Pt admitted to HC JDC on 08/16/2024 and since then has been ordered to be released from HC JDC, but all referrals have been denied to RTC, Group Home and Shelter placement. There is a significant history of mental health and trauma for this youth. The youths mom is not an option due to the mom not willing to take her home and the youth in out of home placement. No father (deceased). There is a significant history of aggression and currently charges pending in multiple counties with in MN.
Recommended Service: DOC Residential
DOC Residential programs refer to residential treatment services managed by the Department of Corrections (DOC), often serving individuals involved in the criminal justice system who require rehabilitation and support.
Patient is under guardianship of Scott County; most recently residing at JAF who is not allowing her back. Foster family cannot take back.
This patient is a 12 Y year-old male with a self-reported history of depression, anxiety, and ADHD who presented to the ER on 4/8/24 by EMS from his residential facility for assessment of suicidal ideation. He was a direct admit to residential from JDC where he was placed due to allegations of sexual offenses towards his 8 year old step-sister. He reports he has harmed his step-sister on multiple occasions and has been in 3 different JDC’s including Red Wing over the last year and reports he didn’t know doing those things were wrong until now. He also reports a history of defending himself against bullies as well as head butting a female staff in the chin while in juvenile detention. He has had “13 or maybe less” attempts to harm himself or end his life and has been hospitalized psychiatrically x2. He reports he has attempted to wrap a scarf around his neck, tried drowning himself in the toilet while in a juvenile detention facility, and attempted to wrap the vacuum cord around his neck. More recently attempted to jump from a stair well, got out a window, and makes attempts to look for glass to harm himself. Residential is not willing to accept him back at this time.
This child was previously on the HUB as MCR-M17-2128. Originally admitted 10/12/23, and discharged 11/17/22 to CD group home and eloped within 24hours. Brought back to ED after being found ODing on 12/4/22. Eloped on 12/30 and returned 1/6; attempted to elope again on 2/4 but successfully stopped.
Chemical dependency (fentanyl and meth), suicidal statements when intoxicated. On MI/CD Civil Commitment. Needs locked CD or dual diagnosis residential treatment. County Attorney pressing charges, which may help with JDC placement options.
Came from foster care. Needs foster care to he can go to to Juvenile detention.
a history of diagnoses of PTSD, Conduct Disorder, Alcohol and Cannabis Use disorders, and unspecified mood disorder. Her social and developmental history is notable for recurrent physical abuse by mother and mother’s romatic partners leading to termination of parental rights 6/21/22, alleged sexual assault, first JDC placement at age 12, and recurrent residential placements through juvenile justice over the last few years. Comes after a violent episode at a foster home; she is unable to return.