Previously diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD . Numerous admissions to psychiatric hospitals and Emergency Departments because of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and self-injury. History of CPS, county mental health case managers and crisis services. Plan to jump off a bridge. Self injury has included cutting, scratching, burning and head banging.
Race/Ethnicity: Black or African American
Came to our ED on 11/28 following and altercation at home with Grandma who is custodian, that led her to eloping 11/27 and then was picked up by police. Grandma is refusing to let her return. CPS is getting involved as family situation is complicated and not ideal. Previously boarded in our ED 4/24-5/29. Has previously been denied by most residential programs. Needing an updated DA- which County and our team are trying to work on, but due to previous residential denials are not confident this will help with placement. Has CMH worker.
Pt is adopted, Pts parents signed a voluntary out of home agreement with Rice County, Pt has not been home in approximately 3yrs. Numerous failed placements due to aggression. There has been zero movement in regard to placement options. Patient is very aggressive and has been so on the psychiatric unit. Pt presents with all the symptoms of RAD
The patient presented to HCMC emergency department on 11/13/24 with police after running away from home. He is still currently in HCMCs emergency department. He was found on a metro transit bus where he became agitated, fighting and fleeing from officers, making suicidal comments. When in the emergency department the patient significantly agitated, pacing room, yelling. He began destroying hospital property and was physically restrained by security and placed in pediatric violent restraints. He repeatedly shouted, “just kill me” and threatening harm to self and staff. He has been angry and agitated about his situation at home. When he doesn’t get his way with his mother, he acts out, runs away from home, and he places himself in danger as he is impulsive and does things that place himself at risk. The patient was given sedatives for the agitation and heightened state on two different occasions so far.
Presented to the emergency department at HCMC on 11/9/24 for suicidal ideation. The patient ran away from home two hours prior to arrival at the ED. He was encountered by police and was very upset, refusing to go home because he did not like it there. Made suicidal comments, prompting PD to bring patient to the ED. Patient currently is adamantly denying any suicidal attempts this evening. He endorses self-harming in the past by punching himself in the head, no self-harm tonight. He reports that he feels safe at home, but that he does not want to be there because it is boring.
He was at an inpatient psychiatric from 9/6/24-9/24/24, which was his first inpatient hospitalization. The patient was brought in by ambulance from school after an aggressive outburst. Patient was verbalizing suicidal thoughts. He was aggressive in school and required ketamine and restraints during transport. Patient presenting with episodic episodes of dysregulation of such magnitude that he requires multiple psychotropic medications as well as physical restraints to calm him down for his safety and that of others.
This kiddo came to our ED on 10/21 because she did not have any other placement. County currently has custody. She was previously at Niama House where she had physical aggression toward staff on 10/19. They brought her to the ED on 10/21 and discharged her from their program. She previously boarded in our ED from 4/25-6/20, also due to needing placement.
Patient presented to the ER following an intentional overdose to end her life and had just started PHP the week of admission. She had an additional overdose of the same medications in March 2023 and has had reported several other suicide attempts. Patient is on probation for assaulting her mother and has a history of running away, physical & verbal aggression, sexual misconduct (sending nude photos of herself to adult males for money), alcohol/chemical use, school difficulties, and parent/child conflict.
Pt presented after eloping from foster placement. Needing long term placement. Difficult placement with history of substance use, possible gang affiliation, elopement, substance use – THC, nicotine.
Recommendation is now for level 6 PRTF. Patient is currently in psychiatric inpatient hospitalization.
Patient is a 16-year-old who identifies as non-binary using they/them. They presented to inpatient from ED due to increased SI. This is patient’s 14th psychiatric inpatient hospitalization. They have participated in outpatient services and PHP historically.
Patient was initially recommended for level 5 QRTP by inpatient providers although Dakota County recommended level 6 PRTF.
Discharge Plans:
PRTF (county determination/recommendation – DHS approved)
-Nexus East Bethel (referral submitted & under review)
-Grafton (not an option as they do not meet admission criteria)
-Northwood (referral submitted; two year waitlist)
RTC: (county declined funding for level 5 QRTP, recommended Level 6)
-Avanti (declined)
-Gerard (referral sent, unable to move forward due to lack of funding)
-North Homes (referral sent, unable to move forward due to lack of funding)
Established outpatient providers:
Individual Therapist: Your Vision
Psychiatrist: Associated Clinic of Psychology
PCP: Allina Healthcare
CMHCM: Dakota County
PO: Dakota County
17 y/o male with MDD with psychotic features, neurodevelopmental disorder, intellectual disability. He recently discharged from CABHS. Waiting for MSCOCS placement hopefully will be admitted on 10/2. There concern of excessive irritability, agitation, disorganized thoughts, delusions, history of auditory or visual hallucinations, history of self injury and impulsive behaviors leaving to being in dangerous situations.
Pt per chart presented 9/15/2024 d/t sent from JAF facility after agitation episode during which pt expressed self-harm ideation via electric outlets. Of note this is a behavior for which he has been sent to ED multiple times and regulates in ED and has been sent back. However, currently facility is not agreeing to take pt back and apparently for the past 5 days since last visit, there has been a plan to discharge pt if there was 1 more ED visit, which is current visit.