Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.
Recommended Service: Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization
Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization involves the admission of individuals to a psychiatric hospital for intensive treatment of severe mental health conditions, including therapy, medication, and stabilization.
19 year old left his adoptive home for a walk, then stopped at a private home and requested that 911 be called due to having suicidal thoughts. Patient is in high school. 4 visit to the ER in two weeks.
Update: O5/16, Central Pre-Admission denied the patient’s placement in CABHH, appealing this decision. Comprehensive Home Care (Respite Provider) accepted him moving date TBD.
Update: 5/15 referred to CABHH he previously denied on 3/29 along with residential and respite placement.
16 y/o M with hx of intellectual disability, poor distress tolerance, and maladaptive patterns to get needs met. Presents with chronic behavioral pattern of acting out to get needs met. Pervasive behavioral patterns in the community result in unsafe behaviors, high utilization of ERS, loss of placements, and exacerbating attachment struggles. He was d/c from respite placement through Twin Cities Home Care on 5/14 due to aggression and impulsive behaviors.
5/2 Update: Client has been discharged home twice (contracted for safety) and returned within 24 hours due to attempting to run into traffic. Has been approved for PRTF and referrals have been made to Northwoods (2 year waitlist) and Grafton. Inpt behavioral health is not an option due to previous stays. CABHH referral pending and they are attempting to admit pt when they have discharges.
Presented with attempted suicide on 4/4 (superficial laceration on arm). Also attempted to overdose on Lithium on 4/2. Appears to have a developmental delay. Denied at multiple inpt facilities due to previous aggression. Turns 18 in July.
Update 3/14: Planning for DC back to home 3/15. Provided mom with resources for group home placement
Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for suicidal ideation after getting into an argument with his brother and attempted to jump out of a 3rd story window and the vehicle. Mom does not feel safe with him at home due to ongoing aggression. Patient has ABA therapy and social worker.
Pt arrived to ER with law enforcement after Aggressive agitated episode with stated suicidal and homicidal thoughts in a young 14-year-old with serious past psychiatric history. Patient is currently in a moderately agitated state but no need for chemical restraints at this time. Patient did agree to laboratory evaluation per protocol suggest in light of the absence of concern of overdose that we will defer to behavioral health evaluation before doing a blood draw. Will attempt to get a urine for drug screen. Behavioral health consult placed unclear if he will cooperate with evaluation. Patient is on one-to-one observation.14 year old male with oppositional defiant disorder, sensory integration dysfunction and ADHD with hyperactive impulsive type presented to Hosptial after disturbing events at school this morning. We know some sort of electronic gadget was taken away from Ethan. He became agitated and apparently attempted to roam the halls looking for his father who is also a teacher at the school making threats against the stepfather. Statements of suicidal ideation were made. Father is reportedly in support of a behavioral health stay due to to the level of aggression that has not been witnessed for a while. During his period of upset he tore off a piece of trim from the school that had nails in it and was swinging it at staff.
9 year old female recommended for inpatient care due to verbalizing suicide plan. County involved. Outpatient services minimally utilized. MCO has been in the home several times and offered recommendations to family. Parents active and present, but unusre if able to set boundaries or have skills to meet needs. Other kids in home. MCO eval recommended placement and continue in ED until placement located. Avel consult and suggested could go home with safety plan if parents agreeable, parents not agreeable. Physical acting out example pounding on window, reported destroying things at home.
Significant behavioral issues, Parent takes him on a lease when taking him out of the home. Physically and verbally aggressive to parent(s) and others (peers and staff) throws items, pulls fire alarms. Attempts to elope.
Patients a 16yr female with a history of albinism, anxiety and depression, ADHD, unspecified intellectual disability and borderline personality disorder presenting to the ED with complaints of suicidal ideation with plan. Was discharged from PSJ on 11/08/23. Started PHP at PSJ on 10/9/23, became aggressive and had a episode with SI statements and brought to the ED. Extensive inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations over the past year with >4 at Prairie St Johns, and 4 months at Prairie Care Medical Center from 4/18/23 -8/25/23.
UPDATE: 11-15-23 still inpatient at United.
UPDATE 8.24.23 – still at United Hospital.
SUD, aggression, low IQ. Working on MI and D commitment. (Mentally ill and dangerous)