
UPDATE 8/31/23: Discharge to family with wraparound services planned for 8/31/23 at 1300 while waiting next Gerard admission (tentative late September) as QRTP pre placement screening has now approved.
UPDATE 8/24/23: Pt remains accepted to Gerard, next admission now late September. QRTP pre placement screening team approved 60 days RTC as of 8/24/23. We will discharge home with wraparound services while waiting RTC admission.
UPDATE 8/8/23: Pt is accepted to Gerard and can admit tentative 8/21- pending preplacement screening/QRTP approval from Hennepin County.

10- year-old female with a history of anxiety, depression, social difficulties, anger and trauma. Aggressive behaviors and increase in suicidal ideations. Has participated in PHP, individual therapy, and psychiatry. Insured by BCBS PMAP.

Primary Recommendation: Residential Treatment.

Patient recommended to return to home/community with wraparound services while waiting for Residential. Discharges have been attempted, patient threatened grandmother. (Patient cannot return to mother or to grandmothers- CPS involved)

Establish CMHCM (Referral to be made internally from CPS case worker)
Establish CTSS (Referral completed to Summer Counseling, reviewing; Referral completed to MN CarePartner, on waitlist, 2-3 months)
Establish FT (Referral completed to Family Attachment Center and Empower)
Continue Individual Therapy with Rachel at ELEOS Psychology Center
Continue Psychiatry with Catherine McCormick-Deaton, DO at Allina Health-St. Paul
Continue PCP at Allina Health-Maple Grove

Residential, when available due to waitlists*:
Consider Nexus-Gerard RTC (Declined due to aggression, being re-reviewed currently)
Consider Northwood Children’s RTC (Referral sent, waitlist 6-9 months)

*Juvenile Treatment Screening with Hennepin County needed to request funding for QRTP/RTC level of care. CPS worker aware of request.

Estimated length of stay:
Patient is medically ready for discharge as of 6/30/23


UPDATE: as of 8/24/23 she has been accepted to a residential facility in Georgia, and the family is waiting for some pieces from their insurance company. Transportation is ready to go once insurance is approved – hopefully end of this week or early next.

Pt is presented to the ED via EMS for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavioral change, and anxiety. Pt has been in a residential treatment center for approximately 5 weeks, and had been in a “crisis state” all day, on day of admission. Pt was requiring frequent restraints, supervision and redirection for up to 8 hours. She was non-compliant with treatment activities, frequently trying to run away from program activities, and into the street. Pt kept searching for sharp objects to self-harm, and assaulted staff when they tried to take objects from her.
These are chronic behaviors for pt. Pt is currently in a 3rd residential treatment program (secure), with a hx of one prior group home placement. Pt has a hx of several mental health hospitalizations, with most recent in October 2022. Patient has a hx of refusing medications.
Residential facility stating that pt has been discharged, however there is no discharge paperwork available. From North Dakota. No case mgr or services in place. Her parents were able to get her into the residential treatment center she was at. Able to DC but nowhere to go at this point.


Pt is presented to the ED via EMS after increased verbal and physical threats towards his family. Patient attempted to burn a locked door down with his mom and sister behind it. Patient’s mother called the police, and patient threatened to jump off of the balcony. Patient has a diagnosis of ASD and ADHD.
Patient was hospitalized and in outpatient program about 4 years ago. Per patient’s mother, the patient had been receiving wrap around treatment until he was discharged 4 months ago, when the patient brought a knife to therapy and threatened his therapist with said knife. The patient has been declined for all services by Prairie Care. Patient was assessed by Fairview recently and planned to start day treatment, but he refused to get in the car to go to therapy.
Patient has shown increasing aggression since about October 2022 when he decided he no longer wanted to have a relationship with his father.


Update 7/27 Genesis Group Homes is pursuing an intake to potentially utilize crisis services.

16 year old adopted from Ecuador at age 8 (with twin brother with similar difficulties, as well as 2 other siblings without similar struggles), with ASD and intellectual disability, associated with a microduplication at chromosome 8p23.1, likely in-utero substance exposure, as well as early life neglect (living in an orphanage for much of his young life). Significant aggression difficulties that are becoming more unmanageable by family as he grows larger; unsuccessfully discharged from Chileda in November 2022. Family have financial resources and have purchased a second home for the boys and hired private caregivers in the evenings, but their income limits eligibility for MA and state-funded services. New behavior analyst started working with the family in March. May be on the MSOCS wait list. Currently on the wait list for inpatient care at Kennedy Krieger near Baltimore (brother previously had a good experience there).


Pt is a 10 yo male presenting due to increased aggressive and impulsive behaviors at home. Pt was attempting to light fires in the home prompting mom to call EMS. Mom has other small children in the home and feels as though she is not equipped to care for him. Pt has trauma history and has had inpatient mental health stays in the past. County recently approved funding for PRTF. Looking for a shelter in the meantime. Has sexual concerns so that needs to be considered with shelter placement. Extensive sexual and physical abuse history. Mom unable to take him back at this time, other children in the home. Has not has any sexualized behaviors while at the hospital. Nexus Mille Lacs is able to take someone with potential sexualized behaviors – and is interested in this child. Connecting offline.


Pt is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Pt had not been taking his medication, and had been awake for several days on his computer. Pt began waving a knife and scissors around the house, and refused to give them back to his mother. Pt’s mother was concerned that he was going to hurt her, so she called the police.
Pt seems to have limited potential to regulate his emotions and can be erratic without considering the consequences for his impulsive behaviors. Pt was discharged from inpatient treatment in July of this year, for a similar presentation.


State of MN is trying to find a way to build his own home, timing TBD.

Aggressive, DD, low IQ – 40-50, FAS, ward of state, targeted case mgr. Was provisionally discharged from CABHH, not allowed to return. Perhaps a plan is a state run group home, in development?


Patient is presented to the ED by EMS for aggressive behavior towards staff and another resident in his group home. At the group home staff brought the patient out to his school transportation but the patient became dysregulated when he saw the driver was different from prior trips. Patient then eloped to a neighbor’s house where he entered. Staff followed and called the police. Patient was brought back to the group home, but later got into a physical fight with another resident and staff member. Police were called a second time, and patient was transported to the hospital using restraints. The patient has a history of ED visits and has had approximately 6 previous hospital admissions (5/21; 7/21; 10/21; 11/21; 12/21; 9/22). The patient has a diagnosis history of DMDD, ODD, ADHD, GAD, depression, and RAD


14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Hennepin County, recent placement at his request with young adult brother that was disrupted due to conflict. Briefly placed at Von Wald shelter but repeatedly eloped in an effort to reunite with his brother, and was brought to the ED. Calm overall except when relocated to a unit that required observation while in the restroom, then repeatedly escalated with verbal threats, closing himself in the bathroom, and hitting the walls.