
Patient has a history of DMDD, PTSD, ADHD, intellectual disability with FSIQ of 50, TBI, as well as seizures and psychogenic non epileptiform seizures who presents from group home where she has been aggressive and threatening to staff and other house mates. She attacked another resident there. This resident is pursuing legal charges. The patient continues to describe intent to harm other residents and staff if she goes back there, as she wants a different group home. The group home has given letter of termination and suspension. Hennepin County is patient’s guardian. County is looking into previous respite home she was at as an option, as she did really well there prior to coming to this group home 1 month ago. This same situation occurred with the same group home last fall where they terminated her and brought her to the ER.


Update: Has been accepted at CABHH but discharge there has been delayed due to pts not discharging from their facility.

Pt was at North Homes, then was in Fairview’s inpatient unit for 35 days. Was going to return to North Homes from there, in transport there on 3/27 pt attempted to overdose on pills stating he didn’t want to go back to North Homes and was brought back to Fairview ED where he is currently boarding. Prior to being at North Homes he was at CABHH. County team have referred to Nexus Mille Lacs- long wait and Passageways. Hospital referred to Nexus YCT.


Pt was in residential at Prairie Care and was discharged due to behaviors/property destruction/aggression, not allowed to return. Just switched custody from one CPS worker to another so details of history are not complete, but information is being gathered. Know she was previously in out of state placement in Oklahoma where she was discharged due to physical aggression. County is looking at VOA- Bar None Haven and Nexus East Bethel, and hospital is referring to Nexus YCT.


Pt came to ED 3/25 after being on the run for a few weeks. Was previously at hotel crisis respite prior to being on the run, damaged property there and can not return. County is current guardian, though patient turns 18 very shortly and will be his own guardian at that time. History of behaviors, verbal and physical aggression and property destruction. Has been denied from shelters due to behaviors and previously denied from RTCs in and out of state, though due to age would no longer be an option. Refuses all mental health services and has not had a DA since 2020. Is on CADI waiver. Recommendation on weekly call to discuss benefits of IRTS program/treatment with him.


This patient presented to Ridgeview Medical Center via P.D. after running from his home. He was found in the woods nearby his home with a knife (patient has an ankle monitoring device). Patient reportedly desires out-of-home placement and verbalized plans to use the knife to harm kids who bully him at school. Patient has a significant history of running away from home with more than 30 reported incidents. Patient maintains a desire not to return home at this time. Carver Co. holds temporary decision making authority over patient, by court order.


Patient presented to ED due to concerns of sexual abuse. Patient has extensive history of eloping from home to meet up with adult men she met online and have sex with them. Mom does not feel she can keep her safe at home due to her risky behaviors.