Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: substance use, intoxication, anxiety. Patient was at WINGS treatment center for substance abuse/mental health from 10/17/23-10/28/23, before eloping. Patient was living on the streets, and staying with friends, before going to her aunt’s house. Patient was then picked up by her guardian/grandmother and brought to the ED.
Patient has a history of elopement and substance abuse.
Patient attended Prairie Care’s PHP program in June 2022, but was discharged due to behavioral problems.
Patient was in FV inpatient unit from 3/10/23-3/16/23 when she eloped while being transported to FV residential treatment program.
Patient was readmitted to the inpatient unit on 3/17/23 where she remained until admission to FV residential treatment could be arranged.
Patient was discharged from treatment due to behaviors and ran away from home, when she was found and brought back to FV ED on 4/24. where she remained until eloping on 5/28.
Patient has been accepted to Oshki Manidoo treatment center, and will admit once a bed opens up.
Risk Factor: Aggression (chronic/ongoing)
This term describes a pattern of repeated and persistent aggressive behaviors, such as chronic physical or verbal aggression.
ASD, aggression, DD, language impairment
1 week prior to ED pt was found tied up in her home by her parents. She was taken to Children’s and placed into foster care. Mother didn’t believe in Western Medicine and was using THC and tying her up to treat pt’s agitation in the home. Pt presented to Regions ED from the foster home due to increase agitation and needing more staff support, pt has severe ASD, DD. Hx of violence towards self and others. She can’t eat without someone holding her hands because she hits everything away. She is mostly nonverbal, only knows a few words.
Has been in the ED for over 165 hours, she has been started on medications and we have seen a decrease in her level of agitation. She has been more cooperative with ADLs, takes medications, and eating meals w/ assist and staff have been able to redirect her before a code needs to be called. Pt has been declined by all inpatient facilities at this time. CPS in Anoka is current guardian. Has DD waiver. Regions providing sensory support, weighted blankets, stuffed animals, music. Needs 24/7 support.
Mom currently in custody.
Came from Bar None. Sig family trauma, sex trafficked by parents who are incarcerated. Some drug use, but sober now (benzos and opiates). been behaving ok so far. Responding well to limit setting in ED. At Omegon was doing ok aside from relationship issues. Grandmother had custody but has been terminated.
Several referrals – denied due to chemical use/abuse. Shelters denied d/t aggression. High risk for placement. Check into returning to Bar None Omegon? Youth Villages in TN – they can take more aggressive behaviors. ***Discharged to Hotel Care with crisis staffing. The Hennepin County CM/guardian arranged for the placement after 30 days in the ED.
History of trauma, sexually exploited youth, aggression, ODD, multiple placements, adjustment disorder. Had an Intake with FV PHP program, was accepted, but nowhere to place her to do the program. Meeting today with county to discuss the case. Looking at intensive therapy services, shelters.
Patient been accepted to Fairview’s PHP, pt has a foster mom who is only willing to take pt home after completing PHP, county seeking residential. 3/23 update: transferring 3/24 @ 10:15 am to DIVINE.
Asked to leave shelter as she was being aggressive toward staff. Has history of being sex trafficked. Parents have open voluntary CPS involvement but maintain guardianship.
attachment difficulties, inappropriate sexual stories and behaviors. Rec level 6. Has a father and step mother who are involved.
This child is a ward of Steele County with Significant aggression and significant trauma. Mom died in 2019, Dad in group home for TBI. Suicidal/homicidal statements, thoughts. Tried to place with 19 yo sibling which lasted for a month, but brother doesn’t think he can keep him safe any longer. Came from SERCC to Mayo ED when he escalated to a point that they couldn’t care for him. He has been doing OK since he got there but has had a few instances of escalating to the point of needing to be restrained with holds and sedation. Struggles with conspiracy theories, as his mom died of a septic kidney infection, but he believes that her boyfriend poisoned her. He is fearful of being poisoned; he won’t sleep without someone watching over him. Not safe for a group home at this point.
UPDATE 11.16.23 – Dragonfly is a potential placement.
Patient recently moved to Minnesota and was displaying sexualized behaviors at school (disrobing, touching herself, attempting to grope teachers, making sexualized comments) CPS was contacted and they were concerned Patient was being sexually abused at home. They were brought to our hospital in need of out of home placement after MCRC visit while dad is investigated. Carver County has temporary custody. Patient has history of developmental delay. No sexualized behaviors toward other kids, mostly with self, while playing with dolls and adults.
Having DX completed this week. County pursuing a variety of options
Significant trauma history, aggression. Paternal grandmother has DOPA but feels unsafe with him at this time. His legal guardian is his mother who relocated to Oklahoma.