
Recommendation is for CD residential treatment. Patient is currently inpatient.

17 year old female admitted from the ED. Pt was having increased panic attacks and engaging in self-injurious behaviors by hitting themselves. Patient has been having suicidal ideations. Patient has been using marijuana as a coping strategy. Patient has a history of numerous psychiatric hospitalizations. At this time mother feels the patient can not return home as the family has been staying at a motel.
Pt insured by BCBS PMAP and Medicaid.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Individual therapy
Psychiatry/medication management
Primary care


Adopted at birth with in utero meth exposure. Several inpatient, residential and outpatient avenues explored both instate and out of state. Patient is declined or asked to leave to due aggression to peers. Juvenile system has discharged back to mental health. Engages in self harm, significant aggression, stealing and fraud, fire setting, etc.


Recommendation is level 5 QRTP, patient is currently inpatient.
Patient is a 14 y/o male w/ hx of depression, anxiety, ADHD, conduct disorder, ptsd , FSIQ 77, currently presenting due to ongoing mood/behavioral dysregulation resulting in hospitalization after aggression w/ mother and boyfriend. Biologically, there is a genetic predisposition for depression, anxiety, substance use. Patient w/ a long hx of impulsive/aggressive behaviors (runs away frequently, physically/verbally aggressive w/ authority figures, ect). Patient is a poor historian per outpatient psychiatrist and parents which impacts ability to know how he is actually doing. At this time, outpatient psychiatrist recommended RTC, and patient is on the wait list.

Patient has previously engaged in PHP, IT, CMHCM, and Intensive outpatient services

– Northwoods (referral submitted by CMHCM, year long waitlist 6/27)
– Gerard (referral submitted by CMHCM, under review 6/27)

– Grafton (referral submitted 6.26)


Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP, patient is currently inpatient.
Patient admitted on 5.29 to inpatient hospital. Patient has had 3 prior inpatient hospitalizations at Abbott Northwestern Hospital. January 2022, July 2023 and August 2023 her mother estimated. She also has participated in partial program. Patient had no incidents of aggression towards peers or staff. Referring information described her as needing to be on 1:1 staffing, due to aggression on the unit, however this was prior to the last inpatient hospitalization, in which no incidents of aggression were reported. The initial statement of ‘no incidents of aggression” was reported by the patient herself. Patient does have a history of psychiatric hospitalizations, day treatment, skills groups and individual therapy. Patient does not have a history of eating disorder treatment. Patient does have formal mental health history, including formal psychiatric evaluations, engagement in therapy, psychotropic medication trials and psychiatric hospitalizations.

Residential Treatment (referrals submitted 6/24, pending county funding)
– Avanti
– North Homes
– Nexus Gerard


6/4/24 admission note: Patient is a 14-year-old female admitted to PrairieCare for suicidal ideation and self-injurious behaviors. Patient was recently discharged from a 45-days residential program. 2 days post discharge patient began threatening to kill her mom and reported SI with plan to jump in front of a car. Pt has a history of recurrent major depression SI, and SIB.

Discharge Plan:
SMRT-Hennepin County (7/8)
PRTF/QRTP – Level 6:
-Grafton (declined due to current milieu at facility)
-Nexus East Bethel (unable to refer due to insurance)
-Leo A Hoffman (unable to refer due to males only)
-Bar None Haven (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-Northwood (SW to send referral once consent obtained)
-The Youth Village in Tennessee (guardian pursuing)
-Acadia Healthcare (SW to send referral once consent obtained)

Current Providers-
Therapy- Paula Ocampo at Lake Country Associates
EMDR therapy-Tiffany Rundquist, Sanford Health Bemidji
Pediatric Neurology- Dr. Ilgarli, Essentia Health
Psychiatry- Daniel Janiczak, MD and Kayla Scheneit, MD- Sandford Bemidji
CMHCM- Erika Kjellberg, Hubbard County
CTSS- Megan Berg, Hubbard County
EMPATH at Bemidji Sanford 2 times/week


Recommendation is for level 6 RTC/PRTF – patient is currently inpatient.
15-year-old Female from RTC level 5. Patient admitted to inpatient after struggling with self-regulation after recent inpatient discharge. Patient has had 5 inpatient hopsitalizations since March 2024 with attempts at individual therapy, PHP, RTC (elopment), and In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. Referrals have been sent to Nexus East Bethel, Bar None Haven
Patient insured by Medicaid.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:


Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.


16 year old female who was brought in by EMS in 4-point restraints after being restrained by PD trying to enter river to “drown herself”. Patient argued with her mother just before she threatened to “drown herself in the river;” destruction of house/property per mother’s report. Patient admits to past similar behaviors and has multiple MH hospitalizations on record.


Recommendation is for level 5 Residential Treatment; patient is currently inpatient.

Patient is a 17-year-old individual who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. They admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hosptial via ED due to an increase in suicidal ideation. This is their 3rd psychiatric inpatient hospitalization, they have done PHP, and engaged in outpatient mental health therapy and psychiatry. County funding has been approved for RTC on 4/25/24.

Discharge Plan:
RTC: (county funding approved on 4/25)
-Avanti (ACCEPTED, scheduled admission Tuesday 6/4/24)
-Gerard (Referral sent & received, awaiting secondary review)
-North Homes (accepted with immediate opening – county and guardian declined placement)

Continue with established outpatient providers:
-Individual therapy: South Central Human Relations-Owatonna
-CMHCM: MN Prairie County Alliance


Pt is a 15 year old female with a history of unstable placements after having been removed from family care due to physical abuse. She has a history of irritability, impulsivity and mood instability which have led to outbursts, self-harm, aggression and property destruction. She was admitted to the hospital after being discharged from her residential treatment facility due to these behaviors. Patient is requesting medication management for the above listed symptoms while we work with her Hennepin County case manager on placement. She has not had any significant behavioral issues over the past 2 weeks while in the hospital.