
Patient has a history of ADHD, DMDD, and trauma. He presented to the emergency trauma center with foster provider following an anger outburst where he hit himself. Patient also made comments about killing himself and threatened to kill another child in the home. Patient is unable to return to foster home.


UPDATE: Mom wouldn’t sign ROI for CRTC to she still awaits placement.

Patient is a 15 year-old with a history of PTSD, MDD, and GAD. She has a history of five previous psychiatric hospitalizations and one premature discharge from residential treatment this past spring after restricting her food and water intake (start of present hospitalization). Nutritional intake has continued to decline to the point of needing tube feeds to meet daily nutritional requirements, with symptoms more closely resembling anorexia nervosa at this time.

Patient is already connected with medication management, county case management, CPS, and psychotherapy.


Patient is an 11-year-old male presenting to Children’s Emergency Department due to increasing behavioral escalations at home. Patient has a history of trauma. Patient has not had stable housing and has been in several different placements within this last year.
Patient does not meet inpatient mental health criteria due to no ongoing or current suicidal ideation, thoughts of self-harm, or thoughts to harm others and was recommended to discharge home to his foster home with his grandmother.


Pt is a 10 yo male presenting due to increased aggressive and impulsive behaviors at home. Pt was attempting to light fires in the home prompting mom to call EMS. Mom has other small children in the home and feels as though she is not equipped to care for him. Pt has trauma history and has had inpatient mental health stays in the past. County recently approved funding for PRTF. Looking for a shelter in the meantime. Has sexual concerns so that needs to be considered with shelter placement. Extensive sexual and physical abuse history. Mom unable to take him back at this time, other children in the home. Has not has any sexualized behaviors while at the hospital. Nexus Mille Lacs is able to take someone with potential sexualized behaviors – and is interested in this child. Connecting offline.


*UPDATE: Admission to Gerard 7/28/23- just pending county funding at this time, 2nd screening today, 7/20

16 YO Female in 10th grade. Two previous psychiatric hospitalizations (2/23/22-3/4/22 and 9/17/23-9/27/23) in addition to the current admission. Has attended Day treatment. No alcohol or Drug use. Increasing SI and history of self harm. Hx of sexual abuse at age 9.

-RTC: Avanti Center for Girls (Referral sent, pt accepted, 6 month wait list)
-RTC: Gerard Academy (Referral sent, pt accepted, admission, 7/28/23, pending county funding)
-RTC: North Homes (Referral Sent, pt approved, opening estimated for August-September)
-RTC: Northwood Children’s Services (Referral Sent)

Interim Plan:
-Day Treatment: TSA (pt able to return if/when it is safe to DC)
-CMHCM: Janet, Isanti County
-DBT: (SW to provide resources upon DC for guardian to use after RTC)


Patient was receiving residential services through Aspen House and sent to the ED following an altercation with another resident. Aspen House would not take Pt back. County is guardian and Patient has spent time in and out of foster care settings.


History of DMDD and ODD with worsening of extreme violent outbursts since March without known trigger or stressor. Kicked out of PHP due to aggression, sent to SERCC and brought here from SERCC after an aggressive event. Family concerned about home safety.


14 year old with significant trauma history, ward of Hennepin County, recent placement at his request with young adult brother that was disrupted due to conflict. Briefly placed at Von Wald shelter but repeatedly eloped in an effort to reunite with his brother, and was brought to the ED. Calm overall except when relocated to a unit that required observation while in the restroom, then repeatedly escalated with verbal threats, closing himself in the bathroom, and hitting the walls.


14y/o male from JDC. He is currently under the custody of JDC. He attempted to hang himself from the basketball hoop. He did not lose consciousness. He continues to endorse SI.