Kiddo came to the ED 9/19 after aggression at his group home. Boarded at our hospital summer of 2023 for a few months. Team does not want him to return to his group home and is seeking crisis respite while they work on finding a new group home. Has DD waiver.
Risk Factor: Aggression (chronic/ongoing)
This term describes a pattern of repeated and persistent aggressive behaviors, such as chronic physical or verbal aggression.
Patient presented to the ER via EMS on 12/4/24 after an intentional overdose of chlorpheniramine maleate 4 mg / dextromethorphan hydrobromide 30 mg pills in an attempt to get high. He required PICU admission for anticholinergic toxicity and treatment with Precedex related to agitation and history of aggression with anticholinergic toxicity. He has had multiple ER visits for substance use. He was previously admitted here for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization from 11/7-11/15 and was discharged with plans to attend outpatient SUD treatment in Wisconsin. as he was not willing to participate in residential treatment. This is at least his 6th intentional overdose in attempts to get high and his 5th hospital admission requiring PICU admission. He is currently under the emergency guardianship of Mille Lacs County related to a CHIPS petition as he has been abandoned by his mom who moved to Wisconsin. He is also currently on probation with Mille Lacs County. He has not previously been successful with past SUD treatment or inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. Has very poor insight and follow through- though is able to express his desire for sobriety.
Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.
Pt is adopted, Pts parents signed a voluntary out of home agreement with Rice County, Pt has not been home in approximately 3yrs. Numerous failed placements due to aggression. There has been zero movement in regard to placement options. Patient is very aggressive and has been so on the psychiatric unit. Pt presents with all the symptoms of RAD
Came to our ED on 11/25 after altercation at home with Aunt, who is current custodian. Aunt has refused to take her back home and is refusing any involvement in her care currently. CPS is getting involved. Has CMH worker as well. Nexus YCT has been involved ongoing and is trying to work on referrals for residential, but needs ROIs first. Has interview with residential provider who previously accepted today 12/3.
Pt came to us 11/18/24 after an altercation at her ongoing GH in which she physically aggressed against another youth. Its reported that youth plans to press charges. She is not allowed to return to that GH, but that provider is working to see if they can set up a new setting for this pt, both temporary and ongoing. Team also has another GH they are looking into for her. This kiddo boarded with us previously, prior to discharge to her last GH, 9/24-11/1 of last year. Dakota County currently has custody. She is also open to CMH and waiver.
Patient was at school when he began having hallucinations, pulled his hood over his face, then ran into a concrete wall. He was admitted to Gillette for medical management of his bleed needing surgery to repair. Initially he was calm and not demonstrating behaviors then once he was fully off all sedation, he began showing his behaviors. He verbalized thinking everything is poison so he wouldn’t eat or drink, hearing and seeing things that are not there, extremely anxious and afraid. He needed physical holding for safety this am due to behaviors that put him at risk for his safety and others in the room. Patient has a history of this behavior prior to this incident. Strong family history of schizophrenia, this is currently in question for patient. Have connected with Children’s, Abbott and Prairie Care for possibly inpatient psych placement and med management.
Kiddo came into ED on 9/24 from school for aggressive behavior, was in foster care who is not willing to take pt back. Under custody of the County. Has history of both residential txt (Northwoods 2x) and juvenile detention centers, and has a rule 20. Referral has been made to Prairie Lakes, waiting for response.
This kiddo came to our ED on 10/21 because she did not have any other placement. County currently has custody. She was previously at Niama House where she had physical aggression toward staff on 10/19. They brought her to the ED on 10/21 and discharged her from their program. She previously boarded in our ED from 4/25-6/20, also due to needing placement.
Patient is a 16-year-old girl with history of mental illness who was brought to the emergency department from port group home where she has been residing for about 5 days. Patient states that she was in juvenile detention immediately prior to going to the group home. Patient has been prescribed psychotropic medicines in the past, but is not currently using any medications. Recommendation from probation officer and county social worker is juvenile detention center or psychiatric inpatient hospitalization pending long term psych placement. However, LE states they can’t bring her to JDC as she has no charges that would make that appropriate at this time without order from probation. Pt has been aggressive, verbally and physically while in the ED. She has eloped on multiple occasions and has attempted to harm herself.