First episode psychosis. Admission to HCMC 12/26/22. Exception made to accept a minor patient to HCMC Adult Psych Unit 1/6/23 – 1/16/23 in effort to get patient out of restraints, medication regimen and agreement to return to Peds Unit. Returned to Peds Unit 1/16/23 and remains here. Efforts to transfer to Adolesent Acute Pysch unsuccessful due to no capacity and/or patient declined. Update: 1/24/23. Continues to be medically cleared, awaiting placement. Awaiting Hennepin County MH Casemanager to be assigned. Consider referral to PRTS, concern for long waitlists. Concern if we continue to board patient on Peds Floor where he is not getting the mental health care he needs, he is at risk for decompensation. Patient has a Continuance Agreement through District Court Probate/Mental Health Division for six months from 1/17/23. grandmother is open to having him return home with a structured program during the day.
Recommended Service: Mental Health Residential Treatment
Mental Health Residential Treatment offers specialized care for individuals with severe mental health issues in a residential setting, focusing on mental health treatment and support.
Substance use history, family signed out from treatment program and has been on the run for the past 6 months after mom signed her out of facility in Brainerd. History of abuse from grandfather whom she was staying with. Leech Lake custody. Drinking since age 9. MH primary dx.
1 week prior to ED pt was found tied up in her home by her parents. She was taken to Children’s and placed into foster care. Mother didn’t believe in Western Medicine and was using THC and tying her up to treat pt’s agitation in the home. Pt presented to Regions ED from the foster home due to increase agitation and needing more staff support, pt has severe ASD, DD. Hx of violence towards self and others. She can’t eat without someone holding her hands because she hits everything away. She is mostly nonverbal, only knows a few words.
Has been in the ED for over 165 hours, she has been started on medications and we have seen a decrease in her level of agitation. She has been more cooperative with ADLs, takes medications, and eating meals w/ assist and staff have been able to redirect her before a code needs to be called. Pt has been declined by all inpatient facilities at this time. CPS in Anoka is current guardian. Has DD waiver. Regions providing sensory support, weighted blankets, stuffed animals, music. Needs 24/7 support.
Mom currently in custody.
Emotional dysregulation, high emotional reactivity in the home. Transgender. Housing insecure – soon to be evicted. Been in hospital 3 times this year. Recommend residential treatment. Meeting with mom today 12/22/22. Qualified person process can take up to 30 days.
PTSD, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD, ODD. Just got approval from HC for funding. Case mgr will start making calls. Doest present well on paper. Challenging behaviors – gets escalated and disreg. with peers. Is able to walk away. Threatens to hurt people but hasn’t yet. Remorseful about behavior. Learning about her dx. Fun kid, gets along with certain peers. Doesn’t work well with peers who have made statements about race. Ready to benefit from res. tx. and work with people 1 on 1. A lot of early childhood disruptions. Not sure why removed from bio mom – per aunt and gramma, she didn’t know how to be a parent. Aunt and gramma say that she has tried to kill them, threatens people, hard to know what’s what and what is recent behavior.
substance use, dysregulation, personality struggles and mania. Waiting for residential. Struggles with Substance dependance. ED. emotional disreg. Level 5 resid. being recommended. Accepted to VOA CRTC, 2-4 week wait. Discharging to home to wait for funding.
attachment difficulties, parent child difficulties, working towards either RTC or group home. Working w/ county – denied from most residentials due to IQ. Looking at group home placement. Home is disruptive. Attachment difficulties.
SI, SIB, high risk behaviors (running away, substance use), foster family found burn marks on her sheets. Has been in 7 foster homes over last 2 years. CPS/foster family found notes referencing suicide in her room, SIB. ETOH use, THC use, deceitful, dishonesty. School staff and therapist was shocked, presents as a well-adjusted child. As in school. Struggles to connect with people. Makes poor choices with her sister. Likes to burn candles and leaves them, does she forget or is it intentional. Burn marks on sheets, lighter in room. Admitted because of SIB/SI notes. Struggling to find a foster family – from small area so other foster families hesitant to take her in. Question as to if residential treatment is appropriate? At this point, foster care or shelter care is rec. Was formerly at a partial program at Prairie Care.
This child is a ward of Steele County with Significant aggression and significant trauma. Mom died in 2019, Dad in group home for TBI. Suicidal/homicidal statements, thoughts. Tried to place with 19 yo sibling which lasted for a month, but brother doesn’t think he can keep him safe any longer. Came from SERCC to Mayo ED when he escalated to a point that they couldn’t care for him. He has been doing OK since he got there but has had a few instances of escalating to the point of needing to be restrained with holds and sedation. Struggles with conspiracy theories, as his mom died of a septic kidney infection, but he believes that her boyfriend poisoned her. He is fearful of being poisoned; he won’t sleep without someone watching over him. Not safe for a group home at this point.
Significant trauma history, aggression. Paternal grandmother has DOPA but feels unsafe with him at this time. His legal guardian is his mother who relocated to Oklahoma.