
Patient presented from Prairie Care PHP due to aggression and dysregulated behaviors. PHP unwilling to accept patient back, mother unwilling to take home at this time and cites need for RTC. No RTC referrals made currently. Patient needs support in short term placement while outpatient team supports long term plan and placement. Has been in the ED 4 other times. Back and forth from ED to home. No letter of rec. for residential at the moment. Working on it. There is a case mgr, working on a care conference currently.


Patient brought in to ED by case manager after her group home discharged her due to ongoing behaviors and aggression. Case manager did not have alternate placement and therefore patient now boarding in ED until new placement can be found. Patient in need of shelter or crisis respite placement while longer term placement is found. Awaiting funding.


Patient is an 8 yr old that has a history of disruptive behaviors at school and at home. She has a history of PTSD ADHD reactive attachment disorder and is on quite a few meds for behavioral health. Apparently she did not sleep well last night and woke up this morning threatening to kill her family members and herself. She continued to escalate at home to the point where mom called psychiatry and they recommended that she come to the ED. She arrives in ED out of control hitting, biting, kicking, and screaming. Mom states that this type of behavior for her has happened frequently in the past but has not had an episode like this for a year or two. She apparently is doing quite well in school and has not had any recent issues. Mom states that when she has these outbursts or crisis that this is typical where she has just a sudden change in her behavior and becomes violent at home. She has not missed any of her medications. Mom denies fever, no recent cough no abdominal pain no nausea vomiting or other recent infections. Mom states that in the remote past she has had a UTI with high fever but typically infections have not caused behavior issues. Patient has an established psychiatrist and has had numerous hopitalizations regarding same issues. Started having visual hallucination yesterday, medication adjustment decreased (risperdal) decreased a couple of months ago with the thoughts that this may be contributing. Biological mother has history of bipolar disorder and grandmother and cousin has history affective schizoid disorder. For the past week her behaviors have been escalating and has been getting harder and harder to negotiate with child. She has threatened to kill her 3 yr old brother and mom concerned for safety of other children in the home.


Patient arrived from Divine Institue due to aggressive behaviors towards a peer, unable to return to facility. County working on shelter referrals and long term placement options.


Presented from home following an episode of aggressive behaviors. History of FAS, parents do not feel safe with patient returning to their home. Seeking crisis respite or shelter placement for patient. Has been calm and cooperative in the ED.


Patient presented to the ED after self-presenting to a police station reporting herself as a run away. Ran away from shelter for about one week and reports staying with friends. County is guardian and looking at shelter or kinship placement options.


Patient presented from aunt’s home where she has been in foster placement, however aunt unwilling to allow to return home following an altercation about her cell phone. Unable to return to foster placement and CPS does not have immediate options for placement alternatives. Presents with aggression primarily toward family. HX of abuse.


Patient presented from Aspen House due to suicidal ideation and aggression. He has stabilized and is at baseline level of functioning. Patient unable to return to Aspen House and does not have an alternative placement he can go to. CPS looking into long term placement options. Presents with aggression and suicidal ideation, elopement.


Patient presented to the ED from school reporting suicidal ideation. Is able to safety plan for discharge however mother not answering calls and unable to discharge related to this. Historically has been in crisis respite placement after mother refused home last fall from a hospital stay.


Patient presenting from home due to dysregulation and aggressive behaviors towards family. Parents state they do not feel safe taking patient home until he is in RTC and refuse to discharge from the ED. Has case management, unclear where family is at in process of RTC referrals.