
Patient presented from foster home due to SIB via cutting and passive SI. Recommended for discharge, however foster parent unwilling to take patient back due to concerns for behaviors (passive SI, reportedly giving men her address online). Needs shelter or foster placement.


Update: DIfficult to place, haven’t been successful at contact w family
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, significant behavioral change. Patient has Autism, is non-verbal, has a developmental delay, speech delay, PICA and behavioral issues at home that have been increasingly difficult for the family to manage. Patient was seen her earlier this month after ingesting a battery. Patient reportedly has been accepted for a residential treatment facility in Missouri – Lake Mary Center, though they currently do not have a funding source and intake is not until the end of December. Family has been working with Aurora Behavioral Services, as well as psychiatry and PCA services.


Patient was adopted 2 years prior from Bulgaria. Initially, patient had very odd behaviors. For example, he would like his adoptive dad to be present in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom and showered. Parents state his behaviors have escalated. He has tried to masturbate the dog. He draws pictures of men with erections. He has exposed his genitals to his siblings. Purposefully incontinent of stool at tines. He has killed a Chinchilla and possibly several cats. He has tried to strangle the dog. They found sharp objects including a razor and sharp screwdriver under the bed. He did cut the top of his left hand but states this was an accident. Adoptive mom states they have a special needs child and patient has tried to harm this child. Parents are worried about safety within the home and are unable to bring him home at this time.


Patient was dropped off at a different ER by the parents of her 4th foster home placement where she was placed 3 days prior as the foster parents didn’t feel they could provide care for the patient due to hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, elopement, and sexualized behaviors. Her social workers picked her up from the outside ER and while in route to human services center to board until a new foster home was located, the patient was attempting to remove her seatbelt and she was brought to this ER where initially inpatient psychiatric hospitalization was recommended due to a lack of safety awareness, elopement, sexual behaviors, and need for medication assessment. She was trialed on guanfacine, developed hypotension and this was discontinued, and she was started on Concerta where her elopement attempts, impulsivity, and hyperactivity improved. She remains boarding in the ER while the county pursues foster home placement.


Long history of trauma started ingesting non-edible items, batteries on 3 occasions. Waiting on County to help with disposition. Ward of state. No attempts at self-harm or ingesting since stay in ED. Last ingestion was day of admission. Surgically removed batteries then back to ED for MH care. Local school district working with her, tutoring. Turns 18 in May.


This child has been on the HUB previously as MCR-10-283.

Patient was admitted to Prairie Care Residential on 11/8/22 but was transferred to Prairie Care’s inpatient psychiatric hospital on 11/10/22 due to aggression. Patient remains on the Northwoods Residential wait list. There will be additional residential treatment waitlist’s the patient can be added to, once they turned 11 on 1/16/23. Patient remained psychiatrically hospitalized at Prairie Care until she was discharged on 1/5/23 with the recommendation of returning to community-based treatment. Adopted but adoptive parents surrendered her to Goodhue County.


Substance use history, family signed out from treatment program and has been on the run for the past 6 months after mom signed her out of facility in Brainerd. History of abuse from grandfather whom she was staying with. Leech Lake custody. Drinking since age 9. MH primary dx.


1 week prior to ED pt was found tied up in her home by her parents. She was taken to Children’s and placed into foster care. Mother didn’t believe in Western Medicine and was using THC and tying her up to treat pt’s agitation in the home. Pt presented to Regions ED from the foster home due to increase agitation and needing more staff support, pt has severe ASD, DD. Hx of violence towards self and others. She can’t eat without someone holding her hands because she hits everything away. She is mostly nonverbal, only knows a few words.
Has been in the ED for over 165 hours, she has been started on medications and we have seen a decrease in her level of agitation. She has been more cooperative with ADLs, takes medications, and eating meals w/ assist and staff have been able to redirect her before a code needs to be called. Pt has been declined by all inpatient facilities at this time. CPS in Anoka is current guardian. Has DD waiver. Regions providing sensory support, weighted blankets, stuffed animals, music. Needs 24/7 support.
Mom currently in custody.


ADHD, adjustment disorder, anxiety, Developmental delay, ODD, aggression, sexualized behavior. FAmily was living in shelter. Disregulated episode- tried to strangle self, to ED for assessment. Initially rec for inpt, then decided he did’nt need inpt. Family leaving shelter soon, so not able to take him back at this time. Mom says addicted to porn. Became disregulated once but otherwise has been stable, no SI. Henn county won’t get involved- saying it’s not abandonment, doesn’t have a county case mgr. Some services thru Dakota county. Level 4 school setting. Looking into other shelters. Family thinks he needs tx. Referrals to nexus, Prairie Care, Henn County Peace offering made. Gap in services. 7/21 was at Prairie Care. Mom open to foster home, he doesn’t necessarily need residential. Mom isn’t visiting bec she is scared he will be sent home with her.
Previously attended IP MH at PC in July 2021, no current acute SI, safety concerns in hospital, pt and his family are homeless, got kicked out of shelter due to aggression, pt currently does not have any county supports. Patient’s family moved from St. Cloud. Due to pt’s age, history of aggression, and sexualized behavior (watching porn, taking photos of privates, exposing himself to siblings) mom has been unable to find a shelter that will accept them. referral for services was put in with Hennepin county. DC’d to home with mom.


Emotional dysregulation, discharged from crisis respite home due to aggressive incident. Frequent episodes of dysregulation around electronics. Has been calm & cooperative in our hospital. Mom’s rights are terminated, but she had daily phone contact and monthly visits.