
UPDATE: 11-15-23 still inpatient at United.
UPDATE 8.24.23 – still at United Hospital.

SUD, aggression, low IQ. Working on MI and D commitment. (Mentally ill and dangerous)


Ingesting items. Several ED trips to have items removed. Was at Gerard, couldn’t keep her safe. Significant sexual abuse history. Several referrals with denials due to the ingesting. looking at Group homes. takes responsibility for her actions. Parental rights terminated. Barriers are not being able to keep her safe (ingesting). medical issue with pancreas – very specific diet, ex. places don’t have medical staff on site. Turns 18 in May


Patient has had several disrupted placements over the past year including shelters and foster homes. Patient has extensive trauma history and was most recently at a shelter where they engaged in self harm by cutting and expressed passive SI. Patient was sent to the ED and was not allowed back to the shelter.


ASD, Aggression, DD, language impairment. Has failed at 2 group homes since being on this list.


History of suicide attempts and self-harm, verbal and physical agression, DD, FAS, ADHD, identifies as non-binary


Long history of impulsive behavior and emotional dysregulation in the context of in utero substance exposure, prematurity, and repeated disruption of parental caregiver relationships. The current history suggests that he functioned fairly well over the last couple of years with relatively low level mental health services – highly experienced foster parent, individual therapy every 1-2 weeks, and occasional pharmacology. However, he began using cannabis more regularly and was unable to stop use when limits were set, leading to disruption of his foster placement. He has had significant dysregulation in a shelter and then crisis center setting since losing his foster home placement, including threatening peers, brandishing makeshift weapons, destroying property, and then finally physically attacking a peer (we do not have information about what provoked this) leading to his being sent to the ED. He has been consistently calm and polite here, though withdrawn, without evidence of clear active mood, psychotic, or anxiety disorder that would indicate a need for psychiatric hospitalization.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression. Patient was discharged from residential treatment last week. Patient was supposed to discharge to a group home, but her CADI waiver had expired, and she was discharged home without services. Patient became upset after a stressful day, and began arguing with her brother and mother. Patient “destroyed her room”, attempted to kick out her window, and ran a piece of glass under her nails. Patient’s mother called the police.
Patient has a history of ADHD, depression, anxiety, and aggressive behaviors. She had 5 admissions to inpatient psychiatry, with the most recent one on 9/28/22.


**Update 10/18/23: Patient discharged home with outpatient supports, while awaiting Group Home placement**

Patient came to inpatient hospital from residential treatment, patient cannot return to RTC and is not being recommended to attend RTC at this time. Patient in need of group home placement. Adoptive parents are legal guardians and have verbalized that the patient cannot return to their home.

County currently pursuing:
-Group Home (CMHCM pursuing this)

Current/In Progress Wraparound services:
Continue CADI Waiver Services through Hennepin County
Continue Medication Management with Associated Clinic of Psychology
Continue PCP with Sara Brandt at Southdale Pediatrics
Continue with Jessica at Southdale Pediatrics
Continue CMHCM with Doug Inwards at Hennepin County (612-490-9342)
Continue BCBS Insurance Case Management with Allison (888-815-7461)