
Patient was at school when he began having hallucinations, pulled his hood over his face, then ran into a concrete wall. He was admitted to Gillette for medical management of his bleed needing surgery to repair. Initially he was calm and not demonstrating behaviors then once he was fully off all sedation, he began showing his behaviors. He verbalized thinking everything is poison so he wouldn’t eat or drink, hearing and seeing things that are not there, extremely anxious and afraid. He needed physical holding for safety this am due to behaviors that put him at risk for his safety and others in the room. Patient has a history of this behavior prior to this incident. Strong family history of schizophrenia, this is currently in question for patient. Have connected with Children’s, Abbott and Prairie Care for possibly inpatient psych placement and med management.


Pt has has multiple psychiatric hospitalizations, is aggressive often, and very unpredictable in her behaviors. She was in an ED for about a month, and was placed at Northwoods residential treatment. She was engaging in self harm. and making threats to jump out of a window. Pt assaulted police who came to remove her from the facility for psychiatric care. Northwoods does not feel that they can keep her or the other patients safe there, so they are not willing to accept her back.


The patient presented to HCMC emergency department on 11/13/24 with police after running away from home. He is still currently in HCMCs emergency department. He was found on a metro transit bus where he became agitated, fighting and fleeing from officers, making suicidal comments. When in the emergency department the patient significantly agitated, pacing room, yelling. He began destroying hospital property and was physically restrained by security and placed in pediatric violent restraints. He repeatedly shouted, “just kill me” and threatening harm to self and staff. He has been angry and agitated about his situation at home. When he doesn’t get his way with his mother, he acts out, runs away from home, and he places himself in danger as he is impulsive and does things that place himself at risk. The patient was given sedatives for the agitation and heightened state on two different occasions so far.

Presented to the emergency department at HCMC on 11/9/24 for suicidal ideation. The patient ran away from home two hours prior to arrival at the ED. He was encountered by police and was very upset, refusing to go home because he did not like it there. Made suicidal comments, prompting PD to bring patient to the ED. Patient currently is adamantly denying any suicidal attempts this evening. He endorses self-harming in the past by punching himself in the head, no self-harm tonight. He reports that he feels safe at home, but that he does not want to be there because it is boring.

He was at an inpatient psychiatric from 9/6/24-9/24/24, which was his first inpatient hospitalization. The patient was brought in by ambulance from school after an aggressive outburst. Patient was verbalizing suicidal thoughts. He was aggressive in school and required ketamine and restraints during transport. Patient presenting with episodic episodes of dysregulation of such magnitude that he requires multiple psychotropic medications as well as physical restraints to calm him down for his safety and that of others.


Patient is a 16-year-old girl with history of mental illness who was brought to the emergency department from port group home where she has been residing for about 5 days. Patient states that she was in juvenile detention immediately prior to going to the group home. Patient has been prescribed psychotropic medicines in the past, but is not currently using any medications. Recommendation from probation officer and county social worker is juvenile detention center or psychiatric inpatient hospitalization pending long term psych placement. However, LE states they can’t bring her to JDC as she has no charges that would make that appropriate at this time without order from probation. Pt has been aggressive, verbally and physically while in the ED. She has eloped on multiple occasions and has attempted to harm herself.


12 year old male with ADHD, unspecified mood disorder with recent suicide attempt, T1DM, hypothyroidism, asthma who is in the ED after intentionally setting fire and burning house down. Has an IEP for speech therapy.


Pt presents from school after high level of aggression, homicidal threats, and property destruction resulting in multiple hours of restraints. Patient has longstanding history of aggression and impulsivity with recent increase and daily occurrence consistent with starting new school. Pt newly to a group home from home placement as of May 2024. Now discharged from level 4 school due to behavior leading to presentation. Looking for IP for medication adjustments, though making changes in the ER in the interim. Difficult placement given neurological functioning, level of aggression, and acuity.


Pt presented with mother to ER after taking 30 tablets of 650mg Tylenol arthritis to end her life. She has multiple superficial cuts to her right thigh. Last inpatient treatment in May 2024. Pt states she had argument with couple friends and one friend told another things and now that friend was mad at her or does not like her. This upset her enough to want to end her life.


Patient endorses homicidal ideation towards his sibling. Increasing behaviors at home. PHP (Clara’s House) attempted and will be discharged with recommendation of high level of care (residential). Patient has significant trauma after extensive physical abuse from biological mother and likely operates at a much younger age. Patient was removed from his mother’s custody by Ramsey County CPS in May 2024. Aunt is foster care provider.


Patient was brought to ED after making suicidal and homicidal statements during his psychiatric medication appointment. He was evaluated and inpatient psychiatric stabilization was recommended. While in the ED he has been calm and cooperative. Denying suicidal ideation or Homicidal ideation at this time. He does recognize that he has been dysregulated and struggling to find effective coping skills. Recent increase in conflict at home. Has been engaging in self-harm. Mom does not feel safe having him in the home at this time.


19 year old left his adoptive home for a walk, then stopped at a private home and requested that 911 be called due to having suicidal thoughts. Patient is in high school. 4 visit to the ER in two weeks.