obtain psychological testing though patient was not cooperative and refused. Medications are stable. She continues to display oppositional behaviors at times.


Update 4.18.24 – on wait list for Northwoods, admission wouldn’t be until summer. Looking for a foster family until residential.
update 4/15/24: The patient is medically stable and has been doing very well here on the unit. Has not shown aggression towards others. One minor episode of head banging when frustrated. Medications are providing therapeutic benefit.

Patient with a past history of RAD, PTSD, ODD and questionable FASD that presented to the ER with foster parents of 4.5 months for concerns of aggression, suicidal ideation, and sexually inappropriate behaviors towards others and pets. He has been in several foster/kinship homes since age 5 with significant trauma prior to this including witnessing mom overdosing on several occasions, witnessing the overdose and death of housemate, sexual abuse by bio father, homelessness, sister attempting to suffocate and strangle him on multiple occasions, and physical abuse by caretakers. He was recently found on video touching the house dog sexually and physically inappropriate and has been threatening and pushing his foster mom. Foster providers are unable to accept him back in their home.


This patient is a 12 Y year-old male with a self-reported history of depression, anxiety, and ADHD who presented to the ER on 4/8/24 by EMS from his residential facility for assessment of suicidal ideation. He was a direct admit to residential from JDC where he was placed due to allegations of sexual offenses towards his 8 year old step-sister. He reports he has harmed his step-sister on multiple occasions and has been in 3 different JDC’s including Red Wing over the last year and reports he didn’t know doing those things were wrong until now. He also reports a history of defending himself against bullies as well as head butting a female staff in the chin while in juvenile detention. He has had “13 or maybe less” attempts to harm himself or end his life and has been hospitalized psychiatrically x2. He reports he has attempted to wrap a scarf around his neck, tried drowning himself in the toilet while in a juvenile detention facility, and attempted to wrap the vacuum cord around his neck. More recently attempted to jump from a stair well, got out a window, and makes attempts to look for glass to harm himself. Residential is not willing to accept him back at this time.


Pt presents with behavioral escalations from out of home placement. Pt currently in hospital with no d/c plan at this time coordinated by county. Pt has a history of trauma and sexualized behaviors.


Patient had a court hearing today and was ordered to present to the ED for psych evaluation. This past year, patient disclosed that he had sexually assaulted the 6-year-old daughter of his mother’s girlfriend. The state picked up the case and charged the patient. He was on probation for many months and then physically assaulted a family friend, unprovoked. Patient was then sent to Arrowhead Regional Center for their inpatient sexual offender program. Patient was unable to complete this program and sent to JDC, where he has been since July.
Patient’s mom states that he had suicidal ideation last year and was then sent to the hospital where he was admitted to inpatient. Patient has a significant history of trauma, physical and suspected sexual abuse.
Patient’s mom reports that psych. reports from JDC reported psychosis and signs of OCD and Autism. Report also states that patient has history of auditory hallucinations and paranoia.
Patient court ordered to remain in the ED until 10/17/23 court hearing.


Patient was adopted 2 years prior from Bulgaria. Initially, patient had very odd behaviors. For example, he would like his adoptive dad to be present in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom and showered. Parents state his behaviors have escalated. He has tried to masturbate the dog. He draws pictures of men with erections. He has exposed his genitals to his siblings. Purposefully incontinent of stool at tines. He has killed a Chinchilla and possibly several cats. He has tried to strangle the dog. They found sharp objects including a razor and sharp screwdriver under the bed. He did cut the top of his left hand but states this was an accident. Adoptive mom states they have a special needs child and patient has tried to harm this child. Parents are worried about safety within the home and are unable to bring him home at this time.


History of trauma, sexually exploited youth, aggression, ODD, multiple placements, adjustment disorder. Had an Intake with FV PHP program, was accepted, but nowhere to place her to do the program. Meeting today with county to discuss the case. Looking at intensive therapy services, shelters.
Patient been accepted to Fairview’s PHP, pt has a foster mom who is only willing to take pt home after completing PHP, county seeking residential. 3/23 update: transferring 3/24 @ 10:15 am to DIVINE.


ADHD, adjustment disorder, anxiety, Developmental delay, ODD, aggression, sexualized behavior. FAmily was living in shelter. Disregulated episode- tried to strangle self, to ED for assessment. Initially rec for inpt, then decided he did’nt need inpt. Family leaving shelter soon, so not able to take him back at this time. Mom says addicted to porn. Became disregulated once but otherwise has been stable, no SI. Henn county won’t get involved- saying it’s not abandonment, doesn’t have a county case mgr. Some services thru Dakota county. Level 4 school setting. Looking into other shelters. Family thinks he needs tx. Referrals to nexus, Prairie Care, Henn County Peace offering made. Gap in services. 7/21 was at Prairie Care. Mom open to foster home, he doesn’t necessarily need residential. Mom isn’t visiting bec she is scared he will be sent home with her.
Previously attended IP MH at PC in July 2021, no current acute SI, safety concerns in hospital, pt and his family are homeless, got kicked out of shelter due to aggression, pt currently does not have any county supports. Patient’s family moved from St. Cloud. Due to pt’s age, history of aggression, and sexualized behavior (watching porn, taking photos of privates, exposing himself to siblings) mom has been unable to find a shelter that will accept them. referral for services was put in with Hennepin county. DC’d to home with mom.


PTSD, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD, ODD. Just got approval from HC for funding. Case mgr will start making calls. Doest present well on paper. Challenging behaviors – gets escalated and disreg. with peers. Is able to walk away. Threatens to hurt people but hasn’t yet. Remorseful about behavior. Learning about her dx. Fun kid, gets along with certain peers. Doesn’t work well with peers who have made statements about race. Ready to benefit from res. tx. and work with people 1 on 1. A lot of early childhood disruptions. Not sure why removed from bio mom – per aunt and gramma, she didn’t know how to be a parent. Aunt and gramma say that she has tried to kill them, threatens people, hard to know what’s what and what is recent behavior.