
Asked to leave shelter as she was being aggressive toward staff. Has history of being sex trafficked. Parents have open voluntary CPS involvement but maintain guardianship.


UPDATE 11.16.23 – Dragonfly is a potential placement.
Patient recently moved to Minnesota and was displaying sexualized behaviors at school (disrobing, touching herself, attempting to grope teachers, making sexualized comments) CPS was contacted and they were concerned Patient was being sexually abused at home. They were brought to our hospital in need of out of home placement after MCRC visit while dad is investigated. Carver County has temporary custody. Patient has history of developmental delay. No sexualized behaviors toward other kids, mostly with self, while playing with dolls and adults.
Having DX completed this week. County pursuing a variety of options


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: self-harm. Patient has a history of self-harm, through primarily biting his arm, punching other things or scraping himself with a tack. Mom reported that today was the first time he self-harmed with a blade. Mom reporting increased aggression in the home and at school and feels that patient needs inpatient. Mom explained the patient is in a level 4 school setting. He recently did PHP at Prairie Care and was discharged after three days due to concerns about aggression and inappropriate sexual comments. Mom shared the patient has made comments about wanting to strangle others.
Mom explained that patient may already be on the waitlist for the Village Ranch residential treatment in Cokato. They are also exploring North Home in Bemidji. Mom reported that patient has been diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, PTSD and ASD. She also wonders about FASD due to his biological mothers, drug and alcohol use. Patient was adopted at age 7 by his adopted mom and adopted dad. Mom was his PCA in his last foster home for one year before adoption.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression. Patient currently lives with foster mom and dad, mother will soon be entering IRTS but intends to take son back afterward. Patient has been not been taking his medications and engaging in behavior that puts himself and others around him in danger. Patient has high sensory needs that if not attuned to will begin to hurt self and others. Patient was last admitted on 10/20/23 and was inpatient until stabilization. Patient has been attempting to “scratch out” his eyes and turn off devices of his fellow foster care children. Pt is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and significant early childhood trauma. Collateral reports that when pt takes meds, he can calm down. Patient is non-verbal.


Patient presents to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression, verbal agitation. Patient is court-ordered not to go home. He has a probation officer due to theft charges and assaulting his father in the spring. Patient was in a group home from May, until approximately three weeks ago, after making allegations of physical abuse by group home staff. Patient has been at The Bridge for Youth Shelter for three weeks. Patient became mad and started throwing things, became rough with others, and was unable to calm down. Patient has a potential group home placement, but it isn’t available until 11/14/23.


Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: physical aggression. Patient became escalated at home, following his PCA staff leaving for the night. Details on the escalation are unclear at this time. Patient is diagnosed with Autism with little to no verbalization. Patient has a case manager, PCA support for before and after school until 8 pm, and on weekends from 8 am – 8 pm. Patient has a history of biting himself, scratching himself, and aggressive behaviors towards others. Patient historically escalates before/after school, and after his PCA staff leave for the night. Patient has been to the ED 19 times in 2023, due to aggression/symptoms of ASD.


Brought to ED after altercation with mom (family adopted patient after years of fostering). Patient went after mom with a knife, patient reports conflicting stories about incident and what she remembers happened. Had been in residential over a year ago. Was recently suspended from school for 10 days after getting into a fight with another student. Unclear if there have been any other incidents of this nature with mom or family, however, mom is not feeling safe if patient were to return home. CPS is involved, Nexus is now involved, but no placement options on horizon at this time.


9/28: Youth still awaits placement to RTC.
9/19: Accepted to Nexus FACTS to assist with Placement Coordination.

9/14/23 UPDATE: Nexus YCT program looking into helping with this child.
Patient is presenting to the ED for the following concerns: verbal agitation, physical aggression, significant behavioral change, abuse or neglect, anxiety, worsening psychosocial stress, suicidal ideation, depression. Patient was staying at a crisis residence after discharging from the ED on 9/1/23. Police were called due to patient becoming aggressive/violent, dysregulated and exhibiting SI/HI plans and threats. Staff at the crisis residence do not feel safe keeping patient at the home due to her violent outbursts, and fear for other residents’ safety.
Patient is a Hennepin County state ward. She has an extensive history of childhood trauma, including neglect, physical abuse, and suspected sexual abuse. She was also prenatally exposed to cocaine. Patient’s grandmother adopted her, who fled with the patient to a different state. Her grandmother’s rights were terminated, and patient has been living in foster care with her aunt since the end of June 2023. Prior to that, patient was living in a group home for approx. six months in Duluth, after completing residential treatment at Northwoods. She arrived to the ED on 08/09/23 following an episode of significant behavioral dysregulation involving throwing furniture down the stairs. She was subsequently admitted to 7ITC and discharged on 08/28/23, returning to the ED on 8/28, and discharging to crisis residence on 9/1. Has a CPS worker, who is her guardian, but no other services/case managers.


Patient presents with SI and HI and auditory hallucinations. Attempted to wrap blanket around his neck in the ER on 10/28/23 in an attempt to end his life. Hears voices telling him to hurt others. Intellectual disability (FSIQ 67)


Patient presents to the emergency department for the 4th time in 12 days. Patient was discharged from the hospital, went home with his mother, and got into a verbal argument in the car. Patient reports his mother kicked him out of the house, so he went to school. Patient arrived at school and was told that he was not allowed to be there due to historical violent threats against other students, so school staff called police. Patient has recently engaged in property damage at his home and made homicidal threats towards his step-father.
Patient’s father is incarcerated for murder. Patient’s mother has history of childhood sexual trafficking. Patient has ongoing parent-child conflict. Patient has no history of inpatient mental health admission or intensive outpatient treatment. Patient is involved in a youth runaway program. Patient has a school social worker. Patient has established medication management.
Patient’s mother is refusing to pick patient up due to homicidal threats towards family.