
Update 5/14/24: Patient discharged home to the care of her guardian with outpatient supports to bridge Day Treatment.
Update 5/10/24: Patient tentatively scheduled to discharge home on 5/14/24, with outpatient supports to bridge PHP at Amberwing.
Update 5/6/24: Douglas County CPS is navigating PHP and Day Treatment with the guardian for aftercare. PHP waitlist is approximately 3 weeks and guardian still needs to obtain insurance coverage. Douglas County CPS will be closing out their case on 5/10/24 due to a lack of immediate safety concerns as evidenced by the guardian willing to take the patient home.

Update 4/30/24: Guardian is making statements of wanting the patient to return home. Patient was declined from foster placements in Wisconsin, and family placement is not an option either. Douglas County, WI, CPS, working with the guardian on a transition plan home, including Day Treatment and Outpatient Therapy. Patient remains at the hospital.

Update 4/24/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved and navigating alternative living arrangement/placement. DC rec is PHP.

Update 4/17/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved and navigating alternative living arrangement/placement. DC rec is PHP.

Update 4/3/24: Parent still not willing/able to take pt home. County involved. DC rec is PHP, openings available at PC PHP when patient is able.

Patient was admitted from Essentia Health in Duluth after attempting to run away from home. Pt has conflict w/ dad & has made HI statements toward him (burning him, switching meds out so he will OD). Pt also has a Hx of inappropriate sexual behavior with older men & on the internet.

Historically, patient lived with extended relatives for the first 11 years of her life due to mitigating circumstances that did not allow biological parents to meet her needs. Patient then went to live with her biological mom and was then sent to live with her dad, as mom was unable to meet patient needs. Patient has been with dad for about 1 month now, and he has indicated that he cannot meet her needs either, and declines for the patient to return home.

Discharge Plan:
PrairieCare Recommends:
Establish PHP; county coordinating with Amberwing, estimated 3-week waitlist

Establish Individual and Family Therapy:
-Insight Counseling in Duluth; referral made
-SOAR Services in Superior, WI; referral made
-Nystrom and Associates in Duluth; referral made

Establish PCP
Establish CMHCM (Open with Kalley Rustad at Douglas County CPS for long-term supports, closing case 5/10)
Establish CLTS (Referral made to Douglas County, CPS also coordinating)

Estimated length of stay:
Seven to ten treatment days; patient is medically ready for discharge; pending Douglas County, WI, establishing aftercare with the guardian. Guardian is now willing to take the patient home.


**Contact department: HCMC Acute Psychiatric Services (APS) 612-873-9300

13 y.o. male boarding in ED. Brought in by adoptive mother after running away from home 3 times. Multiple suspensions from school (including currently) for fighting. Mother unwilling to bring patient home. Physically assaulted mother after he was brought back home. Went to Uncle’s house and left via window. Has been making passive comments indicating suicidal ideation and not having any sense of danger- getting into cars with strangers. Significant increase in challenges since he began going through puberty about 6 months back.
Copied from ED note:

“Collateral from mother and family:
Foster mother took in his sister first, took him as well at 16 months old. States that when he first came to live with her he would eat out of the trash, and from bowls on the floor like a dog. Took several months to correct this. Patient was then returned to his paternal grandmother in chicago, but was only there for two months. Foster system asked mother to adopt him and keep him with his sister. Some school issues, briefly on IEP. Mother was kindergarten teacher.
In the past 6 months, since hitting puberty and undergoing a growth spurt, patients behaviors have been worsening. In Nov of 23 patient attempted to start a fire in his bedroom. He has been in a plethora of fights at school. Is currently suspended. Believes that everyone hates him. Since January he has been making comments to family about ending his life. Reportedly had knife in his room at one point. 3x running away from home. 1st time was not far and he came home quickly. 2nd he made his way from north Minneapolis to S St. Paul, and was with a complete stranger for approximately 9 hours. Family reports that patient refuses to speak about this time. Was acting strangely after he returned. 3rd was yesterday after he became angry and physically assaulted mother. Was found by police (allegedly engaging in burglary?) Was brought to uncles house per request of mother, as he had been quite belligerent with her earlier. Patient normally behaves well with uncles, but today he waited until he was unsupervised and climbed out of a ground floor window to run away again.”

Not appropriate for inpatient pediatric medical floor. Boarding in HCMC Emergency Department. HCMC Acute Psychiatric Services do not feel patient needs an inpatient psychiatric admission. Family and NEXXUS advocate not comfortable with discharge unless plan for significantly increased outpatient support. No formal diagnoses. Has been completely compliant and appropriately behaved since presenting to the ED 32+ hours prior.


Patients a 16yr female with a history of albinism, anxiety and depression, ADHD, unspecified intellectual disability and borderline personality disorder presenting to the ED with complaints of suicidal ideation with plan. Was discharged from PSJ on 11/08/23. Started PHP at PSJ on 10/9/23, became aggressive and had a episode with SI statements and brought to the ED. Extensive inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations over the past year with >4 at Prairie St Johns, and 4 months at Prairie Care Medical Center from 4/18/23 -8/25/23.


Arrived to ED due to dysregulation at home, which is baseline. Patient’s mother does not feel safe with patient coming home without more intensive outpatient services in place. County not supporting residential at this time, reports need for PHP/day treatment.


History of trauma, sexually exploited youth, aggression, ODD, multiple placements, adjustment disorder. Had an Intake with FV PHP program, was accepted, but nowhere to place her to do the program. Meeting today with county to discuss the case. Looking at intensive therapy services, shelters.
Patient been accepted to Fairview’s PHP, pt has a foster mom who is only willing to take pt home after completing PHP, county seeking residential. 3/23 update: transferring 3/24 @ 10:15 am to DIVINE.


ADHD, adjustment disorder, anxiety, Developmental delay, ODD, aggression, sexualized behavior. FAmily was living in shelter. Disregulated episode- tried to strangle self, to ED for assessment. Initially rec for inpt, then decided he did’nt need inpt. Family leaving shelter soon, so not able to take him back at this time. Mom says addicted to porn. Became disregulated once but otherwise has been stable, no SI. Henn county won’t get involved- saying it’s not abandonment, doesn’t have a county case mgr. Some services thru Dakota county. Level 4 school setting. Looking into other shelters. Family thinks he needs tx. Referrals to nexus, Prairie Care, Henn County Peace offering made. Gap in services. 7/21 was at Prairie Care. Mom open to foster home, he doesn’t necessarily need residential. Mom isn’t visiting bec she is scared he will be sent home with her.
Previously attended IP MH at PC in July 2021, no current acute SI, safety concerns in hospital, pt and his family are homeless, got kicked out of shelter due to aggression, pt currently does not have any county supports. Patient’s family moved from St. Cloud. Due to pt’s age, history of aggression, and sexualized behavior (watching porn, taking photos of privates, exposing himself to siblings) mom has been unable to find a shelter that will accept them. referral for services was put in with Hennepin county. DC’d to home with mom.


Pt presents to the ED via EMS for the following concerns: aggression. Pt was refusing to take her medication, and became aggressive with her parents when they tried to make her. Parents called 911 due to pt becoming aggressive with them, and punching holes in the walls. Medical records indicate mental health diagnosis of Unspecified disruptive impulse control and conduct disorder, major depressive d/o, unspecified anxiety and binge eating d/o. Pt has a rule out diagnosis of autism spectrum d/ and other neurodevelopmental disorder. Pt has a hx of mental health admissions as follow: 3/12 – 3/17/2023. Pt had frequent visits to the ED due to behavioral and emotional dysregulation at home as follow 3/20 – 3/21/2023, 3/22-3/31/2023, 04/02 – 04/03, 04/07-04/11/2023, 04/18/23, and 4/19- 04/20/2023.