Recommendation is for level 6 RTC/PRTF – patient is currently inpatient.
15-year-old Female from RTC level 5. Patient admitted to inpatient after struggling with self-regulation after recent inpatient discharge. Patient has had 5 inpatient hopsitalizations since March 2024 with attempts at individual therapy, PHP, RTC (elopment), and In alignment with CMHCM, seeking RTC level of care. Referrals have been sent to Nexus East Bethel, Bar None Haven
Patient insured by Medicaid.
Pt has the following outpatient supports:
Recommended Service: Mental Health Residential Treatment
Mental Health Residential Treatment offers specialized care for individuals with severe mental health issues in a residential setting, focusing on mental health treatment and support.
Pt came into our ED on 6/13 after a verbal altercation at home with mom, where she left the house and walked to the police station who called crisis and brought pt to ED. Mom is refusing to pick up. Its reported pt was in residential treatment until April 2024, and prior to that was in PHP through Fairview. Mom reports that Case Manager is looking into residential treatment again however we have been unable to reach the CM and their offices are closed the rest of this week. Unsure if there is a recommendation for residential or county approval for that LOC.
Update 5/16/24: No new information from 5/8 update. Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. QI completed with recommendation for secure residential setting that is able to accommodate both chemical dependency and mental health treatment. County is inquiring to see if this can be accommodated at Bar None Haven or if they have to look into additional placement options. Medical recommendation is locked mental health RTC. Comprehensive assessment (rule 25) recommends Mental Health Residential. Accepted at Nexus East Bethel PRTF- opening midsummer.
Update 5/8/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. QI completed with recommendation for secure residential setting that is able to accommodate both chemical dependency and mental health treatment. County is inquiring to see if this can be accommodated at Bar None Haven or if they have to look into additional placement options.
Update 5/01/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, county funding approved. Missed admissions on 3/20 and 4/30 due to county wanting to complete QI process and having VPA signed in front of a judge before approving placement.
Update 4/25/24: Accepted at Bar None Haven, second opening is now 4/30 and county approved for placement, they are not approving transition on 4/30 wanting a judge to sign the VPA in court and wait the QI process.
Accepted to Nexus East Bethel PRTF, estimated wait list out until August-September.
Update 4/17/24: County funding approved, awaiting open placement at Bar None Haven, previously missed admission due to no funding. Pending acceptance decision at Nexus East Bethel PRTF.
Update 4/3/24: Pt has MA now. CMHCM in process of being assigned and requesting preplacement screening for funding. Denied from Grafton. On waitlist at Bar None Haven, missed admission due to no funding. Pending East Bethel.
Discharge Plan:
Level 6 RTC/PRTF-
Grafton (Referral submitted; Not in network with Prime west, can contract with MA MCO’s and obtain SCA, Denied 2.8.24, re-reviewed, denied)
Nexus East Bethel (Referral submitted; pt will need straight MA; several month waitlist, now has MA so re-reviewing, accepted, admission waitlist til mid-summer)
Bar None Haven (Referral submitted, Tentative admit 3/20-3/21, dependent on county funding, county declining JST screening, requested again, approved)
CMHCM at Beltrami County (Guardian currently in communication with the county, case manager was not being assigned until pt has CD treatment, requested reconsideration)
Notably, Previous services/interventions attempted: Dual Diagnosis IOP, Outpatient therapy, outpatient psychiatry, PCP, CMHCM, CTSS, CD RTCs, Inpatient x3, JDC, previous foster placements.
CMHCM at Beltrami County (Referral completed, services in intake)
Description: Patient is a 16-year-old Native American female who has a history of depression, anxiety, ADHD, nicotine use disorder, cannabis use disorder, and unspecified trauma. Patient experiences significant impairment(s) in the area(s) of social, emotional, and academical. Patient identifies current supports as her father, sisters, and grandmother. Patient has a history of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization through PrairieCare and Prairie St. Johns.
16 year old female who was brought in by EMS in 4-point restraints after being restrained by PD trying to enter river to “drown herself”. Patient argued with her mother just before she threatened to “drown herself in the river;” destruction of house/property per mother’s report. Patient admits to past similar behaviors and has multiple MH hospitalizations on record.
Recommendation is for Level 5 Residential Treatment; patient is currently inpatient.
Patient presented to inpatient from the ED due to an increase in SI and risky behaviors. Patient has had two previous psychiatric inpatient hospitalization, has attempted PHP, and engaged in outpatient mental health services.
Discharge Plan:
RTC: (JST Thursday 5/30 at 1030 to approve funding for RTC)
Avanti (ACCEPTED – opening 6/11, pending county funding support)
Gerard (referral sent & received – under review, tentative openings August)
North Homes (referral resent & received – under review)
PCR (accepted – insurance OON, county unable to support county contract for funding)
Grafton (referral sent & received – under review)
DHS PRTF eligibility (approved 5/13)
CMHCM: Sherburne County
Continue with established outpatient providers:
-Individual Therapy: Nystrom & Associates
-Family Therapy: Nystrom & Associates
-Medication Management: Allina Health Clinic Cambridge
Recommendation is for level 5 Residential Treatment; patient is currently inpatient.
Patient is a 17-year-old individual who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. They admitted to PrairieCare Inpatient Hosptial via ED due to an increase in suicidal ideation. This is their 3rd psychiatric inpatient hospitalization, they have done PHP, and engaged in outpatient mental health therapy and psychiatry. County funding has been approved for RTC on 4/25/24.
Discharge Plan:
RTC: (county funding approved on 4/25)
-Avanti (ACCEPTED, scheduled admission Tuesday 6/4/24)
-Gerard (Referral sent & received, awaiting secondary review)
-North Homes (accepted with immediate opening – county and guardian declined placement)
Continue with established outpatient providers:
-Individual therapy: South Central Human Relations-Owatonna
-CMHCM: MN Prairie County Alliance
The patient presented after expressing homicidal thoughts (threats of aggression) toward her grandmother with whom she lives. Patient was on her way home from school when she pulled her school lvan driver’s arm to the back of the van as she did not want to return home. Patient was then returned to her school where her grandmother picked her up and eventually brought her to the Emergency Department. Since her presentation to the Emergency Department, the patient has not displayed any aggressive behavior. Patient has irritability and emotional outbursts with grandparent(s) and has displayed these behaviors at school as well. Has mostly been pleasant and cooperative in the Emergency Department. Has some attention seeking behaviors when the Emergency Department is busy.
Update: Discharged to Aspen House but was having suicidal ideation so returned to ED 5/25. County working with Prairie Care Residential for potential placement.
Pt came to ED on 5/10 via foster care parent due to suicidal ideation. Foster parent refusing to take back due to these behaviors. Was previously in North Homes residential and was in inpatient with us from 2/5-2/13. County reports they are exploring residential and PRTF, waiting for DA to come back with recommendation. Completing referral for Nexus YCT. Pt’s mental health is being negatively impacted by boarding, she has been continuously sobbing in our ED about being here.
Pt is a 15 year old female with a history of unstable placements after having been removed from family care due to physical abuse. She has a history of irritability, impulsivity and mood instability which have led to outbursts, self-harm, aggression and property destruction. She was admitted to the hospital after being discharged from her residential treatment facility due to these behaviors. Patient is requesting medication management for the above listed symptoms while we work with her Hennepin County case manager on placement. She has not had any significant behavioral issues over the past 2 weeks while in the hospital.
Suspended (5/17) for bringing a knife to school. Went to school on 5/20 with uncle to search locker (items were missing from home-guns, knives, etc.). Pt became agitated and began banging his head on the wall. He also punched his uncle.