
a history of diagnoses of PTSD, reactive attachment disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD and substance use disorder. Her social and developmental history is notable for significant early life trauma related to parental substance use, including at least one episode of Lily herself ingesting methamphetamine as an infant. She was removed from mother’s care at age 10 months and father’s care at age 5 years, and was adopted by maternal grandparents at age 7. She has had essentially lifelong difficulties with dysregulated behavior. She has been at Mayo Clinic since 9/6/2023 following an altercation at the home where she was staying. She was previously residing with a family friend, but is unable to return due to safety concerns by all adults involved, including Olmsted County who assessed this not to be a safe discharge location. Her legal decision maker is her maternal grandmother who has previously adopted her.


Patient arrived via EMS due to her mother calling 911 after the patient made suicidal comments at home and conflict with her mother. Patient was engaging in sexual behavior with a strange, in exchange for drugs. Patient went home and told her mother what she did, passively stating she wanted to kill herself.
The patient has a history of risky sexual behavior, self-harm, and suicidal ideation. Patient also has a history of physical and verbal altercations with others including family and EMS / hospital / treatment staff, and has a history of 3 suicide attempts, most recent attempt was 1 year ago by ingesting bleach.
Patient has a past psychiatric history of ASD, ADHD, MDD, GAD, and Cannabis Use disorder.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, abuse or neglect, worsening psychosocial stress. Patient has been with his foster family for a week. He has been displaying sexualized behaviors, aggressive behaviors like throwing furniture, hitting, trying to light paper towels on fire on the stove top, sharing that he wants to die and self-injure. Patient was in a previous foster home and prior to that he was with his Grandma. Per foster mom, there was “interfamily torture” and the kids were sexually abused. Patient demonstrates inappropriate sexualized behaviors


UPDATE 9/7/23: Pending potential foster/emergency beds.
UPDATE 8/31/23: Possible emergency foster bed open 9/5, emergent SMRT application in process. Still waiting living placement.

13 y/o female with a history of PTSD, depression, ADHD, mild CD concerns. Patient has a history of previous psychiatric hospitalizations related to increase in SI, SIB, and/or suicide attempts. Patient currently has an outpatient therapist and children’s mental health case manager; treatment history includes outpatient therapy and psychiatric hospitalizations as well as one prior placement at Northwoods crisis stabilization program. Patient is in foster care under guardianship of St. Louis County. Patient was in a foster home prior to inpatient hospitalization but is unable to return to that placement after discharge. Patient has Ucare PMAP insurance.

Discharge Recommendations:
Continue individual therapy established provider
Continue CMHCM with established provider
Continue primary care/medication management with established provider
Establish psychiatry (SW to refer/follow up with outpatient team RE: pending referral)

Estimated length of stay:
Until placement is established by the County (Patient is medically ready for discharge as of 08/16/23)


Patient is an 11-year-old male presenting to Children’s Emergency Department due to increasing behavioral escalations at home. Patient has a history of trauma. Patient has not had stable housing and has been in several different placements within this last year.
Patient does not meet inpatient mental health criteria due to no ongoing or current suicidal ideation, thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts to harm others and was recommended to discharge home to his foster home with his grandmother.


14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Hennepin County, recent placement at his request with young adult brother that was disrupted due to conflict. Briefly placed at Von Wald shelter but repeatedly eloped in an effort to reunite with his brother, and was brought to the ED. Calm overall except when relocated to a unit that required observation while in the restroom, then repeatedly escalated with verbal threats, closing himself in the bathroom, and hitting the walls.


14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Olmsted, previously residing in kinship foster placement but repeatedly eloped. Refuses to participate in therapy as an outpatient. Verbally defiant at times but no significant aggression toward caregivers; can have reactive physical fights with peers at school but not unprovoked. County has guardianship since November 2022, but he does have actively involved aunt/uncle who will be the targets for permanency planning.


Patient is a ward of the State of MN, she has been unsuccessful in foster care placements the past 3 years. She attends a Level 4 school, Reach Academy. Patient in need of higher level of care, group home.
Patient discharged to kinship foster care 6/15/23 while Legal Guardian/Social Worker is still pursuing group home placement. Namia House, Willow Trails.


Pt is presented to the ED via EMS due to aggressive behavior in his foster mother’s home. Pt became escalated when his foster mother asked him to take a bath, and began throwing chairs and kicking his mother. Pt has an intellectual disability and lacks insight into behaviors and mental health concerns. Pt has hx of autism and ADHD combined type, and hx of agitation/aggression.