12.21.23 This week the case worker came and discharged the child. Created safely plan, and child went home with gramma.
12/13/2023-History of Present Illness: This is a 10-year-old female patient was assessed by the crisis team crisis team recommended the patient go to a higher level care. Patient brought to ED for placement. The patient currently lives with grandmother but is Custody Of Indian child welfare. The patient has a history of PTSD, ADHD, anxiety, The patient has been hospitalized previously at primary care in Brooklyn Center Minnesota for 9 days, on October 23, 2023. The patient has a history of a mental health team including a home counselor at school counselor and outpatient services. Patient was transported here by law enforcement services. On examination the patient denies any pain Or complaints. There are 2 workers from Indian child welfare present with the patient here.Patient evidence of UTI Macrobid 100 mg orally was given Patient will need prescription Patient is transferred or discharge.
Impression: #1 Behavioral issue #2 UTI
Writer met with pt, sleeping and did not wake, and pt’s social worker Vanessa 218-850-9918 to discuss prior services. Pt has several services in place to assist with managing her behaviors. She has a therapist she sees regularly, medication management, is on an IEP, is able to take breaks at school, has in home services, engages in skills work, and does family therapy. Pt is in foster care with her grandma and has been since a young age. Pt does see her mom and gets violent with the siblings. Pt is violent both at school and will destroy property. Pt has aggression towards grandmother and will hit her, law enforcement has been called, however, grandmother does not file charges. Pt was in Prairie Care in October for roughly 9 days with no issues. At this time ICW social worker and grandmother feel inpatient treatment is the next option. Residential treatment was discussed briefly, however, without any legal charges or any recommendations, as well as pt’s young age as a barrier, residential placement is not an option at this time.
Staff will continue to look for inpatient treatment at this time.
Significant behavioral issues, Parent takes him on a lease when taking him out of the home. Physically and verbally aggressive to parent(s) and others (peers and staff) throws items, pulls fire alarms. Attempts to elope.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, suicidal ideation, threats to harm others, property destruction. Patient became upset at school, threw items, and ripped things off of the wall. Patient left school grounds, and police/ambulance were called. Patient has been living with her aunt for the past few months. Patient’s biological mother died when she was an infant, and was abused by a family member who obtained guardianship. Patient makes suicidal and homicidal threats often.
Patient was in the Fairview PHP program earlier this year. She was in the ED in May ’23. Patient no longer has a medication management provider. She has a county CPS worker and a newer case manager. Patient is currently in Equine Therapy 1x/week at Hold Your Horses.
Update: DIfficult to place, haven’t been successful at contact w family
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Patient has Autism, is non-verbal, has a developmental delay, speech delay, PICA and behavioral issues at home that have been increasingly difficult for the family to manage. Patient was seen her earlier this month after ingesting a battery. Patient reportedly has been accepted for a residential treatment facility in Missouri – Lake Mary Center, though they currently do not have a funding source and intake is not until the end of December. Family has been working with Aurora Behavioral Services, as well as psychiatry and PCA services.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: suicidal ideation, depression. Patient reports he tried to kill himself last night by stabbing himself with a dull pencil. Patient reports suicidal and homicidal thoughts that have increased in last two weeks. He has been at North Homes for three months. He was discharged to North Homes after a hospital stay at UMMC in September for SI. At North Homes, the patient escalated and told staff he was suicidal. He took the batteries out of a remote and tried to swallow them. He also tried to stab self with dull pencil. He became combative and needed to be restrained and then kicked staff in chest and tried to kick another staff. Patient then stated he would find each clients personal info and then take pictures of other clients after he killed them and send to parents. Patient told staff he would kill other clients and himself.
Patient reports long history of MH including PTSD, MDD and GAD. Patient has been hospitalized 2 x in past 6 months. Patient reports history of trauma. Patient states he has history of SIB.
Discharge Plan:
-Gerard (PT denied d/t documented IQ, requested reconsideration as new testing shows IQ as 78, pending)
-Northwoods (Waitlist is 1+ years long)
-North Homes (Pt denied d/t age)
-Acadia Out of State RTC network (Referral sent, pending)
-CABHH (Referral sent, pending)
10 yr old female admitting from Windom Area Health emergency department for suicidal ideation and homicidal ideation. Pt eloped from school and attempted to run into traffic and was brought to the ED via the police. Nobles County is Legal Guardian.
Existing services:
-Psychiatry through Southwest Mental Health Center
-New therapist starting in December through Healing Path in Levurne
-Previous therapist through Greater MN Family Services
-Neuropsych done with Surdy Psychological Mankato
-Nobles County guardian and CMHCM
-Nobles County guardian and CPS
Autism spectrum disorder and ODD, mother struggling with her own mental health issues and just started a day program. Multiple ED and SERCC presentations for physical aggression at home, typically triggered by conflict with mom. Completed PrairieCare PHP in September/October. SERCC declining due to lack of benefit and property destruction, Von Wald shelter has him on a wait list but no anticipated discharges. Only recently opened YBH case so in process of having worker assigned, no options for out of home placement. On wait list to start day treatment, perhaps week of 2/13, but he and mom can’t tolerate being in the same room together without escalating to yelling and throwing things. When not with mom, he is calm and engaged in crafts all day long. Care conference with mom and YBH intake 1/24 and 1/27 with a planned discharge 1/30 but mom refusing to take him home because of her concerns about his escalation in her care even in the hospital. Olmsted County CPS has screened out and does not have resources to offer.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: substance use, intoxication, anxiety. Patient was at WINGS treatment center for substance abuse/mental health from 10/17/23-10/28/23, before eloping. Patient was living on the streets, and staying with friends, before going to her aunt’s house. Patient was then picked up by her guardian/grandmother and brought to the ED.
Patient has a history of elopement and substance abuse.
Patient attended Prairie Care’s PHP program in June 2022, but was discharged due to behavioral problems.
Patient was in FV inpatient unit from 3/10/23-3/16/23 when she eloped while being transported to FV residential treatment program.
Patient was readmitted to the inpatient unit on 3/17/23 where she remained until admission to FV residential treatment could be arranged.
Patient was discharged from treatment due to behaviors and ran away from home, when she was found and brought back to FV ED on 4/24. where she remained until eloping on 5/28.
Patient has been accepted to Oshki Manidoo treatment center, and will admit once a bed opens up.
ASD, aggression, DD, language impairment
1 week prior to ED pt was found tied up in her home by her parents. She was taken to Children’s and placed into foster care. Mother didn’t believe in Western Medicine and was using THC and tying her up to treat pt’s agitation in the home. Pt presented to Regions ED from the foster home due to increase agitation and needing more staff support, pt has severe ASD, DD. Hx of violence towards self and others. She can’t eat without someone holding her hands because she hits everything away. She is mostly nonverbal, only knows a few words.
Has been in the ED for over 165 hours, she has been started on medications and we have seen a decrease in her level of agitation. She has been more cooperative with ADLs, takes medications, and eating meals w/ assist and staff have been able to redirect her before a code needs to be called. Pt has been declined by all inpatient facilities at this time. CPS in Anoka is current guardian. Has DD waiver. Regions providing sensory support, weighted blankets, stuffed animals, music. Needs 24/7 support.
Mom currently in custody.