
The patient is a 13 year-old female with a history of ADHD, inattentive type, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, and self-injurious behaviors that presented to the ER following an intentional overdose in an attempt to end her life. She has had 2 previous inpatient hospitalizations. Patient has a complicated home life with several CPS reports and basically does the caretaking for her younger siblings. Patient has several tattoos given to her by her mother and sister and mother is unwell as well and frequently struggles with suicide attempts and self-harm. Sounds like a significant sexual abuse history within the entire family that may still be occurring. The patient is at risk for sexual exploitation given increased sexuality.


Update: DIfficult to place, haven’t been successful at contact w family
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Patient has Autism, is non-verbal, has a developmental delay, speech delay, PICA and behavioral issues at home that have been increasingly difficult for the family to manage. Patient was seen her earlier this month after ingesting a battery. Patient reportedly has been accepted for a residential treatment facility in Missouri – Lake Mary Center, though they currently do not have a funding source and intake is not until the end of December. Family has been working with Aurora Behavioral Services, as well as psychiatry and PCA services.


Long history of trauma started ingesting non-edible items, batteries on 3 occasions. Waiting on County to help with disposition. Ward of state. No attempts at self-harm or ingesting since stay in ED. Last ingestion was day of admission. Surgically removed batteries then back to ED for MH care. Local school district working with her, tutoring. Turns 18 in May.


This child was previously on the HUB as MCR-F13-2165.

Returned 3/21/23 to Mayo ED after discharging to home on 1/9/23. Was at SERCC, brought to ED for ingestion of metallic items there. Had been in ED > 24hrs now admitted to inpatient unit to monitor his GI. Was in Fernbrook Day treatment. Transitioning to male. ED more related to PICA ingesting nonfood items regularly – batteries, tacks, chargers, etc. 1:1 support for keeping from self-harm. is at home with mom when not in day treatment program. Needs more than day tx support, needs 24 hr. Concern for medication mgt. Absence of psychiatric support. Has been in Prairie Care twice summer 2022 – dc’d for noncompliance. He describes a strong compulsion for ingesting things. He doesn’t claim it to be self harm. when he goes to Mayo, he claims that its a suicidal attempt. Was at Gerard in May and struggled, then inpatient at Children’s in summer. Then came back to Fernbrook. over 30 presentations to ED at Mayo and Metro for self-harm and ingestion. Some are SI. Ingested batteries, screws, chargers, needing med tx/attn. Spent 12 days at Gerard in May, 3 ingestions and elopements while there, they had to dc him as couldnt meet his needs. Just gotten a CADII waiver to help mom supervise at home. Case conf. yesterday – the hope would be that he could be in a residential settings with the understanding that he will ingest things. Licensure issues. He has been declined as he fits everyone’s exclusion criteria. When he is out of crisis, he’s lovely. bright, intelligent.

Seeking ideas for other options for keeping him safe. Consider Gerard? Prairie Care? (have both turned him down). Jennifer Butler working on this case. suggestions to mitigating risk? clear all things from units, reintroducing slowly when able. Mayo has been able to mitigate risk with using paper crafts, crayons, etc. Haven’t had an ingestion for a few months – has a sitter a Mayo though as he’s on a medical unit. Functional behavior analysis? Hasn’t had one, due to instability. Hopefully he will have one soon. *** Discharged to home on 4/3/23 with 24/7 PCS care.


Ingesting items. Several ED trips to have items removed. Was at Gerard, couldn’t keep her safe. Significant sexual abuse history. Several referrals with denials due to the ingesting. looking at Group homes. takes responsibility for her actions. Parental rights terminated. Barriers are not being able to keep her safe (ingesting). medical issue with pancreas – very specific diet, ex. places don’t have medical staff on site. Turns 18 in May


Was at SERCC, brought to ED for ingestion of metallic items there. Had been in ED > 24hrs now admitted to inpatient unit to monitor his GI. Was in Fernbrook Day treatment. Transitioning to male. ED more related to PICA ingesting nonfood items regularly – batteries, tacks, chargers, etc. 1:1 support for keeping from self-harm. is at home with mom when not in day treatment program. Needs more than day tx support, needs 24 hr. Concern for medication mgt. Absence of psychiatric support. Has been in Prairie Care twice summer 2022 – dc’d for noncompliance. He describes a strong compulsion for ingesting things. He doesn’t claim it to be self-harm. when he goes to Mayo, he claims that it’s a suicidal attempt. Was at Gerard in May and struggled, then inpatient at Children’s in summer. Then came back to Fernbrook. over 30 presentations to ED at Mayo and Metro for self-harm and ingestion. Some are SI. Ingested batteries, screws, chargers, needing med tx/attn. Spent 12 ays at Gerard in May, 3 ingestions and elopements while there, they had to dc him as couldn’t meet his needs. Just gotten a CADII waiver to help mom supervise at home. Case conf. yesterday – the hope would be that he could be in a residential settings with the understanding that he will ingest things. Licensure issues. He has been declined as he fits everyone’s exclusion criteria. When he is out of crisis, he’s lovely. bright, intelligent.


ASD, impulse control issues, DD, trauma history, pica, SIB, hits self, headbangs, nonverbal, putting foreign objects in body, smears feces, no family involvement, ward of Stearns County. No family involvement. Communicates w laptop, pictures. OT doing sensory work. Referral across MN, WI, ND, SD. Tennessee declines. Very difficult to place. 2 staff in day and 1 at night. Stearns trying to work on a home in their county. Came from her family care at age 4, to group home until 7, then another group home. She has struggled at her most recent group home. Lots of hands-on care. Willing to re-refer her to Grafton – was declined in July.


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