
UPDATE: 11-15-23 still inpatient at United.
UPDATE 8.24.23 – still at United Hospital.

SUD, aggression, low IQ. Working on MI and D commitment. (Mentally ill and dangerous)


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: self-harm. Patient has a history of self-harm, through primarily biting his arm, punching other things or scraping himself with a tack. Mom reported that today was the first time he self-harmed with a blade. Mom reporting increased aggression in the home and at school and feels that patient needs inpatient. Mom explained the patient is in a level 4 school setting. He recently did PHP at Prairie Care and was discharged after three days due to concerns about aggression and inappropriate sexual comments. Mom shared the patient has made comments about wanting to strangle others.
Mom explained that patient may already be on the waitlist for the Village Ranch residential treatment in Cokato. They are also exploring North Home in Bemidji. Mom reported that patient has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, PTSD and ASD. She also wonders about FASD due to his biological mothers, drug and alcohol use. Patient was adopted at age 7 by his adopted mom and adopted dad. Mom was his PCA in his last foster home for one year before adoption.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression. Patient currently lives with foster mom and dad, mother will soon be entering IRTS but intends to take son back afterward. Patient has been not been taking his medications and engaging in behavior that puts himself and others around him in danger. Patient has high sensory needs that if not attuned to will begin to hurt self and others. Patient was last admitted on 10/20/23 and was inpatient until stabilization. Patient has been attempting to “scratch out” his eyes and turn off devices of his fellow foster care children. Pt is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and significant early childhood trauma. Collateral reports that when pt takes meds, he can calm down. Patient is non-verbal.


sexual behaviors, aggression, mostly stable but his history makes placement challenging.


Twin brother adopted from Ecuador at age 11. DD, operate at about 5-6 year old. No MA or waiver due to parent income. County case manager referred to MSOCS and CSS. Mom working with Kennedy Krieger. Barriers: no MA, waiver or declined due to DD or aggression. DC from Chileda due to behaviors.


Twin brother adopted from Ecuador at age 11. DD, operate at about a 5-6 year level. No MA or waiver due to parent income. County case manager referred to MSOCS and CSS. Mom working with Kennedy Krieger. Barriers; no MA, waiver or declined due to DD or aggression. Discharged from Chileda due to behaviors. The family wants to keep him at home, but is intimidated by how big and aggressive he’s become.


Aggression, Child looks difficult on paper.


ASD, Aggression, DD, language impairment. Has failed at 2 group homes since being on this list.


History of suicide attempts and self-harm, verbal and physical agression, DD, FAS, ADHD, identifies as non-binary


Patient presents to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, verbal agitation. Patient is court-ordered not to go home. He has a probation officer due to theft charges and assaulting his father in the spring. Patient was in a group home from May, until approximately three weeks ago, after making allegations of physical abuse by group home staff. Patient has been at The Bridge for Youth Shelter for three weeks. Patient became mad and started throwing things, became rough with others, and was unable to calm down. Patient has a potential group home placement, but it isn’t available until 11/14/23.