Patient was adopted 2 years prior from Bulgaria. Initially, patient had very odd behaviors. For example, he would like his adoptive dad to be present in the bathroom when he went to the bathroom and showered. Parents state his behaviors have escalated. He has tried to masturbate the dog. He draws pictures of men with erections. He has exposed his genitals to his siblings. Purposefully incontinent of stool at tines. He has killed a Chinchilla and possibly several cats. He has tried to strangle the dog. They found sharp objects including a razor and sharp screwdriver under the bed. He did cut the top of his left hand but states this was an accident. Adoptive mom states they have a special needs child and patient has tried to harm this child. Parents are worried about safety within the home and are unable to bring him home at this time.
Recommended Service: Mental Health Residential Treatment
Mental Health Residential Treatment offers specialized care for individuals with severe mental health issues in a residential setting, focusing on mental health treatment and support.
Patient was dropped off at a different ER by the parents of her 4th foster home placement where she was placed 3 days prior as the foster parents didn’t feel they could provide care for the patient due to hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, elopement, and sexualized behaviors. Her social workers picked her up from the outside ER and while in route to human services center to board until a new foster home was located, the patient was attempting to remove her seatbelt and she was brought to this ER where initially inpatient psychiatric hospitalization was recommended due to a lack of safety awareness, elopement, sexual behaviors, and need for medication assessment. She was trialed on guanfacine, developed hypotension and this was discontinued, and she was started on Concerta where her elopement attempts, impulsivity, and hyperactivity improved. She remains boarding in the ER while the county pursues foster home placement.
Patient presents from PHP where he was discharged due to ongoing aggression and attempts to urinate on staff and floor. Patient currently struggling with family dynamics, limit setting, gender identity, disrobing, property destruction, and aggression.
Ward of the state-currently under Wright County Guardianship. Parental rights have been terminated. History of aggressive behavior with homicidal and suicidal comments towards multiple people/on multiple occasions. On 11/15/23, patient was sent to a “calming room” at his school due to throwing a ball at another students face. This caused him to miss out on an outdoor activity that he wanted to attend. Patient was upset and punched one of his teachers (mental health support services personnel) in the nose, causing a broken nose. Had been living with bio-grandparents prior to this incident. He has been removed from foster homes in the past due to homicidal threats to the foster parents/others in the home.
Long history of trauma started ingesting non-edible items, batteries on 3 occasions. Waiting on County to help with disposition. Ward of state. No attempts at self-harm or ingesting since stay in ED. Last ingestion was day of admission. Surgically removed batteries then back to ED for MH care. Local school district working with her, tutoring. Turns 18 in May.
Ran away from home (resides with grandma) & stole from Scheels and air pods from a stranger Was tracked by air pods owner who confronted the patient at Red Lobster. Pt assaulted the mother of this individual. History of trauma & SA Kicked out of multiple schools brought gun to Willow creek & threatened to pistol whip classmate. Attempted treatment at Fountain Centers. Restraint chair multiple times.
Declined from Heartland Girls Ranch, Family/Foster Home is not an option due to behaviors, SERCC/Vonwald- patient has been to in the past and has either eloped or been kicked out of the program due to fighting. Trisha will follow up with PORT and Hunter’s Place. These are both sheltered care so similar to Vonwald but in a different geographic area. Neither of these are locked facilities which is also a concern.
Parents unwilling to take her home. Care conference with the county occurred after a week in the ED. Just starting the QRTP process.
This child was previously on the HUB as MCR-F13-2165.
Returned 3/21/23 to Mayo ED after discharging to home on 1/9/23. Was at SERCC, brought to ED for ingestion of metallic items there. Had been in ED > 24hrs now admitted to inpatient unit to monitor his GI. Was in Fernbrook Day treatment. Transitioning to male. ED more related to PICA ingesting nonfood items regularly – batteries, tacks, chargers, etc. 1:1 support for keeping from self-harm. is at home with mom when not in day treatment program. Needs more than day tx support, needs 24 hr. Concern for medication mgt. Absence of psychiatric support. Has been in Prairie Care twice summer 2022 – dc’d for noncompliance. He describes a strong compulsion for ingesting things. He doesn’t claim it to be self harm. when he goes to Mayo, he claims that its a suicidal attempt. Was at Gerard in May and struggled, then inpatient at Children’s in summer. Then came back to Fernbrook. over 30 presentations to ED at Mayo and Metro for self-harm and ingestion. Some are SI. Ingested batteries, screws, chargers, needing med tx/attn. Spent 12 days at Gerard in May, 3 ingestions and elopements while there, they had to dc him as couldnt meet his needs. Just gotten a CADII waiver to help mom supervise at home. Case conf. yesterday – the hope would be that he could be in a residential settings with the understanding that he will ingest things. Licensure issues. He has been declined as he fits everyone’s exclusion criteria. When he is out of crisis, he’s lovely. bright, intelligent.
Seeking ideas for other options for keeping him safe. Consider Gerard? Prairie Care? (have both turned him down). Jennifer Butler working on this case. suggestions to mitigating risk? clear all things from units, reintroducing slowly when able. Mayo has been able to mitigate risk with using paper crafts, crayons, etc. Haven’t had an ingestion for a few months – has a sitter a Mayo though as he’s on a medical unit. Functional behavior analysis? Hasn’t had one, due to instability. Hopefully he will have one soon. *** Discharged to home on 4/3/23 with 24/7 PCS care.
This child has been on the HUB previously as MCR-10-283.
Patient was admitted to Prairie Care Residential on 11/8/22 but was transferred to Prairie Care’s inpatient psychiatric hospital on 11/10/22 due to aggression. Patient remains on the Northwoods Residential wait list. There will be additional residential treatment waitlist’s the patient can be added to, once they turned 11 on 1/16/23. Patient remained psychiatrically hospitalized at Prairie Care until she was discharged on 1/5/23 with the recommendation of returning to community-based treatment. Adopted but adoptive parents surrendered her to Goodhue County.
History of trauma, sexual exploitation, concurring with MH and substance use. Co-managed by psychology and addiction medicine in the hospital. Community PCP has been established who can also monitor suboxone. Patient in need of short-term placement. Has been referred to Heartland Girl’s Ranch.
attempted strangulation with the dog leash. HX of MDD, PTSD, ADHD & anxiety.