
2nd visit to RMC in one week for running away (from school and from home). Verbally abusive towards authority (Sheriff’s Dept. and his grandparents). Recent theft (stole a sweatshirt from the mall) and violation of school policy (vape found in locker). Patient is refusing to return home with grandparents (legal guardians since 10 months old), now claiming they physically and emotionally abuse him. Hennepin Co. CPS has no concerns with safety at home. Patient is now making threats to grandparents, expressing that he wants them to “be murdered.” Grandparents are concerned for their safety after threats made by patient.


Update 9/28/23: Has potential placement. Awaiting.
Patient was brought in by medics after she was physically aggressive with a staff member at The Aspen House, where she has been living for two months.
Patient has adoptive parents and adoptive siblings. She was adopted when she was two years old, and has recently reconnected with bio-dad.
Patient had prior diagnoses of depression, ADHD combined type, anxiety, neurocognitive disorder related to maternal meth abuse while patient was in utero, and learning disability. She’s been in M Health FV IOP, since she’s been there. She does not participate in groups or other activities much. She’s been in an inpatient mental health unit, mostly at M Health FV, at least four times. The last admit was 4/21-4/27/2022 at FV. She’s had the following RTC placements: Eau Claire Academy, 4-8/2022, CRTC 8/2022-1/2023, and Avanti 1-4/2023. She receives Psychiatry and Therapy services through the group home.
She has had two prior suicide attempts by choking herself.


Patient presents to the emergency department for the 4th time in 12 days. Patient was discharged from the hospital, went home with his mother, and got into a verbal argument in the car. Patient reports his mother kicked him out of the house, so he went to school. Patient arrived at school and was told that he was not allowed to be there due to historical violent threats against other students, so school staff called police. Patient has recently engaged in property damage at his home and made homicidal threats towards his step-father.
Patient’s father is incarcerated for murder. Patient’s mother has history of childhood sexual trafficking. Patient has ongoing parent-child conflict. Patient has no history of inpatient mental health admission or intensive outpatient treatment. Patient is involved in a youth runaway program. Patient has a school social worker. Patient has established medication management.
Patient’s mother is refusing to pick patient up due to homicidal threats towards family.


UPDATE 9/21/23 – placement difficult due to the arson incident.
Patient presents to ED for aggressive behaviors. Today, patient lit a fire in the bathroom of his group home because he was “tired of living” and “tired of his group home staff”, after they turned off the wifi in the house. After lighting the fire, police and fire department arrived. Patient was still escalated and refusing to leave the group home while the fire was burning in the bathroom. Patient was brought outside by a police officer, and patient attempted to grab the officer’s handgun. Patient states he did this with intent of using on himself or his group home manager. Patient was quickly handcuffed and restrained into an ambulance.
Patient was reportedly hospitalized in Floriday last month while on vacation for aggression, agitation, med non-compliance. Patient has been living in his current group home since 2019. Patient attends an alternative school which he enjoys. Patient has PCP and psychiatry per his report. States he has been in “placements” his entire life since being adopted from Ethiopia at a young age by his current adoptive parents. Previous admissions in 2018 for DMDD, and aggression.
Hx of learning disability, aggressive behavior, agitation, outbursts.


UPDATE: Accepted to Gerard Pending date next week.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, anxiety, worsening psychosocial stress. Patient was threatening to attack kids in her neighborhood with a knife, and threatened to stab her grandfather when he attempted to intervene. Patient’s grandfather locked her out of the house, so she wasn’t able to get anything else to hurt someone with, and patient kicked the lock off of the door.
Patient recently lived in a youth shelter/transitional home called Dignity House for 1.5 weeks until 8/3/2023. She was then sent to the ED for aggression. She had a warrant for arrest due to an assault and threatening homicide to family members. She was taken to JDC on 8/3/2023, had court, and then she was sent to the Bridge for Youth Shelter. Patient got into a physical altercation at The Bridge and was sent back to the ED on 8/8/2023. While in the ED, patient physically assaulted a nurse and was picked up by her grandfather.
Within this year, the patient has had approximately 13 ED visits due to concerns including runaway, aggression, abuse/neglect, and altercations with family members.


Patient presented to the ED via police due to physical and verbal aggression, threats to kill group home staff members, and damaging property. Patient became upset with group home staff after they questioned where she had received money during a shopping trip. After returning back to the group home, patient threatened to kill staff and threw a brick at their car. Group home staff report that patient is demonstrating a pattern of unsafe behavior and are not allowing her to return, citing police involvement on multiple occasions.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, abuse or neglect, worsening psychosocial stress. Patient has been with his foster family for a week. He has been displaying sexualized behaviors, aggressive behaviors like throwing furniture, hitting, trying to light paper towels on fire on the stove top, sharing that he wants to die and self-injure. Patient was in a previous foster home and prior to that he was with his Grandma. Per foster mom, there was “interfamily torture” and the kids were sexually abused. Patient demonstrates inappropriate sexualized behaviors


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, and suicidal ideation. Patient was brought in by EMS after the police were called due to patient becoming physically aggressive towards her 4 year old cousin. Patient said that that her older cousin started to film her when she was becoming physcially aggressive. Per patient, she called 911 on her cousin. Patient then became aggressive towards police, and EMS was called. Patient was placed in restraints and given medication. Patient reported that she made suicidal statements during the incident, but that she did not mean them. She tends to say she wants to kill herself when she’s mad. Patient reports that she has never attempted to hurt herself, and has no intention on doing so. Patient has been off of her medications since June due to her insurance no longer covering them. Patient has been staying with her cousin, while her mom is on vacation. Patient’s cousin is refusing to let her return due to her aggressive behavior.
Patient has had several therapists in the past, and has been to day treatment.


Pt is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Pt had not been taking his medication, and had been awake for several days on his computer. Pt began waving a knife and scissors around the house, and refused to give them back to his mother. Pt’s mother was concerned that he was going to hurt her, so she called the police.
Pt seems to have limited potential to regulate his emotions and can be erratic without considering the consequences for his impulsive behaviors. Pt was discharged from inpatient treatment in July of this year, for a similar presentation.


Patient is under the guardianship of Swift County, and presented to the ED from his group home in Hennepin County. Patient got upset after being denied an outing, and went out to the road (not a busy road) and threatened suicide by getting hit by a car. Police were called, and patient was taken back to his group home where he made homicidal threats towards a neighbor. Group home staff then requested patient be seen by the emergency department. Patient has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. Patient reports frequent suicide attempts with methods unlikely to harm him, such as tying shoestrings around neck. Patient has a history of self-harm.