
Arrives from 180 degrees / von wald shelter after eloping. Kicked out of family home in October 2024, was homeless and found shelter at Ain Dah Yung for a time until psychiatrically hospitalized. Has been at 180 degrees since 12/26/24-2/28/25.


Patient presents to the ER from foster home with his 9-year-old brother after running from his foster home. Patient has no previous psychiatric history. Foster provider not able to have patient return. Patient’s county social worker is looking for foster placement.


Patient presents to the ER with his 8-year-old brother from foster care. Patient was brought to the ER after running from foster home and making comments about using a kitchen knife to kill himself. Foster provider not able to have patient return. Has been recommended for residential care.


Presented from Newport Academy on 1/7/25. Patient engaged in property destruction and made suicidal comments. Patient admitted to Newport in November. Patient was administratively discharged at the end of December. Patient has a history of running/eloping and is believed to have been trafficked to Ohio in October. Patient was tracked down by his cell phone and detained by law enforcement at a juvenile detention center in Cleveland. Patient returned to MN and was admitted to Newport. Not meeting criteria for acute inpatient psychiatric placement. Long-term placement in a secure/locked facility is recommended.


Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.


12 year old male with ADHD, unspecified mood disorder with recent suicide attempt, T1DM, hypothyroidism, asthma who is in the ED after intentionally setting fire and burning house down. Has an IEP for speech therapy.


Pursuing QRTP – patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Patient is a 15-year-old male. He presented to inpatient via ED due to increased SI and SIB. He has three historical inpatient hospitalizations, has done DBT and outpatient psychotherapy services, and most recently was at Newport RTC – although was discharged early due to aggression and property destruction.

From an acute psychiatric standpoint, youth is safe to discharge form inpatient care and receive services in the community prior to admission to QRTP. He has made significant progress on treatment goals during hospitalization.

Discharge Plan:
Referrals sent to the following residentials:
– Omegon Ascend (Reviewing, no current waitlist)
– Nexus Gerard (Reviewing, waitlist about a week)
– Nexus Mille Lacs (Reviewing, Current waitlist 2 months)
– North Homes (Declined d/t hx of aggression towards others)
– Northwood (Received, 6-9 month waitlist)
– PrairieCare Residential (Reviewing, 2-3 week waitlist)

Alternative Placement through Wright County:
-Wright County unable to identify alternative placement as of 9/24/24

Plan to bridge until residential:
PrairieCare PHP at MOB (unable to pursue establishing care at this time due to pt continuing to be hospitalized)

Continue with established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist- Bridging Hope Buffalo
Medication Management- LifeSpan Mental Health Monticello
PCP- HealthPartners Elk River
CMHCM- Wright County
Neuropsych Testing- Clary Clinic St. Cloud


Kiddo came to GICH ED on 7/31 from Little Sand GH after an altercation there. Pt had verbally and physically aggressed toward peer and staff, and had self harm/head banging. According to the team this was her first incident of physical aggression, she has not been violent in the past. Does have history of self harm and verbal aggression. Little Sand is recommending a higher level of care. Team would like PRTF placement and have made referral to Nexus East Bethel. Exploring VOA Bar None for interim plan, has not been accepted anywhere yet.


Came after being found in the street by a passerby who administered Narcan. Was incoherent, EMS brought her in to HCMC ED. Long history of trauma. Sexually abused in preschool by her father, who is incarcerated currently. Has been vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Her engagement with anyone in the community is a pathway to a friendship. Dakota County financial responsibility. Working with DaK. case mgr. Had an incident at school (interaction with the principal and had some sort of physical contact with him, charged with assault), so now has a probation officer. No aggression noted at hospital. Wonderful family support. Had been living with aunt. Will just walk out and engage with strangers who do not have her best interest in mind. When DA is complete will be looking for placement for her. community placement. Has been at CRTC and VOA. Working on getting all the info to understand her full picture. DRug screen was negative. Unsure if chemical abuse is dependent? She will use substances if someone offers it to her, socially.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression. Patient has prior diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, Intellectual Disability, and Mood Disorder. Patient has prior presentations for behavioral issues and outbursts at United, Mercy, and Abbott. Patient lives with his mother and 5 other siblings. Patient and his family were outside, when he says his sister started mocking him. Patient hit his sister twice, and then his brother. Patient then came up behind his mother, as if to hit her, and his brother stepped in. Patient’s mother is refusing to pick him up.
Patient’s family is moving this week, and he does not want to move.