
This patient presented to Ridgeview Medical Center via P.D. after running from his home. He was found in the woods nearby his home with a knife (patient has an ankle monitoring device). Patient reportedly desires out-of-home placement and verbalized plans to use the knife to harm kids who bully him at school. Patient has a significant history of running away from home with more than 30 reported incidents. Patient maintains a desire not to return home at this time. Carver Co. holds temporary decision making authority over patient, by court order.


Pt presents with behavioral escalations from out of home placement. Pt currently in hospital with no d/c plan at this time coordinated by county. Pt has a history of trauma and sexualized behaviors.


Patient brought in to ED by case manager after her group home discharged her due to ongoing behaviors and aggression. Case manager did not have alternate placement and therefore patient now boarding in ED until new placement can be found. Patient in need of shelter or crisis respite placement while longer term placement is found. Awaiting funding.


Patient presented to the ER with concerns for SI. The patient has had multiple residential and inpatient hospitalizations and reports they will not be safe if they return home. The patient was discharged from a 13 month stay in residential in January and was discharged from a 2 week inpatient stay in February.


Comes from shelter placement (Von Wald) due to aggression. Has probation with court on 3/14/24. Voluntarily placed with Rice County by family due to safety concerns. The CASII score is 6 with strong recommendation for wilderness residential programming, as he has been through a few ‘traditional’ residential programs, so he has some buy-in for wilderness type residential. Looking for shelter vs group home as waiting for residential programming. Parents hesitant to look at out-of-state programs.


Update: 1/19/24 Pt. still looking for placement.

15-year-old male looking for a group home and residential program. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has tried everything, and doors are being shut. Client has a physical aggression, verbal aggression, history of PTSD and sexual abuse. Client has experienced abuse from biological father who is in still in the home, and sexual assault that happened possibility of more than one with an older cousin sister. Client mother is giving up on hope on trying to help her child. Client is struggling at home, school, and community. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager has been trying everything to find a placement for him. He’s been going in and out of the ER like every two months now. Children’s Mental Health Case Manager still trying to offer support the way she can by being there every hospital stay, seeing client like twice a month, and having mom keep her on speed dial to talk to client.

Because of experiences, client is chemical dependent on marijuana, perks, and opioids.


Patient arrived from Divine Institue due to aggressive behaviors towards a peer, unable to return to facility. County working on shelter referrals and long term placement options.


**For follow up please contact Stacy Stickney-Ferguson, HCMC pediatric social worker at 612-873-2259 or email stacy.stickneyferguson@hcmed.org

Brought in my EMS after being kicked out of the Bridge for Youth shelter- tripped over 4-foot fence and broke right ankle while eloping. Has been staying with friends. Grandmother is guardian and lives in North Carolina. Returned to MN in Foster Care in December of 2023. Has a case manager through Brown County, Denise Kamm (507-276-3411). Denise reports patient has run away from multiple group homes, foster homes, and shelters. Denise the CM saying she has exhausted resources, places, and shelters for this patient. Denise says trying to find a shelter but likely not going to be able.

Currently in the HCMC Emergency Department but is pending admission up to our pediatric floor for boarding until placement can be determined. Please see above contact information for follow up. Has a broken ankle that is splinted and in a stirrup brace, she will have crutches on discharge. No pertinent medical history noted. High elopement risk.


Patient presents to ED for behavior escalation from foster setting. Guardianship lies within county.


Patient presented to hospital from group home with escalated bx, unable to return. County retains guardianship.