The patient is a 13 Y year-old male with a history of autism spectrum disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, ADHD, and depression who presented to the ER on 4/5/24 via EMS from his residential facility for assessment of aggression and suicidal ideation. He has a long history of aggressive behaviors that per chart review worsened around October, 2023 and he has not been able to be safely maintained in his home since that time. He has had several extended hospitalizations and since he was admitted to residential on 2/5 has had 41 incident reports related to attempts to harm himself and aggression when staff attempt to intervene. He has had increasing dysregulation resulting in an increase in restraints, length of time in restraints, and the amount of staff it requires to calm him resulting in the inability to return to residential. Home is not an option at this time.
Risk Factor: Self harm
This term refers to instances of isolated, non-repetitive aggressive behavior, such as a single incident of physical aggression or verbal aggression.
Update 4/3/24- funding in place, waiting available RTC- accepted at Gerard and North Homes. Waiting to hear back from Avanti and East Bethel.
Case Description: Patient is a 16 y/o individual w/ hx MDD, GAD, ADHD, multiple previous hospitalizations, currently presenting due to SI. Patient went to foster care after discharge in previous hospitalization at PC ( october 2023) and returned to mothers home end of Dec after 1 month. Patient was hospitalized at Prairie St Johns for 1 week ( discharged 3/8) due to intrusive SI . Patient feels she was discharged earlier than she should have been because she was still struggling w/ “feeling safe”. Patient indicated that depression /anxiety and intrusive SI improved significantly in foster care. Patient indicated during the time in foster care, patient worked on her relationship w/ mother and feels it was “helpful. Patient transitioned to mothers home and feels that overall relationship has improved and does not know why depression/SI has escalated again.
Discharge Plan: RTC (county funding approved for RTC)
-Avanti (Referral done, waiting to hear back)
-Gerard (Referral done, Accepted)
-North Homes (Referral done, Accepted, currently on waitlist, openings anticipated in June)
-Nexus East Bethel (Referral in progress)
Existing outpatient providers:
-CMHCM at Sherburne County
-Individual therapy Main Street Family Services-Elk River (Appt scheduled 3/27)
-Family therapy at Main Street Family Services-Elk River
-Primary care at Stellis Health-Monticello
-Psychiatry s at Nystrom & Associates
-In-home skills
Update: 1/19/24 Pt. still looking for placement.
15-year-old male looking for a group home and residential program. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has tried everything, and doors are being shut. Client has a physical aggression, verbal aggression, history of PTSD and sexual abuse. Client has experienced abuse from biological father who is in still in the home, and sexual assault that happened possibility of more than one with an older cousin sister. Client mother is giving up on hope on trying to help her child. Client is struggling at home, school, and community. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has been trying everything to find a placement for him. He’s been going in and out of the ER like every two months now. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager still trying to offer support the way she can by being there every hospital stay, seeing client like twice a month, and having mom keep her on speed dial to talk to client.
Because of experiences, client is chemical dependent on marijuana, perks, and opioids.
Patient presented to hospital from group home with escalated bx, unable to return. County retains guardianship.
Presented to the ED for suicidal ideation. Boarded in the ED and attempts were made to safety plan with family but family refused to take patient home. Pt has an extensive history of running away, threatening others, suicidal ideation and there have been concerns (not proven) about patient taking advantage of vulnerable peers and children. Patient was admitted to ANW in early 2023 for 68 days. RTC was recommended but patient was declined from programs in MN and nationwide. Family was resistant to taking patient home but eventually patient discharged home.
Discharged to a friends house 2/2/24
Seeking safe living placement for youth ASAP
Patient is a 17 year old Caucasian female with a history of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Admitted for SI/SIB related to school stress.
Ukraine Refugee and has been self sustaining since arriving in America. Patient was residing in Duluth with a roommate and roommate will not have patient live with her anymore. Patient does not have any contact with family. Trauma from war in Ukraine.
She has a therapist and psychiatrist in Duluth- will arrange to where she is living. Has completed PHP twice in the past. Pt wants to live in the Twin Cities Metro for access to more resources .Insured by UBH MA plan.
*Barrier to Discharge is housing:
The Bridge for Youth (Referral made, declined due to recent suicidal ideation)
Aspen House (Referral made, pending response)
Hope House (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
Brittany’s Place (Referral made, call at noon to review patient)
Von Wald Shelter (Referral made, pending response)
Life House (Contacted, waiting response)
Hennepin County Front Door (Contacted, they directed to call Homeless shelter, thus unable to help with housing/shelter resources)
Lutheran Social Services (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
UMD Campus Housing (Contacted campus housing, they don’t have campus housing for PSEO students)
UDPATES TO Discharge Plan 12/12/23:
-Grafton PRTF (Pt accepted, could admit 12/20, due to staffing moved back to mid-end of January)
-Nexus-East Bethel PRTF (Pt accepted, could admit mid -January)
-CABHH (Pt denied admission)
Recommending PRTF. Referrals completed.
Cannot return to previous Group Home. Per County, no interim plan available as parents and foster parents are reportedly not an option. Still seeking county to arrange interim living arrangement between Inpatient and PRTF – for crisis stabilization or group home.
Patient was previously at a group home, due to running away and SI/SIB, pt was readmitted to Inpatient. Inpatient hospitalizations 7/8/23-7/28-23, 9/29/23-10/13/23, 10/16/23-Present.
Patient has the following outpatient providers:
CPS Worker/Legal Guardian
Medication Management
School Counselor
Insurance: BCBS MN and MN MA
Update 1/24- County funding for RTC denied on 12/26, now following alternate recommendations as determined by the county. DC was scheduled for 1/4, due to parent request, rescheduled for 1/5.
Hospital Recommendation is RTC-
Avanti -referral made, accepted, intake 12/28/23
North Homes- referral made, reviewing, no immediate openings
Gerard- referral made, accepted, intake 1/9/24
Alternate Plan:
Mobile Crisis Team (Referral sent by CMHCM)
Day Treatment- Christian Family Solutions (Referral sent by CMHCM, waitlist to about 1/19/24)
Intensive family therapy (Referral to be sent by CMHCM)
PCP- Marlene Jilek, APRN (Mankato Clinic)
Therapy- Claire Alexander, MS, LPCC at PrairieCare Mankato (Availability as soon as next week, requests patient guardian call to schedule appointments)
CMHCM- Nicole Wigern (Blue Earth County)
Presenting Problems: Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD, SI/SIB, Inpatient for the third time this year, has done PHP twice this year
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: suicidal ideation, depression. Patient reports he tried to kill himself last night by stabbing himself with a dull pencil. Patient reports suicidal and homicidal thoughts that have increased in last two weeks. He has been at North Homes for three months. He was discharged to North Homes after a hospital stay at UMMC in September for SI. At North Homes, the patient escalated and told staff he was suicidal. He took the batteries out of a remote and tried to swallow them. He also tried to stab self with dull pencil. He became combative and needed to be restrained and then kicked staff in chest and tried to kick another staff. Patient then stated he would find each clients personal info and then take pictures of other clients after he killed them and send to parents. Patient told staff he would kill other clients and himself.
Patient reports long history of MH including PTSD, MDD and GAD. Patient has been hospitalized 2 x in past 6 months. Patient reports history of trauma. Patient states he has history of SIB.
This child was previously on the HUB as MCR-F13-2165.
Returned 3/21/23 to Mayo ED after discharging to home on 1/9/23. Was at SERCC, brought to ED for ingestion of metallic items there. Had been in ED > 24hrs now admitted to inpatient unit to monitor his GI. Was in Fernbrook Day treatment. Transitioning to male. ED more related to PICA ingesting nonfood items regularly – batteries, tacks, chargers, etc. 1:1 support for keeping from self-harm. is at home with mom when not in day treatment program. Needs more than day tx support, needs 24 hr. Concern for medication mgt. Absence of psychiatric support. Has been in Prairie Care twice summer 2022 – dc’d for noncompliance. He describes a strong compulsion for ingesting things. He doesn’t claim it to be self harm. when he goes to Mayo, he claims that its a suicidal attempt. Was at Gerard in May and struggled, then inpatient at Children’s in summer. Then came back to Fernbrook. over 30 presentations to ED at Mayo and Metro for self-harm and ingestion. Some are SI. Ingested batteries, screws, chargers, needing med tx/attn. Spent 12 days at Gerard in May, 3 ingestions and elopements while there, they had to dc him as couldnt meet his needs. Just gotten a CADII waiver to help mom supervise at home. Case conf. yesterday – the hope would be that he could be in a residential settings with the understanding that he will ingest things. Licensure issues. He has been declined as he fits everyone’s exclusion criteria. When he is out of crisis, he’s lovely. bright, intelligent.
Seeking ideas for other options for keeping him safe. Consider Gerard? Prairie Care? (have both turned him down). Jennifer Butler working on this case. suggestions to mitigating risk? clear all things from units, reintroducing slowly when able. Mayo has been able to mitigate risk with using paper crafts, crayons, etc. Haven’t had an ingestion for a few months – has a sitter a Mayo though as he’s on a medical unit. Functional behavior analysis? Hasn’t had one, due to instability. Hopefully he will have one soon. *** Discharged to home on 4/3/23 with 24/7 PCS care.