This 8 year old has been in two foster homes (skilled) that have been unable to keep her safe; no other foster homes available. Getting updated DA today. Has a YBH worker since 2022, in-home family therapy with family, in-home CTSS skills, individual therapy, medication management, partial hospitalization at PrairieCare Feb 2023 and March 2024, hospitalization Jan 2023; Level 3 at school.
Complex trauma (sex abuse, poor attachment, placement / moves); ongoing CPS case with pending charges. Parenting assessment indicates to cease parenting time
Patient presented via law enforcement after jumping in front of a vehicle in an attempt to end his life with additional thoughts to jump off of the bridge he was standing on until law enforcement intervened. Patient reports a 3 year history of auditory hallucinations that tell him to harm himself or others which occurs when he is alone or stressed. (hallucinations appear consistent with audible thoughts). This is his 4th inpatient hospitalization for suicide attempts and he has had multiple ER visits. While here, he attempted to assault a younger peer and was assaulted by a different patient. He was placed in the BICU where he has attempted to “snap” his neck on multiple occasions, head bangs, ingested hygiene supplies x1, and tied towel around his neck x1. Suicidal thoughts are perseverative when they occur and can be difficult to redirect.
Patient is a 12-year-old female, currently at PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital.
Recommendation is for level 5 QRTP. Patient’s mother is requesting PrairieCare Residential – patient has been accepted. Waiting for JST through county to obtain necessary funding.
Patient would be able to discharge to a lower level of care while awaiting admission to a QRTP, although she does not have a current placement through the county.
Patient was recently at inpatient through UMMC for 38 days waiting for a placement through the county.
She was admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hospital on 2/2/25 due to an increase in suicidal thoughts. She has a known history significant for MDD, GAD, and PTSD.
This pt has boarded with us multiple times in the past. 2/13/24-3/27/24 and 2/14/25-2/21/25. Came to us again 2/27/25 after self harm in the shelter setting where she had discharged to on 2/21. Shelter is unable to take her back. County has custodianship currently and is searching for additional shelter and foster placements, as well as waiver placements. (Was in foster prior to 2/14/25) Previously had residential treatment, in 2024. Is open to CADI waiver.
Patient presents from PRTF where she had been for 1 year and was discharged due to worsening behavioral concerns of aggression and self harm. Unable to return home and PRTF is unwilling to take back. Patient had several recent medication adjustments without improvement.
17 yo female with hx of dep, anx, PTSD, eating d/o, mood lability, and personality concerns who lives with her dad and siblings in Menahga. She is in the 12th grade and reports having a 504 plan. She has a hx of around 10 inpatient hospitalizations and 3 stays in RTC. Stressors include family conflict, social stressors, and school. Family hx of MICD concerns. Patient has been struggling with worsening symptoms and safety concerns including SI with multiple plans (cut, OD, hanging, crash, etc) and SIB. She has been admitted for acute stabilization.
Kiddo came to us on 2/2 following suicidal behaviors. Plan was originally for inpatient however while waiting for bed he stabilized in the ED and became a boarder on 2/10. Was in SUD residential treatment, but they are declining to have him return, explaining that his needs are more mental health based than what their program can provide. He has a tentative acceptance at a residential program, just waiting for them to process more paperwork and identify a discharge date. Currently under temp custodianship with Ramsey County but Mom is involved ongoing.
Psychiatric history of Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Patient has two prior inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations in October 2024 and December 2024. Patient has a history of partial hospitalization programming in October 2024. Patient presented to PrairieCare through the ED following a suicide attempt and increasing behaviors at home. The current recommendation is for residential or PRTF..
The patient has a history of ADHD, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. Last night he became frustrated at residential treatment facility- Bar None, kicked a door with his right foot, and put a shoestring around his neck out of frustration. He states he was not trying to hurt himself and did not intend to hurt himself. Bar None completed an administrative review and will not allow his return.
Brought to the ER via mom for assessment of suicidal ideation following an argument with guardians resulting in behavioral dysregulation and hitting their head into the wall and sitting on the driveway in inappropriate weather wear. Patient has a long history of psychiatric services and continues to struggle with emotional dysregulation. Parents requesting residential level of care.