
Kiddo boarded in our ED from 11/18/24-12/18/24 after being discharged from JEC Miller GH. JEC Miller took her into a temporary placement in an apartment setting while County worked toward another permanent placement. On 1/19/25 she returned to our ED after ingesting glass and was sent to our medical floor, where she is currently boarding. County team is looking into placement options- primarily crisis respite. On CADI. Working on Nexus YCT referral to assist with placement coordination.


Psychiatric history of Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Patient has two prior inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations in October 2024 and December 2024. Patient has a history of partial hospitalization programming in October 2024. Patient presented to PrairieCare through the ED following a suicide attempt and increasing behaviors at home. The current recommendation is for residential or PRTF..


The patient has a history of ADHD, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. Last night he became frustrated at residential treatment facility- Bar None, kicked a door with his right foot, and put a shoestring around his neck out of frustration. He states he was not trying to hurt himself and did not intend to hurt himself. Bar None completed an administrative review and will not allow his return.


Pt has a long term 245 D home here in Little Falls, they have been wonderful to work with this youth. Pt symptoms are increasing such as hallucinations and this can cause him to be aggressive. Pt med provider would like a safe place to adjust his medication, and we have been unable to find any assistance with this as denied by Prairie Care and all PRTF’s. Pt is on the waitlist at CABHH. Told this is long and do not know if he will be accepted or when. Currently Pt is on another 72 hour hold at the local hospital. He bounces back and forth from ER to his 245D home as the medication adjustment or consistent use of current meds is a challenge due to hallucinations and the risk of elopement and aggression that come with the hallucinations.


Kiddo was brought into our ED on 1/9/25 by her County Case Manager. She was in residential treatment at Deveruex in FL for over a year, she then aggressed, and was charged with assault so was brought to a JDC for 21 days in FL. After that time was up, she was ordered back to MN and the County had no placement so she was brought to the ED. Ramsey County currently has custody. Their goal is a long term group home with 2:1 staffing, but are needing somewhere for pt to go in the interim. Our team tried to refer to Nexus YCT for placement assistance, but the County worker refused that service. She has been declined by Gerard and North Homes RTCs. She currently is eligible for waiver placements but a waiver worker won’t be assigned until placement is found, so the Child Family Svs worker is doing all referrals, for MH and waiver placements. County is currently refusing hotel crisis as an option.


Kiddo came to our ED from NW Passages in WI on 1/3. She can not return to NW Passages as she has told them she refuses to return there. She had made threats to peers and family while there and was showing increased aggression. She was only going to remain there until turning 18 this spring and then the team did not know where she was going to go next. Currently they are looking at shelters, PRTFs, and anywhere that may accept her. (We have not had a team meeting yet to get full details) There is an intake meeting with Nexus YCT today at 1pm to get their assistance with placement.


Patient presents via law enforcement for increased aggression and outbursts, threatened to hurt self and staff with a knife, recently broke a staff members nose. Facility next door to group home is a day care and Pt threatened to slit the kids throats (has a history of aggression towards small children). She was seen by psychiatry who felt behaviors were chronic in nature and would not improve with inpatient hospitalization and return to group home was recommended. Each attempt and returning to her group home resulting in her assaulting staff and need for restraints and IM. Group home has since suspended services.


Youth came to our ED 11/30 after an altercation in the car with adoptive parents and suicidal threats. Has been to Northwoods PRTF for year and Leo Hoffman PRTF for 6 months, which were not successful. Had been in the community for a couple of months before coming back to ED. Team is exploring possibility of return to Northwoods. Previously had a waiver through Morrison County but current dispute between Counties about where Case Management for that waiver will be- Hennepin County is digging into this, and plan to explore waiver placements once sorted.


Kiddo arrived in ED on 12/22 after altercation at Passageways Shelter. Has boarded with us many times previously, including 3 in the past month: 11/29-12/5, 12/14-12/18, and now 12/22. Also previously boarded with us 4/26 to 5/29. Was recently at Aspen and Passageways shelters, neither which she can return to. Long history of elopement. County has interim custody. Team was working toward RTC but has also historically been denied by these programs.


Kiddo came to our ED 12/23, came from North Memorial ED after incident with Grandma at home, brought to us from County Case Manager. Grandma has custody. Has history of physical aggression, primarily directed at family. Has been calm and cooperative in our ED. CM is currently exploring parent referred shelter programs but all thus far have denied due to age/behavior. OP therapist is recommending RTC for long term plan but needing interim plan as well, Grandma reports it’s not safe to return to her.