Patient is currently inpatient and are unable to move further with discharge planning due to not having a County of Financial Responsibility. Stearns County and Wadena County have both been consulted and neither have accepted responsibility at this time.
Discharge Plan:
Establish PRTF; referral made to Nexus East Bethel, INTAKE SCHEDULED 3/3/25
Establish Level 6 Program; referral made to Bar None Haven
Establish County Support/Funding; assigned for CMHCM at VOA
Continue with established outpatient providers:
-PCP: Lakewood Health System
-MM: Lakewood Health System
-Therapy: Lakewood Health System
Pt presented from home, adopted parents, for aggressive behaviors. Third ER visit this month, unable to take pt back home due to frequency and intensity of behaviors as well as 4 other children in the home. Pt initially recommended IP hospitalization, however unable to find placement due to acuity, no beds, or declined due to IQ (56) and inability to participate in programming. Medications adjusted in ER. No violence since medication increase. Family/CADI worker have been looking for more support for several years and pt seems to fall through the cracks due to IQ and aggression.
Patient presented to the Emergency Trauma Center at St. Cloud Hosptial with aunt. Patient presented after being on run from NW Passages in Wisconsin. During times of elopement, patient is known to spend time at the home of a person known for drugs and trafficking. Patient has a county mental health case manager that is working to make referrals for appropriate levels of care. Patient has a history of aggression towards their aunt. Patient does not have any contact with biological father as he is incarcerated and limited contact with biological mother. Parental rights have not been terminated, but patient’s aunt has physical and legal custody. Patient is very vulnerable and has no insight into the unsafe nature of his behaviors.
Brought to ED for abnormal and erratic behaviors. Pt barricaded himself in his room with a knife and refused to come out. Previously diagnosed with acute psychosis who presents with aggression, psychosis, and mania under unclear context. His UDS on admission was negative this hospitalization. He was previously prescribed antipsychotic medications but not prescribed any medications on discharge from IMPH after his hospitalization in 08/2024 under similar circumstances. This is his third psychiatric hospitalization this year (PrairieCare, CABHH in Wilmar). Patient has not been going to school. Current civil commitment. Has not been fully complying with treatment.
Psychiatric history of autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and ADHD, with no prior psychiatric hospitalizations, with no prior reported self-harm, with no prior reported suicide attempts, who presents to PrairieCare due to safety concerns after patient jumped out of his window to run away(he hurt his leg, and was found semi-hypothermic in water) due to anxiety about an upcoming court case regarding him lighting his house on fire with his family inside last month.
Brought to the ER via mom for assessment of suicidal ideation following an argument with guardians resulting in behavioral dysregulation and hitting their head into the wall and sitting on the driveway in inappropriate weather wear. Patient has a long history of psychiatric services and continues to struggle with emotional dysregulation. Parents requesting residential level of care.
Kiddo came to our ED from NW Passages in WI on 1/3. She can not return to NW Passages as she has told them she refuses to return there. She had made threats to peers and family while there and was showing increased aggression. She was only going to remain there until turning 18 this spring and then the team did not know where she was going to go next. Currently they are looking at shelters, PRTFs, and anywhere that may accept her. (We have not had a team meeting yet to get full details) There is an intake meeting with Nexus YCT today at 1pm to get their assistance with placement.
Patient sent to Cambridge medical center ED due to aggression and numerous ED visits from Bar None. Bar None discharging the patient.
Youth came to our ED 11/30 after an altercation in the car with adoptive parents and suicidal threats. Has been to Northwoods PRTF for year and Leo Hoffman PRTF for 6 months, which were not successful. Had been in the community for a couple of months before coming back to ED. Team is exploring possibility of return to Northwoods. Previously had a waiver through Morrison County but current dispute between Counties about where Case Management for that waiver will be- Hennepin County is digging into this, and plan to explore waiver placements once sorted.
12 year old, history of trauma with subsequent depression and anxiety ADHD and anxiety. Multiple treatment interventions at PHP. Patient reports that depression has been worsening over the last several months and has becoming more difficult to manage. Patient reports ongoing suicidal ideation and difficulty thinking about anything in the future that would be of benefit. Patient reports ongoing mood disorder low mood low energy reports difficulty with school reports anxiety.