
Patient was brought to the Emergency Dept. after having a violent outburst at a residential facility in Fargo, ND. Concern for physical aggression and property damage. Patient reportedly was involved in a verbal altercation with another resident who was calling him by the wrong pronouns. He has now been discharged from the residential facility with no alternative residential facilities available. Otter Tail County (MN) is the guardian. Guardian has exhausted all options. He has been calm and cooperative in the ED with no outbursts. He is medically cleared and he is not meeting criteria for inpatient psychiatric hospitalization.


Patient with a history of ADHD, DMDD, and trauma that presents after making verbal suicide threat and gesture of putting his hands around his neck. Has a history of suicide statements and self injury when angry. Does not require inpatient hospitalization though is unable to return to foster home. There is difficulty in finding an accepting foster placement.

D/C to new foster home on 6/2/23


Patient is reported to be under the guardianship of Hennepin County. Patient presents to ED with his social worker for a mental health evaluation after having “mental breakdowns” while under the care of his mother, who kicked him out and told him not to return. Patient has a hx of autism spectrum disorder. Patient has hx of abandonment from both parents, and has a foster placement with his aunt, but is refusing to return to her care, stating that he will kill her if he has to go back.


Pt has been residing in foster homes since she was a few days old. Pt has lived in approximately 9 residences, some were with biological family members. She has been in her current foster home since October 2022. Pt is under guardianship through Hennepin County ICWA program with a Hennepin County Case Manager. According to her guardian, pt has been subjected to significant trauma from her previous placements, including physical/emotional/sexual abuse and neglect. Pt’s biological parents’ parental rights were terminated before pt was 1 year old. Pt is now enrolled in school through the MPLS public school, attending while boarding in the ED. She has frequent, chronic aggression in the community. Generally no concerns in the hospital.


Patient presents to ED via EMS for aggressive behaviors and agitation at her foster home. Patient has diagnosis of MDD, GAD, and Intellectual Delay. Foster caregivers report that the patient has had increased agitation over the past 4-5 days, is throwing things, crying most of the day, trying to run away from the setting multiple times a day, is uncooperative, destroying property, hitting caregivers in the face and stomach, and is now trying to self-harm by dumping a dresser over on herself. Patient does have contact with her birth mother but there are apparently issues with that, and foster care believes that birth mother is influencing the patient to act out so mom can get custody returned to her.


Patient presented after RTC in Nevada abruptly closed that patient was residing at; patient was flown home to MN and brought directly to the ED due to lack of placement following RTC closing. Patient is under guardianship of Otter Tail county. History of aggressive behaviors in community and placements however has been calm throughout ED stay.


Patient presented to the ED from PHP for making homicidal threats towards foster mother and other children in the home, during a family meeting. Foster mother doesn’t feel safe bringing the patient home.


She struggles with a history of trauma and bipolar disorder, stable on medications.
Update 4/11/23 – waiting for placement at foster home or shelter.


Patient is presented to the Peds ED from his elementary school, where he became physically aggressive towards staff and students, and eloped from his school. Patient was placed in the care of paternal aunt about two years ago, but removed a couple of months ago due to alleged abuse toward patient. Patient’s mother and aunt are allowed supervised visits. Patient has been in four foster home placements in the last six weeks. Patient’s most current foster placement refuses to take him back. Patient has hypersexual behavior and sexual knowledge not appropriate for his age. There are concerns for sexual abuse


Patient presented to the hospital by police for suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, and physical and verbal aggression towards her family after lowering a dose of patient’s medication. Patient’s mother doesn’t feel safe with her returning home.

5/3/23 discharged to home