
12 year old, history of trauma with subsequent depression and anxiety ADHD and anxiety. Multiple treatment interventions at PHP. Patient reports that depression has been worsening over the last several months and has becoming more difficult to manage. Patient reports ongoing suicidal ideation and difficulty thinking about anything in the future that would be of benefit. Patient reports ongoing mood disorder low mood low energy reports difficulty with school reports anxiety.


Previously diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD . Numerous admissions to psychiatric hospitals and Emergency Departments because of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and self-injury. History of CPS, county mental health case managers and crisis services. Plan to jump off a bridge. Self injury has included cutting, scratching, burning and head banging.


Kiddo arrived in ED on 12/22 after altercation at Passageways Shelter. Has boarded with us many times previously, including 3 in the past month: 11/29-12/5, 12/14-12/18, and now 12/22. Also previously boarded with us 4/26 to 5/29. Was recently at Aspen and Passageways shelters, neither which she can return to. Long history of elopement. County has interim custody. Team was working toward RTC but has also historically been denied by these programs.


Pt presented from home, adopted parents, for aggressive behaviors. Third ER visit this month, unable to take pt back home due to frequency and intensity of behaviors as well as 4 other children in the home. Pt initially recommended IP hospitalization, however unable to find placement due to acuity, no beds, or declined due to IQ (56) and inability to participate in programming. Medications adjusted in ER. No violence since medication increase. Family/CADI worker have been looking for more support for several years and pt seems to fall through the cracks due to IQ and aggression.


Psychiatric history of autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and ADHD, with no prior psychiatric hospitalizations, with no prior reported self-harm, with no prior reported suicide attempts, who presents to PrairieCare due to safety concerns after patient jumped out of his window to run away(he hurt his leg, and was found semi-hypothermic in water) due to anxiety about an upcoming court case regarding him lighting his house on fire with his family inside last month.


Patient and family moved to Minnesota about a year ago. She has been to acute inpatient MH 3 times since as well as 1.5 months of residential treatment and most recently spent 4 months in juvenile detention center. Court ordered to return home and await a long term placement option. She had been home for 3 days when LE was contacted due to her behavior of kicking the family dog and not obeying the directions of her parents. She has a long standing history of homicidal ideation towards her parents and siblings. She also has self harm history of hitting her head against the wall.


Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.


The patient is a 16 year-old female that presented to the ED on 11/11/24 from PHP via EMS after attempting to stab herself in the arm with a pen. This is the same concern which has led patient to having multiple ETC visits and this being her 4th psychiatric hospitalization, all since October 2023 (attempted PHP x2 though was brought to the ER due to stabbing herself with a pen in the arm). Patient was placed on a county emergency protective hold with CHIPS now in place. Patient and parents open to residential treatment.


Came to our ED on 11/25 after altercation at home with Aunt, who is current custodian. Aunt has refused to take her back home and is refusing any involvement in her care currently. CPS is getting involved. Has CMH worker as well. Nexus YCT has been involved ongoing and is trying to work on referrals for residential, but needs ROIs first. Has interview with residential provider who previously accepted today 12/3.


Patient was placed in residential treatment for one year in 2022-2023 from the ER. Grandmother/legal guardian does not feel safe with patient in her home as he has been physically aggressive with her, she is declining to pick him up from the ER and wants out of home placement. Per Grandma, he was successful in the home following residential treatment, however, this year his aggression has become worse. Community case manager has been unsuccessful in securing placement.