
Pt has been living in the Residential Services-Jewel Group home for over a year. They gave a 60 day termination of service due to their inability to manage her escalating behaviors (last day of services 6/25/24). They have 2:1 staffing for her. These behaviors include harm to self, or others, striking out, choking herself, throwing things and threatening to kill herself and others. She had been attending TSA day treatment until March after an altercation with a peer. She is currently at a 4th grade level and has an IEP. She was brought to the Welia Mora ED on 5/9 and 5/10 as well as Children’s ED on 5/14 looking for “other placement” and was discharged due to not meeting criteria for inpatient hospitalization.


Patient admitted directly to CRTC on 6/8/23 directly from PrairieCare Inpatient.

Patient had been hospitalized in the Inpatient setting numerous times, she was at PrairieCare Residential 12/19/22-2/22/23 and stepped up to Inpatient for stabilization. PrairieCare Residential is unable to have her return due to their staffing and current milieu. Please note aggressive behaviors have significantly decreased and have not been present in the past month. UPDATE: Accepted to CRTC, waitlist 5-7 weeks- any available bridging shelters/group homes?

Discharge Plan:
Referred to-
-PrairieCare Residential (Re-admission declined on 4/11 due to milieu/staffing concerns)
-Grafton (Not currently accepting patients over age 14)
-Northwest Passage (Does not accept MN MA; Referral declined due to IQ)
-Avanti (Declined due to aggression 12/22; SW to re-refer)
-Gerard (Referral submitted 4/26)
-North Homes (Declined from RTC 11/22 due to IQ)
-CRTC (Referral submitted on 4/14; additional clinical sent 4/25, accepted for admission 5/9; estimated waitlist 5-7 weeks)
-Bar None, Shelter Plus Program (Preliminary Hub referral made, awaiting return message; SW to re-refer for interim placement while awaiting admission to CRTC)
-Refer to Treatment Placement Specialist at Acadia Healthcare for consideration of out-of-state RTC’s
-Consider referral to CIBS program at Avanti (Anoka County unable to fund – no contract)
-Consider referral to CIBS program at Nexus-FACTS (Anoka County unable to fund – no contract)

Group Home:
-PrairieLakes Haven House Group Home (waitlist 2 months)
-Port Group Home (waitlist 2 months)

Therapeutic/Corporate Foster Care:
-Solutions Behavioral Healthcare (Awaiting return call)

Estimated length of stay:
To be determined pending formulation & confirmation of alternative discharge plan

Was initially accepted by CRTC but couldn’t take due to her Casii level of 5.


Update 5/16/24: Still on Empath. Cancelled follow up visit/pursuit of ChildServe due to county not being able to provide out of state funding. Starting over with contacting facilities in MN. Enriched living extensive waitlist, Beacon sent referral for long term crisis placement, Dragon fly still reviewing, JD homes reviewing, REM reviewing.
Update 5/9/24: Still on Empath unit. Being reviewed by ChildServe for potential placement out of state. County also pursuing waiver for adult group home.
Update 4/15/24: Still on the Empath unit and continues to do well. MN Choice Assessment completed last week. Referral made to ChildServe in Iowa.
Update 3/21/24: Still on Empath unit, doing well. Stearns county has guardianship, still working on CADI waiver. Referral made to Dragonfly.
Update:3/7/24: On Empath unit, used for assessments and stabilization. 48 hour stay. Doesn’t need hospital. Needs to be assigned a social worker. On a chips hold. Going to need a CADI waiver.
Patient is diagnosed with Soto’s syndrome and is non-verbal with significant developmental delay and suspected cognitive functioning of a toddler. Dad dropped her off at the ER with reports that he is not willing to bring her back home as he and mom are aging and are unable to manage her any longer as they have other disabled children in the home and mom has health issues. Patient has a chronic history of slapping herself, biting herself and others, and pulling hair. Patient is incontinent of bowel and bladder and requires significant assistance with ADL’s including toileting, bathing, dressing, and eating. Family currently has no supportive services in place with the exception of psychiatry. CPS report was filed with court scheduled Monday morning. Not aggressive or violent since in ER. Compliant. 1:1 since she’s on an adult unit.


Update 5/15: Referral madeEmbark (out of state PRTF) and other 2 PRTF out-of-state referrals, as well as Bar None Haven.
The patient is 14 y/o female with a PMH dx to include DMDD,, ADHD, PTSD, and FASD. The patient has presented to ED for SI, attempts elopement and aggression. The patient has significant hx of MH IP hospital admissions. She was recently d/c Dungarvan after 2.5 years.

Hx of sexual abuse and neglect. She ward of the state. Her extensive trauma history and attachment issues, which hinder her ability to form relationships.


Update 4/25/25: Patient discharged from inpatient to Willow Trails Group Home on 4/25.

Update 4/24/24: Patient is medically ready for discharge from inpatient. Tentative admission to Willow Trails Group Home on 4/25.

Update 4/18/24: Patient is medically ready for discharge from inpatient. County is their guardian. County is working on finding foster care/group home placement. Patient has been denied at Village Ranch, is being reviewed at Port Place, Hunter’s Place, and Anoka County Juvenile Center.

Patient presented to the ED on 03/15/2024 after making suicidal statements while at school. Patient noted they have been being bullied, which contributed to the increased in suicidal ideation. Patient denied having a plan to complete suicide but was experiencing passive suicidal ideation and indicated that they would “probably do something with cutting.” The school contacted law enforcement and patient was transported to the ED for further mental health evaluation. Patient was unable to contrast for safety, resulting in them being transported via non-emergent transportation to PrairieCare for short-term stabilization.

Patient is under guardianship of Ottertail County at this time. Placement is being pursued by the county to either a Group Home or Foster Home.

Discharge Plan:
Continue care with existing outpatient providers:
-Individual therapy, PCP and Psychiatry at Behavioral Health in Badger, MN

Patient is medically ready for discharge and is awaiting placement in an appropriate group home/foster home, as identified by the county.


Update 4/23/24: Patient discharged from inpatient on 4/23/24. Patient scheduled to begin PrairieCare PHP on 4/24/24 while continuing to pursue Group Home placement as recommended by the county.

Patient is a 14-year-old female presenting to inpatient on 03/19/2024 from the ED due to running away from shelter placement. Patient has a history of participating in PHP two times, DBT, ongoing outpatient mental health services, and being in shelter placement.

Discharge Plan:
-North Homes (on the wait list)

CD-RTC: Referrals submitted/considered for the following facilities:
-Hazelden (Pt’s insurance not accepted in Minnesota)
-Rogers (Declined due to elopement risk)
-M Health Fairview (Declined due to elopement risk)
-Anthony Louis Center (referral sent 03/27/24)

Group Home Placement (as recommended by JST/county):
-Little Sands (Referral submitted by CM; declined d/t LON)
-Village Ranch (Referral submitted by CM; reviewing 4/10; pending additional review on 4/17)
-North Homes (Pt is on the waitlist for RTC; pt is not eligible for their group home due to age)

Existing Outpatient Providers:
CHMCH: Hennepin County
Psychiatry: Nystrom & Associates


Patient presented to the ER with her mom for concerns of suicidal ideation though patient denies this. She has had several presentations to the ER due to aggressive behaviors and kicked out of group home for aggression towards peers and staff. She has been in and out of crisis centers and alternative housing verses being at home along with several inpatient hospitalizations.
**Full details of patient history is unknown to writer as I am not currently following her***


Patient presented to the ER via law enforcement for aggressive behaviors at shelter care resulting in property destruction. Patient is not able to return to the shelter and does not have any safe disposition options.


Patient presented from North Homes due to suicidal ideation and aggressive behaviors. Patient was initially recommended for IPMH however stabilized in ED and no longer required admission. Patient has been discharged from North Homes and is in need of long-term placement as she cannot return to guardian’s home. Case manager will be working on referrals for RTC and out of home placements.


**Contact department: HCMC Acute Psychiatric Services (APS) 612-873-9300

13 y.o. male boarding in ED. Brought in by adoptive mother after running away from home 3 times. Multiple suspensions from school (including currently) for fighting. Mother unwilling to bring patient home. Physically assaulted mother after he was brought back home. Went to Uncle’s house and left via window. Has been making passive comments indicating suicidal ideation and not having any sense of danger- getting into cars with strangers. Significant increase in challenges since he began going through puberty about 6 months back.
Copied from ED note:

“Collateral from mother and family:
Foster mother took in his sister first, took him as well at 16 months old. States that when he first came to live with her he would eat out of the trash, and from bowls on the floor like a dog. Took several months to correct this. Patient was then returned to his paternal grandmother in chicago, but was only there for two months. Foster system asked mother to adopt him and keep him with his sister. Some school issues, briefly on IEP. Mother was kindergarten teacher.
In the past 6 months, since hitting puberty and undergoing a growth spurt, patients behaviors have been worsening. In Nov of 23 patient attempted to start a fire in his bedroom. He has been in a plethora of fights at school. Is currently suspended. Believes that everyone hates him. Since January he has been making comments to family about ending his life. Reportedly had knife in his room at one point. 3x running away from home. 1st time was not far and he came home quickly. 2nd he made his way from north Minneapolis to S St. Paul, and was with a complete stranger for approximately 9 hours. Family reports that patient refuses to speak about this time. Was acting strangely after he returned. 3rd was yesterday after he became angry and physically assaulted mother. Was found by police (allegedly engaging in burglary?) Was brought to uncles house per request of mother, as he had been quite belligerent with her earlier. Patient normally behaves well with uncles, but today he waited until he was unsupervised and climbed out of a ground floor window to run away again.”

Not appropriate for inpatient pediatric medical floor. Boarding in HCMC Emergency Department. HCMC Acute Psychiatric Services do not feel patient needs an inpatient psychiatric admission. Family and NEXXUS advocate not comfortable with discharge unless plan for significantly increased outpatient support. No formal diagnoses. Has been completely compliant and appropriately behaved since presenting to the ED 32+ hours prior.