
Patient presented from Aspen House due to suicidal ideation and aggression. He has stabilized and is at baseline level of functioning. Patient unable to return to Aspen House and does not have an alternative placement he can go to. CPS looking into long term placement options. Presents with aggression and suicidal ideation, elopement.


Presented to the ED for suicidal ideation. Boarded in the ED and attempts were made to safety plan with family but family refused to take patient home. Pt has an extensive history of running away, threatening others, suicidal ideation and there have been concerns (not proven) about patient taking advantage of vulnerable peers and children. Patient was admitted to ANW in early 2023 for 68 days. RTC was recommended but patient was declined from programs in MN and nationwide. Family was resistant to taking patient home but eventually patient discharged home.


Discharged to a friends house 2/2/24
Seeking safe living placement for youth ASAP
Patient is a 17 year old Caucasian female with a history of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Admitted for SI/SIB related to school stress.
Ukraine Refugee and has been self sustaining since arriving in America. Patient was residing in Duluth with a roommate and roommate will not have patient live with her anymore. Patient does not have any contact with family. Trauma from war in Ukraine.
She has a therapist and psychiatrist in Duluth- will arrange to where she is living. Has completed PHP twice in the past. Pt wants to live in the Twin Cities Metro for access to more resources .Insured by UBH MA plan.

*Barrier to Discharge is housing:
The Bridge for Youth (Referral made, declined due to recent suicidal ideation)
Aspen House (Referral made, pending response)
Hope House (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
Brittany’s Place (Referral made, call at noon to review patient)
Von Wald Shelter (Referral made, pending response)
Life House (Contacted, waiting response)
Hennepin County Front Door (Contacted, they directed to call Homeless shelter, thus unable to help with housing/shelter resources)
Lutheran Social Services (Contacted, no available bed at this time)
UMD Campus Housing (Contacted campus housing, they don’t have campus housing for PSEO students)


Patient presents from a family friend’s home where she was living however due to ongoing dysregulation and threats to harm the family, patient can no longer stay there. Mother does not feel safe with patient at home due to homicidal threats to family. Patient has no current options and needs long term placement.


Patient presented from home due to aggression and dysregulated behaviors, which are baseline for patient. Guardian will not allow her to return home, citing safety concerns for himself as patient often becomes aggressive with him. Patient has been to Gerard RTC in fall, 2023 but discharged without completing.


1/19/24 he’s slated to discharge to Bar None on 1/22/24.
15 y/o male whose ward of the state presented to ED after an episode of emotional dysregulation which led to destroying property.


1/18/24. No placement at this time. Waiting for a waiver to open up more funding sources. Denied at respite/shelter due to behaviors

Patient presented from Aspen House shelter due to aggressive behavior and property destruction. Patient is unable to return to shelter. Mother refusing to discharge home. County looking into shelter options and foster care placement


Patient presented to the ER after 3 other ER visits from outside ER for physical concerns that were determined to be panic symptoms verses a physical abnormality. Patient has a chronic history of mood and behavioral dysregulation, self-harm, multiple suicide attempts, truancy, and parent child relationship difficulties. She has a history of trauma in the form of witnessing domestic abuse, physical abuse, possible sexual abuse, and the death of her dad due to an OD 4-5 years ago. She has had 2 inpatient hospitalizations along with 2 PHP admissions with little benefit and participation. Mom struggles with following through on recommendations and struggles with alcohol/substance use. A child protection report was filed last year and she moved in to her neighbors though this is no longer an option. She denies any passive or active suicide ideation, plan, or intent. Inpatient hospitalization is not recommended. Mom is not willing to bring her back home at this time due to disruption in the home.


Behavioral issues, parent takes him on a leash when taking him out of the home. Physically and verbally aggressive to parent(s) and others (peers and staff). Throws items, pulls fire alarms, attempts to elope. Receives CTSS services and has demonstrated significant behaviors within those services. Had been in homebound school program, attempted re-entry into school setting and on first day back, damaged property and assaulted staff as well as directing violence towards peers, resulting in transfer to ER for placement. Treatment team questioning consistency of receiving medications appropriately in the home setting and are recommending residential treatment or a shelter bed until residential treatment can be secured.


Update 1/15/24- potential admission to Ain Duh Yung Center today.

Patient presented via EMS after running away from emergency foster placement. Foster home is not willing to take her back. The patient is polite and calm though guarded and provides minimal information. She was seen by psych on arrival to the ER with recommendations to return to foster placement. She was removed from her biological parent’s home at age 3 and has been in foster home placements since. We have received minimal information about her history from legal guardian though previous foster provider noted that she was found with cigarettes, pipe, and a needle in her possession recently.