
sexual behaviors, aggression, mostly stable but his history makes placement challenging.


Twin brother adopted from Ecuador at age 11. DD, operate at about 5-6 year old. No MA or waiver due to parent income. County case manager referred to MSOCS and CSS. Mom working with Kennedy Krieger. Barriers: no MA, waiver or declined due to DD or aggression. DC from Chileda due to behaviors.


Twin brother adopted from Ecuador at age 11. DD, operate at about a 5-6 year level. No MA or waiver due to parent income. County case manager referred to MSOCS and CSS. Mom working with Kennedy Krieger. Barriers; no MA, waiver or declined due to DD or aggression. Discharged from Chileda due to behaviors. The family wants to keep him at home, but is intimidated by how big and aggressive he’s become.


Aggression, Child looks difficult on paper.


ASD, Aggression, DD, language impairment. Has failed at 2 group homes since being on this list.


History of suicide attempts and self-harm, verbal and physical agression, DD, FAS, ADHD, identifies as non-binary


Patient presents to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, verbal agitation. Patient is court-ordered not to go home. He has a probation officer due to theft charges and assaulting his father in the spring. Patient was in a group home from May, until approximately three weeks ago, after making allegations of physical abuse by group home staff. Patient has been at The Bridge for Youth Shelter for three weeks. Patient became mad and started throwing things, became rough with others, and was unable to calm down. Patient has a potential group home placement, but it isn’t available until 11/14/23.


ASD, aggression, IQ70, delayed in function, requires staffing support, limited space in a hospital room, he goes to school, he would have a hard time interacting/engaging with others.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, and significant behavioral change. Per patient’s mom, patient has been struggling for several years with anger and aggression, but this past month things have been escalating. Patient got upset at home, threw things, and punched his mom in the face. Patient’s mother called the police. Patient was in Riverside’s inpatient unit 3x in 2020. Patient was referred to PHP, and attended a 3-week PHP at Children’s Hospital. At the completion of the 3-week PHP, patient was recommended for additional treatment in a residential/inpatient setting. Patient has previous mental health diagnosis of PTSD, ADHD, DMDD, anxiety, and depression. Patient has a mental health CM and a psychiatrist.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression. Patient was discharged from residential treatment last week. Patient was supposed to discharge to a group home, but her CADI waiver had expired, and she was discharged home without services. Patient became upset after a stressful day, and began arguing with her brother and mother. Patient “destroyed her room”, attempted to kick out her window, and ran a piece of glass under her nails. Patient’s mother called the police.
Patient has a history of ADHD, depression, anxiety, and aggressive behaviors. She had 5 admissions to inpatient psychiatry, with the most recent one on 9/28/22.