
Recommendation is for level 6 RTC/PRTF – patient is currently inpatient.
15-year-old Female from RTC level 5. Patient admitted to inpatient after struggling with self-regulation after recent inpatient discharge. Patient has had 5 inpatient hopsitalizations since March 2024 with attempts at individual therapy, PHP, RTC (elopment), and In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. Referrals have been sent to Nexus East Bethel, Bar None Haven
Patient insured by Medicaid.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:


Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.


16 year old female who was brought in by EMS in 4-point restraints after being restrained by PD trying to enter river to “drown herself”. Patient argued with her mother just before she threatened to “drown herself in the river;” destruction of house/property per mother’s report. Patient admits to past similar behaviors and has multiple MH hospitalizations on record.


Recommendation is for level 5 Residential Treatment; patient is currently inpatient.

Patient is a 17-year-old individual who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. They admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hosptial via ED due to an increase in suicidal ideation. This is their 3rd psychiatric inpatient hospitalization, they have done PHP, and engaged in outpatient mental health therapy and psychiatry. County funding has been approved for RTC on 4/25/24.

Discharge Plan:
RTC: (county funding approved on 4/25)
-Avanti (ACCEPTED, scheduled admission Tuesday 6/4/24)
-Gerard (Referral sent & received, awaiting secondary review)
-North Homes (accepted with immediate opening – county and guardian declined placement)

Continue with established outpatient providers:
-Individual therapy: South Central Human Relations-Owatonna
-CMHCM: MN Prairie County Alliance


Pt is a 15 year old female with a history of unstable placements after having been removed from family care due to physical abuse. She has a history of irritability, impulsivity and mood instability which have led to outbursts, self-harm, aggression and property destruction. She was admitted to the hospital after being discharged from her residential treatment facility due to these behaviors. Patient is requesting medication management for the above listed symptoms while we work with her Hennepin County case manager on placement. She has not had any significant behavioral issues over the past 2 weeks while in the hospital.


Patient admitted directly to CRTC on 6/8/23 directly from PrairieCare Inpatient.

Patient had been hospitalized in the Inpatient setting numerous times, she was at PrairieCare Residential 12/19/22-2/22/23 and stepped up to Inpatient for stabilization. PrairieCare Residential is unable to have her return due to their staffing and current milieu. Please note aggressive behaviors have significantly decreased and have not been present in the past month. UPDATE: Accepted to CRTC, waitlist 5-7 weeks- any available bridging shelters/group homes?

Discharge Plan:
Referred to-
-PrairieCare Residential (Re-admission declined on 4/11 due to milieu/staffing concerns)
-Grafton (Not currently accepting patients over age 14)
-Northwest Passage (Does not accept MN MA; Referral declined due to IQ)
-Avanti (Declined due to aggression 12/22; SW to re-refer)
-Gerard (Referral submitted 4/26)
-North Homes (Declined from RTC 11/22 due to IQ)
-CRTC (Referral submitted on 4/14; additional clinical sent 4/25, accepted for admission 5/9; estimated waitlist 5-7 weeks)
-Bar None, Shelter Plus Program (Preliminary Hub referral made, awaiting return message; SW to re-refer for interim placement while awaiting admission to CRTC)
-Refer to Treatment Placement Specialist at Acadia Healthcare for consideration of out-of-state RTC’s
-Consider referral to CIBS program at Avanti (Anoka County unable to fund – no contract)
-Consider referral to CIBS program at Nexus-FACTS (Anoka County unable to fund – no contract)

Group Home:
-PrairieLakes Haven House Group Home (waitlist 2 months)
-Port Group Home (waitlist 2 months)

Therapeutic/Corporate Foster Care:
-Solutions Behavioral Healthcare (Awaiting return call)

Estimated length of stay:
To be determined pending formulation & confirmation of alternative discharge plan

Was initially accepted by CRTC but couldn’t take due to her Casii level of 5.


Update 4/25/25: Patient discharged from inpatient to Willow Trails Group Home on 4/25.

Update 4/24/24: Patient is medically ready for discharge from inpatient. Tentative admission to Willow Trails Group Home on 4/25.

Update 4/18/24: Patient is medically ready for discharge from inpatient. County is their guardian. County is working on finding foster care/group home placement. Patient has been denied at Village Ranch, is being reviewed at Port Place, Hunter’s Place, and Anoka County Juvenile Center.

Patient presented to the ED on 03/15/2024 after making suicidal statements while at school. Patient noted they have been being bullied, which contributed to the increased in suicidal ideation. Patient denied having a plan to complete suicide but was experiencing passive suicidal ideation and indicated that they would “probably do something with cutting.” The school contacted law enforcement and patient was transported to the ED for further mental health evaluation. Patient was unable to contrast for safety, resulting in them being transported via non-emergent transportation to PrairieCare for short-term stabilization.

Patient is under guardianship of Ottertail County at this time. Placement is being pursued by the county to either a Group Home or Foster Home.

Discharge Plan:
Continue care with existing outpatient providers:
-Individual therapy, PCP and Psychiatry at Behavioral Health in Badger, MN

Patient is medically ready for discharge and is awaiting placement in an appropriate group home/foster home, as identified by the county.


Update 4.18.24 – on wait list for Northwoods, admission wouldn’t be until summer. Looking for a foster family until residential.
update 4/15/24: The patient is medically stable and has been doing very well here on the unit. Has not shown aggression towards others. One minor episode of head banging when frustrated. Medications are providing therapeutic benefit.

Patient with a past history of RAD, PTSD, ODD and questionable FASD that presented to the ER with foster parents of 4.5 months for concerns of aggression, suicidal ideation, and sexually inappropriate behaviors towards others and pets. He has been in several foster/kinship homes since age 5 with significant trauma prior to this including witnessing mom overdosing on several occasions, witnessing the overdose and death of housemate, sexual abuse by bio father, homelessness, sister attempting to suffocate and strangle him on multiple occasions, and physical abuse by caretakers. He was recently found on video touching the house dog sexually and physically inappropriate and has been threatening and pushing his foster mom. Foster providers are unable to accept him back in their home.


This patient is a 12 Y year-old male with a self-reported history of depression, anxiety, and ADHD who presented to the ER on 4/8/24 by EMS from his residential facility for assessment of suicidal ideation. He was a direct admit to residential from JDC where he was placed due to allegations of sexual offenses towards his 8 year old step-sister. He reports he has harmed his step-sister on multiple occasions and has been in 3 different JDC’s including Red Wing over the last year and reports he didn’t know doing those things were wrong until now. He also reports a history of defending himself against bullies as well as head butting a female staff in the chin while in juvenile detention. He has had “13 or maybe less” attempts to harm himself or end his life and has been hospitalized psychiatrically x2. He reports he has attempted to wrap a scarf around his neck, tried drowning himself in the toilet while in a juvenile detention facility, and attempted to wrap the vacuum cord around his neck. More recently attempted to jump from a stair well, got out a window, and makes attempts to look for glass to harm himself. Residential is not willing to accept him back at this time.


Patient presented to the ER with her mom for concerns of suicidal ideation though patient denies this. She has had several presentations to the ER due to aggressive behaviors and kicked out of group home for aggression towards peers and staff. She has been in and out of crisis centers and alternative housing verses being at home along with several inpatient hospitalizations.
**Full details of patient history is unknown to writer as I am not currently following her***