Adopted at age 8 from private agency (so ineligible for MA). Comes in with Homicidal ideation and threats to kill sister and burn down house. Family not willing to bring her home for safety. Have tried many services but terminated them about 2 years ago and now are trying to re-engage. No approval for placement at this time.
Recommended Service: Shelter
Shelters provide temporary housing and support services to individuals experiencing homelessness or in crisis situations, ensuring a safe and stable environment.
Arrives from 180 degrees / von wald shelter after eloping. Kicked out of family home in October 2024, was homeless and found shelter at Ain Dah Yung for a time until psychiatrically hospitalized. Has been at 180 degrees since 12/26/24-2/28/25.
Kiddo was brought to our ED 3/4 by Mom. Had discharged from our ED hours prior, but returned after another altercation at home regarding pts phone. Mom is trying to get a DA from ongoing therapist, reports one was completed, to get CMH CM. Does not have any ongoing County CMs at this time. Our team tried to make parent-referral shelter referrals however Mom reports she is unwilling to agree to the terms of those programs, which include that Mom will need to pick up if pt becomes dysregulated. No waiver or CMH worker involved to approve any alternative placements at this time. CPS just opened today 3/5. Care Conference taking place 3/6 to gather further information.
This pt has boarded with us multiple times in the past. 2/13/24-3/27/24 and 2/14/25-2/21/25. Came to us again 2/27/25 after self harm in the shelter setting where she had discharged to on 2/21. Shelter is unable to take her back. County has custodianship currently and is searching for additional shelter and foster placements, as well as waiver placements. (Was in foster prior to 2/14/25) Previously had residential treatment, in 2024. Is open to CADI waiver.
Pt came into our ED 2/13/25 from parent’s home after conflict there. Parents are refusing to let him return home at this time. Parents report a lot of substance use history, primarily marijuana. Has an IQ of 66 and has reportedly been denied by SUD programs due to this. Also is turning 18 in approx 2 months. Just opened to CADI waiver. Team is exploring waiver placements, long and short term, YSN shelters, seeing if IRTS might consider due to almost being 18, and exploring SUD programs that may accept IQ.
Presents from home. Patient is known to our facility having previously boarded. Patient lives with aunt and uncle. There are issues with their relationship, and it has been increasingly difficult for aunt and uncle to manage, and they do not want patient to return home.
He completed day treatment on 1/23/25 but has been dysregulated off and on during that time, residing at foster home and eloping. Prior to presentation, eloped and was away from home for 12+ hours, sleeping outside in someone’s truck (not running) in zero degree temperatures. Nobody feels he can be maintained safely in the community.
Kiddo came to our ED from NW Passages in WI on 1/3. She can not return to NW Passages as she has told them she refuses to return there. She had made threats to peers and family while there and was showing increased aggression. She was only going to remain there until turning 18 this spring and then the team did not know where she was going to go next. Currently they are looking at shelters, PRTFs, and anywhere that may accept her. (We have not had a team meeting yet to get full details) There is an intake meeting with Nexus YCT today at 1pm to get their assistance with placement.
Patient sent to Cambridge medical center ED due to aggression and numerous ED visits from Bar None. Bar None discharging the patient.
Kiddo arrived in ED on 12/22 after altercation at Passageways Shelter. Has boarded with us many times previously, including 3 in the past month: 11/29-12/5, 12/14-12/18, and now 12/22. Also previously boarded with us 4/26 to 5/29. Was recently at Aspen and Passageways shelters, neither which she can return to. Long history of elopement. County has interim custody. Team was working toward RTC but has also historically been denied by these programs.