
history of running, trauma, generational trauma, emotional dysregulation. Rec CRTC level 6 – barrier to placement. Waiting on County for review and to change to another county agent.


Substance use, running away, pregnant. Mother is involved but the child has been on the run for a year, so limited contact. Stuggles with substance use and impulsivity.


discharged from residential due to noncompliance with programming and elopement.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression. Patient currently lives with foster mom and dad, mother will soon be entering IRTS but intends to take son back afterward. Patient has been not been taking his medications and engaging in behavior that puts himself and others around him in danger. Patient has high sensory needs that if not attuned to will begin to hurt self and others. Patient was last admitted on 10/20/23 and was inpatient until stabilization. Patient has been attempting to “scratch out” his eyes and turn off devices of his fellow foster care children. Pt is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and significant early childhood trauma. Collateral reports that when pt takes meds, he can calm down. Patient is non-verbal.


Ingesting items. Several ED trips to have items removed. Was at Gerard, couldn’t keep her safe. Significant sexual abuse history. Several referrals with denials due to the ingesting. looking at Group homes. takes responsibility for her actions. Parental rights terminated. Barriers are not being able to keep her safe (ingesting). medical issue with pancreas – very specific diet, ex. places don’t have medical staff on site. Turns 18 in May


In protective custody of Goodhue County. Trauma hx, was at SERCC and became dysregulated. Virtual DA schedule for today.


SUD, running away from treatment. trauma. Discharging to VOA-CRTC, connection made thanks to this meeting!!!


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression. Patient became escalated at home, following his PCA staff leaving for the night. Details on the escalation are unclear at this time. Patient is diagnosed with Autism with little to no verbalization. Patient has a case manager, PCA support for before and after school until 8 pm, and on weekends from 8 am – 8 pm. Patient has a history of biting himself, scratching himself, and aggressive behaviors towards others. Patient historically escalates before/after school, and after his PCA staff leave for the night. Patient has been to the ED 19 times in 2023, due to aggression/symptoms of ASD.


a history of diagnoses of PTSD, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol and Cannabis Use disorders, and unspecified mood disorder. Her social and developmental history is notable for recurrent physical abuse by mother and mother’s romatic partners leading to termination of parental rights 6/21/22, alleged sexual assault, first JDC placement at age 12, and recurrent residential placements through juvenile justice over the last few years. Comes after a violent episode at a foster home; she is unable to return.


2nd visit to RMC in one week for running away (from school and from home). Verbally abusive towards authority (Sheriff’s Dept. and his grandparents). Recent theft (stole a sweatshirt from the mall) and violation of school policy (vape found in locker). Patient is refusing to return home with grandparents (legal guardians since 10 months old), now claiming they physically and emotionally abuse him. Hennepin Co. CPS has no concerns with safety at home. Patient is now making threats to grandparents, expressing that he wants them to “be murdered.” Grandparents are concerned for their safety after threats made by patient.