Kiddo came to our ED 3/4 from Aspen House, where she has been discharged from after an altercation there involving verbal and physical aggression. She has boarded with us multiple times in the past, 2/21/25-2/25/25, 1/3/25-1/10/25, and 1/19/24 – 2/2/24. She is just a few weeks from turning 18. PRTFs were being explored, but so far denied. Just had MNchoices yesterday 3/4 to re-start waiver, looking into waiver CRS placement. Previously was at NW Passages. Has had Nexus YCT involvement ongoing, since our team made the referral in January.
Recommended Service: Group Home
Group Homes are residential facilities where individuals, often children or adults with special needs, live in a group setting with support and supervision provided by trained staff.
Patient arrived from home. Increased aggression over two weeks. Aggressive behavior not provoked or isolated to home (Home, school, hospital). Parents no longer feeling they can manage his cares at home and would like him in a long-term placement option. Patient is in an Emergency Department with no immediate discharge alternative.
This pt has boarded with us multiple times in the past. 2/13/24-3/27/24 and 2/14/25-2/21/25. Came to us again 2/27/25 after self harm in the shelter setting where she had discharged to on 2/21. Shelter is unable to take her back. County has custodianship currently and is searching for additional shelter and foster placements, as well as waiver placements. (Was in foster prior to 2/14/25) Previously had residential treatment, in 2024. Is open to CADI waiver.
Patient presents from PRTF where she had been for 1 year and was discharged due to worsening behavioral concerns of aggression and self harm. Unable to return home and PRTF is unwilling to take back. Patient had several recent medication adjustments without improvement.
Pt came into our ED 2/13/25 from parent’s home after conflict there. Parents are refusing to let him return home at this time. Parents report a lot of substance use history, primarily marijuana. Has an IQ of 66 and has reportedly been denied by SUD programs due to this. Also is turning 18 in approx 2 months. Just opened to CADI waiver. Team is exploring waiver placements, long and short term, YSN shelters, seeing if IRTS might consider due to almost being 18, and exploring SUD programs that may accept IQ.
Kiddo came to our ED on 2/13/25 from a foster home. Foster parents are refusing to take back at this time. Has boarded in our ED in the past, 2/13/24-3/27/24. County has since taken over custodianship. Pt also has tribal involvement and has CADI waiver. Was previously in residential for a year and that is not the recommendation at this time, primarily searching for waiver paid placements. Not wanting to pursue hotel crisis. Nexus YCT has intake scheduled for their placement coordination.
Kiddo came to our ED on 2/11 from Rebound after altercation. Rebound initially stated they would not take pt back then, but we have not received confirmation if they are terminating. She had been there for 2 weeks, and prior to that was in JDC. Court determined she was incompetent for charges that led to JDC. County has temp custodianship but Mom still remains involved ongoing and makes decisions/signs. No waiver currently.
Pt presented from home, adopted parents, for aggressive behaviors. Third ER visit this month, unable to take pt back home due to frequency and intensity of behaviors as well as 4 other children in the home. Pt initially recommended IP hospitalization, however unable to find placement due to acuity, no beds, or declined due to IQ (56) and inability to participate in programming. Medications adjusted in ER. No violence since medication increase. Family/CADI worker have been looking for more support for several years and pt seems to fall through the cracks due to IQ and aggression.
Brought to ED for abnormal and erratic behaviors. Pt barricaded himself in his room with a knife and refused to come out. Previously diagnosed with acute psychosis who presents with aggression, psychosis, and mania under unclear context. His UDS on admission was negative this hospitalization. He was previously prescribed antipsychotic medications but not prescribed any medications on discharge from IMPH after his hospitalization in 08/2024 under similar circumstances. This is his third psychiatric hospitalization this year (PrairieCare, CABHH in Wilmar). Patient has not been going to school. Current civil commitment. Has not been fully complying with treatment.
The patient is a 15 Y year-old male with a history of TBI, autism spectrum disorder, and is nonverbal who presented to the ER by EMS for agitation. Pt became upset after mom told him ‘no’ when he tried putting his hand in hot oil. He reportedly did put his fingers in the oil, however no injury observable. At home, he began to hit himself, slapping his wrist, pacing, kicking things. Mom tried to give him PRN hydroxyzine and haloperidol but he spit out some of them. Mom indicated the behavioral outbursts have started to occur more frequently and she is no longer to redirect or manage pt due to his size. Mom is attempting to find long term placement