
Update 5/16/24: Still on Empath. Cancelled follow up visit/pursuit of ChildServe due to county not being able to provide out of state funding. Starting over with contacting facilities in MN. Enriched living extensive waitlist, Beacon sent referral for long term crisis placement, Dragon fly still reviewing, JD homes reviewing, REM reviewing.
Update 5/9/24: Still on Empath unit. Being reviewed by ChildServe for potential placement out of state. County also pursuing waiver for adult group home.
Update 4/15/24: Still on the Empath unit and continues to do well. MN Choice Assessment completed last week. Referral made to ChildServe in Iowa.
Update 3/21/24: Still on Empath unit, doing well. Stearns county has guardianship, still working on CADI waiver. Referral made to Dragonfly.
Update:3/7/24: On Empath unit, used for assessments and stabilization. 48 hour stay. Doesn’t need hospital. Needs to be assigned a social worker. On a chips hold. Going to need a CADI waiver.
Patient is diagnosed with Soto’s syndrome and is non-verbal with significant developmental delay and suspected cognitive functioning of a toddler. Dad dropped her off at the ER with reports that he is not willing to bring her back home as he and mom are aging and are unable to manage her any longer as they have other disabled children in the home and mom has health issues. Patient has a chronic history of slapping herself, biting herself and others, and pulling hair. Patient is incontinent of bowel and bladder and requires significant assistance with ADL’s including toileting, bathing, dressing, and eating. Family currently has no supportive services in place with the exception of psychiatry. CPS report was filed with court scheduled Monday morning. Not aggressive or violent since in ER. Compliant. 1:1 since she’s on an adult unit.


Came to ED on 5/09/24 via police after increase in suicidal ideation. Pt reports being bullied at her group home, was at Divine. Divine is not allowing pt to return. No physical aggression, continues to have suicidal ideation without attempts. County is working on Group Home placements- wait listed at North Crow, has explored shelters, foster cares- denied by those. Referral was made for MCCP crisis bed and working on hotel crisis respite referrals, as well as CRS homes.


Patient came to the ED on 5/4 after running away from her foster care. Patient reports she does not want to return to that foster care. County is guardian and CPS/ICWA worker is exploring shelters, denied from Dignity House and Passageways, still waiting to hear from Brittney’s Place. Elopement is main behavioral concern currently, pt did not like the foster care she was in. Not suicidal or violent according to foster parent.


Pt came into ED on 5/4 via ambulance after property destruction at home. Parent is refusing to pick up. Was previously at Gerard for 45 day eval- discharged on 3/22 to parent. Has a DD waiver CM through the County and they report that he has been approved for out of home placement, making referrals for waiver paid crisis beds and group homes. He has a mild intellectual disability and has some auditory hallucinations that are baseline for pt, Gerard assessment suspected schizophreniform disorder, provisionally.


Patient came to ED on 5/1 after altercation at home with parents. Parents are refusing to pick up, they have told hospital they were coming to pick up, but then do not come. Was previously referred for dual diagnosis IOP, but went for one day and refused to go again. Parents are struggling with behaviors at home, refusing to go to school, drug use (marijuana), refusing mental health care, and med refusal. Has SW embedded from PD involved. CPS is currently investigating, waiting for further direction from them regarding if County plans to pursue out of home placement.


Pt came to ED after ongoing behavioral concerns at home with guardian/grandmother, physical and verbal aggression, and threats. Previously discharged from CADI GH for physical aggression, went to JDC for that but was released after a rule 20. Declined by North Homes, Northwoods, and CABHH. A CADI home in Duluth that may be an option.


Patient came to our ED after a physical altercation with another resident at Aspen House, is not able to return there. Has been to multiple shelters and RTCs in the past, success with some of these programs. County is looking at other shelters as well as waiting for a previous provider to send recommendation for PRTF. Has been denied by VOA Bar None- all programs, can’t return to Von Wald shelters, discharged previously from Prairie Care, and can’t return to Aspen. 3rd time in the ED in a month.


Came to our ED after physical altercation with another resident at Prairie Care Residential, can not return there. History of multiple inpatient admissions and PHP. Grandma is guardian and pt is unable to return there due to another child living there that pt can’t be placed with. CMH worker has made multiple RTC referrals and patient has been denied by almost all. Currently looking into a RTC out of state in TN, however this provider does not have a contract so would be a long time before this placement was obtained. Also looking at shelter options.


Came to ED 4/5 after some property destruction at family home. Previously in FV’s PHP program. Mom refusing to pick up and refusing family first services in home. County now has temporary custody for out of home placement, has not been in out of home placement previously. Ongoing CPS worker assigned 4/18 and is starting placement search.


Presented from foster care home after making threats to shoot foster parents and himself. History of PTSD, RAD, IQ of 62. Ongoing aggressive behaviors and impulsivity in the home. Foster parents do not feel safe with patient returning home and is in need of new long term placement. CM has explored Dragonfly, Newport academy, RSI, Genesis, Meridian, Beacon, Twin Ports, Pine City crisis, Northstar community respite. CM/guardian allowed our team to make Nexus YCT referral so intake with them for placement coordination is 4/17.