
Patient was placed at Passageways shelter for 1 month. Near the end of that time, patient became upset that time was ending and would transition back to home. Is not recommended for IP MH care and needs a d/c plan from the ED. Several referrals to shelters have been made.


Came to our ED after physical altercation with another resident at Prairie Care Residential, can not return there. History of multiple inpatient admissions and PHP. Grandma is guardian and pt is unable to return there due to another child living there that pt can’t be placed with. CMH worker has made multiple RTC referrals and patient has been denied by almost all. Currently looking into a RTC out of state in TN, however this provider does not have a contract so would be a long time before this placement was obtained. Also looking at shelter options.


Update: Has been accepted at CABHH but discharge there has been delayed due to pts not discharging from their facility.

Pt was at North Homes, then was in Fairview’s inpatient unit for 35 days. Was going to return to North Homes from there, in transport there on 3/27 pt attempted to overdose on pills stating he didn’t want to go back to North Homes and was brought back to Fairview ED where he is currently boarding. Prior to being at North Homes he was at CABHH. County team have referred to Nexus Mille Lacs- long wait and Passageways. Hospital referred to Nexus YCT.


Patient presented to the ER with her mom for concerns of suicidal ideation though patient denies this. She has had several presentations to the ER due to aggressive behaviors and kicked out of group home for aggression towards peers and staff. She has been in and out of crisis centers and alternative housing verses being at home along with several inpatient hospitalizations.
**Full details of patient history is unknown to writer as I am not currently following her***


Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for aggressive behaviors at shelter care resulting in property destruction. Patient is not able to return to the shelter and does not have any safe disposition options.


Pt came to ED 3/25 after being on the run for a few weeks. Was previously at hotel crisis respite prior to being on the run, damaged property there and can not return. County is current guardian, though patient turns 18 very shortly and will be his own guardian at that time. History of behaviors, verbal and physical aggression and property destruction. Has been denied from shelters due to behaviors and previously denied from RTCs in and out of state, though due to age would no longer be an option. Refuses all mental health services and has not had a DA since 2020. Is on CADI waiver. Recommendation on weekly call to discuss benefits of IRTS program/treatment with him.


Patient presented with police after being found as a runaway from parents home, staying at friends house. Patient reportedly having increased aggressive episodes at home towards parents and property destruction. Parents unwilling to have patient in the home at this time. Working with family and case manager on shelter or alternative placement need.


Patient presented from guardian’s home after a verbal argument. Guardian unwilling to have patient return home and patient does not wish to return home. Guardian in agreement for need for shelter placement at this time, awaiting acceptance to a shelter bed.


Patient presented to the ED from Aspen House after destroying property and agitation. Unable to return and unable to return to adoptive parents home. Boarding in the ED for shelter placement.


2/29/24: Still inpatient. Children’s Mental Health Case Mgr assigned this week.
Update 2/8/24: Still in inpatient. Denied from Northwoods, Gerard, PrairieCare due to aggression and age. Denied from group homes as well. Exploring 2 family member possibilities. Trying to get a Case manager assigned. Anoka non secure 45-day assessment program could include a psycho-sexual assessment (? age requirements?).

Patient presented to the ED by mother’s boyfriend due to concerns of sexual abuse. History of physical and sexual abuse and recently has been perpetrating on his younger siblings and having increased behavioral concerns and aggression. Placed on a welfare hold for placement, court ordered to out of home placement. Has been denied by 7 foster homes, no shelters accepting patients his age. CPS currently has custody.